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Everything posted by misaking[X]

  1. Nateracu Zhabu da igra!!!! On je pro RU! Ja cu mu davati moralnu podrsku :D P.s. koliko dugo nisam bio ovde :D
  2. Ovo ce biti main topic za prodaju D3 golda. Trenutno ortak i ja imamo preko 2 bilion na prodaju. Svi zainteresovani mogu da me dodaju na skype shomiwsu ili u inbox ovde. Sto se tice poverenja ovde sam jako dugo i poznat na nasoj wc3 old school sceni. Dosta ljudi me zna irl sa nekih turnira i ko zna cega. Misaking davnih dana ili Shmeksi u relativno skorije wow vreme. Kao sto rekoh, ako nekog zanima neka baci msg. P.s. drugi topic moze delete.
  3. Postavio sam topic na wow account forumu da prodajem acc. Taj isti acc koji je na ovom topicu bih menjao za d3 gold. http://forum.klanrur.rs/index.php?showtopic=234928771 Na tom accu ima oko 21k golda, ima i d3 sa lvl 10 paragon demonom, nekih 15k achie poena, 15/16 heroic killova ovaj tier. I milion nekih gluposti jos. Za sve dodatne informacije i ponude bacite PM
  4. Postavio sam topic na wow account forumu da prodajem acc. Taj isti acc koji je na ovom topicu bih menjao za d3 gold. http://forum.klanrur.rs/index.php?showtopic=234928771 Na tom accu ima oko 21k golda, ima i d3 sa lvl 10 paragon demonom, nekih 15k achie poena, 15/16 heroic killova ovaj tier. I milion nekih gluposti jos. Za sve dodatne informacije i ponude bacite PM
  5. Imam na prodaju oko bilion sada i moze bgd uzivo ili nis. Cena je 2000 din na 100miliona.
  6. Sto se tice wda probao sam bear spec i iskreno mi je smor. Trazim neki zanimljiviji spec. Acid cu probati cim uzmem komp u ponedeljak.
  7. Imam barbu sa nekih 110k dpsa sa nekim srednje zalosnim gearom i lvl 30ak. Eh sada, izlwvelovao sam WD i razmisljam koga da dignem.na 60 i da gearam Igrao sam sa dh do 1.0.4 ili tako nesto na drugom acc. Posto sam ae smorio rekoh da pitam od svih sta mislite da gearam posto imam okk 400mil da potrosim. Monka nisam igrao. Malo da se baci rasprava :)
  8. Prodajem 400miliona eu d3 gold ofc. Trenutno sam u nisu, ali mozda dodjem za vikend u bg. Cena je 10 hiljada dinara. Pm ako je neko zaintetesovan
  9. Da ne bih prevodio ovo je repost topica pre 2 meseca. Ovaj acc je i dalje na prodaju Anyways, Basically this account has 15k+ achie points , it has 150+ mounts including Time Lost Proto Drake, Blue Drake, VoA mount, Rag HC mount, DS HC mount, White Polar bear, White hawkstrider, "Repair" mount, HH mount and many others. I can go more into detail if needed. Main Char is a Boomkin that has 506 ilvl, It has 15/16 Heroics from this tier. It has full malevolent gear for PvP also as boomkin. It has more than 40+ feats of strenght. Full heroic clear achies from cata all pre-nerf. It also has a lvl 90 paladin, lvl 87 rogue with OH glaive from BT, lvl 85 priest, lvl 85 hunter, lvl 80 Shaman, and some others. Rare titles are Herald, Bloodsail Bucaneer, Brawler (killed every mob in brawlers guild),the diplomat, 2k rated RBG title, and many others. I can go into more details but i dont think its necessary at this moment. If you are interested leave a post. Ko je zainteresovan neka baci ponudu na PM. Poz
  10. Samo sam hteo sve da vas obavestim da je ovaj lik scammer i da me je zajebao. Ko me jebe kad menjam coveka kod koga kupujem. Sad mogu da se jebem u bulju na suvo.
  11. DraganBGD Gametime scammer! Topic koji je zakljucan ispod ovoga decko me je prevario za gold, nije dao radece gamecardove. Cisto da vas upozorim da vas ne zajebe kao i mene. Edit by Kemp DraganBGD wowgoldeuserbia wowrafsrbija Cisto da bude preglednije, ovde cu dodavati usere koje bi trebali da zaobidjete.
  12. wts 499 ilvl boomkin full pvp gear 15k achi 150mountova vise. hitno! 500e'

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. misaking[X]


      Mojne, previse je to.

    3. Wojwodaa


      tesko druze da ces prodati i za 50e ali aj

    4. misaking[X]


      Negde ce se naci neki kupac :)

  13. Ukratko prekopiracu sta sam napisao na engleskom na drugom sajtu da ne bih prevodio sada :) Anyways, Basically this account has 15k+ achie points , it has 150+ mounts including Time Lost Proto Drake, Blue Drake, VoA mount, Rag HC mount, DS HC mount, White Polar bear, White hawkstrider, "Repair" mount, HH mount and many others. I can go more into detail if needed. Main Char is a Boomkin that has 498 ilvl, It has 9+ Heroics from this tier. It has almost full malevolent gear for PvP also as boomkin. It has more than 38+ feats of strenght. Full heroic clear achies from cata all pre-nerf. It also has a lvl 90 paladin, lvl 87 rogue with OH glaive from BT, lvl 85 priest, lvl 85 hunter, lvl 80 Shaman, and some others. Rare titles are Herald, Bloodsail Bucaneer, Brawler (killed every mob in brawlers guild),the diplomat, 2k rated RBG title, and many others. I can go into more details but i dont think its necessary at this moment. If you are interested leave a post. Ne zanimaju me ponude ispod 600e. Ako je neko zainteresovan neka baci pm, pa da pricamo.
  14. Prodajem 500k na Tarren mill Horda. Cena je 65e na 100k.
  15. Prodajem WoW Acc 3x lvl 90. Ilvl 484 na mainu pve - 3/6 hc - 6/6 HoF. 14k+ achie poenta. 140mountova... itd /pm me

  16. WTS WoW nalog sa 2x lvl 90! 3/6 HC Boomkin 482 ilvl, ret pala 90 463 pve gear. Boomkin ima jednu cetvrtinu Malevolant geara i ostatak honor. 14k achie poena. pm sa ponudama Uplaceno 2 meseca pre 2 dana

  17. Postavio sam oglas u WoW accounts, pa ako nekog zanima neka pogleda tamo za vise informacija.
  18. Hitno Prodajem Bnet Acc - Pogledati WoW accounts forum za vise informacija

  19. Evo Ovako, prestajem da igram igru i zelim da prodam acc. Pande necu igrati i to je to. Ima 5-6 lvl 85 likova, 1 lvl 80 lik + lvl 75lik warrior na Tarren millu. Outland Horde Druid Bis Boomkin gear i resto za levelovanje (main), Rogue, Paladin, Priest, Hunter lvl 85 + shaman lvl 80 Ukupno ima 135 Mountova + 142 peta - dosta retkih. Sve heroice uradjene u Kataklizmi pre nerfova. Ima oko 40ak FoS Titule kao sto je herald, ambasador, savior of azeroth, of the horde (100k Honorable killova), Firelord, Dragonslayer... Mountovi kao sto su Time lost proto drake, Blue drake, Deathwing HC mount, Rag hc mount, itd itd.... Imam sve profesije izlevelovane do maksimuma preko tih likova, tako da moze da se farma odmah. Ako vas jos nesto zanima bacite PM. Ozbiljne ponude samo, zahvaljujem.
  20. Hello everyone, I just wanted to let you guys know that tonight upon the release of D3 i will be streaming until i pass out at my keyboard! Other than D3 week, I stream 25m hc raiding by Solidarity each wednesday and a lot of random stuff! Like battlemaster achies / rbg at 2k rating / some bad arena / idling etc! :P On May 23rd there will be a race in DS 8/8 HC (unfortunately with 20% nerf) Solidarity vs Nightwatchers at 20h. Best two ranked guilds on outland in this tier. I will also play LoL and whatever seems fun at the moment. http://www.twitch.tv/shmeksialicious If you enjoy ur stay, make sure to follow and check me out :) To je na engleskom da ne bih prekucavao sve :) Streamujem kad sam za kompom itd! Svasta nesto se desava, uglavnom na engleskom se prica osim ako ne blejim sa ortacima na ventu! :P
  21. Samo da prepisem ono sto sam vec postavljao na nekim forumima na engleskom, ali i ovde da postavim ako nekog zanima! Hello everyone, I just wanted to let you guys know that tonight upon the release of D3 i will be streaming until i pass out at my keyboard! Other than D3 week, I stream 25m hc raiding by Solidarity each wednesday and a lot of random stuff! Like battlemaster achies / rbg at 2k rating / some bad arena / idling etc! :P On May 23rd there will be a race in DS 8/8 HC (unfortunately with 20% nerf) Solidarity vs Nightwatchers at 20h. Best two ranked guilds on outland in this tier. I will also play LoL and whatever seems fun at the moment. http://www.twitch.tv/shmeksialicious If you enjoy ur stay, make sure to follow and check me out :)
  22. Pve: Balance 393(395) ilvl equip. Ima 3-4 bis itema skoro full epic gem. Resto gear 383 Equip + Ima dovoljno VP da se kupi ring za resto! 378 umesto 372. Na liku ima 87 essence’s sifonovanih (4 nedelje do legendaria na 10m hc) Imam achi za 3/8 HC bossova trenutno. Ove nedelje cu ubiti I verovatno jos 2 na kojima nisam bio. Ako treba sacekacu da ubijem dw hc. Zavisi od dogovora. U Jednom od top guildova je. PvP : Poceo sam da skupljam boomkin pvp stvari. Imam par komada trenutno. Full ruthless feral iz s10. Top titule – Deathwing’s Demise.Firelord, Dragonslayer, Of the four winds, Leggionaire, Avenger of Hyjal, kao I Light of dawn I bane of the fallen king. Ukljucene su titule world eventa kao – the hallowed, brewmaster, merrymaker,flame keaper, love fool. Mountovi – green-proto drake, great brewfest kodo, fossilized raptor, volcanic stone drake, wooly mammoth, travelers tundra mammoth, Swift White HawkStrider,Tailroing mountovi, eng mountovi + mechano hog, ukupno 85 mountova na ovom liku, netherwing rep itd. 10060 Achievement poena, sto ukljucuje sve heroic bossove u Kataklizmi sem Nefariana I Ascendant Councila. 117 companion Profesije su Tailoring I BS. Alt – rogue Ima 397 set legendary daggera. Pve gear je 379 equip naravno sa 4 setom + hc Legs. Ima combat I muti gear (zamenjeni weapon I jos koji item, ali su dosta slicni) Pvp gear nema Mountovi – Headless horseman, swift brewfest ram Titule ima 3 brewmaster, patient, nightfall Ubijena 4 hc bossa u FL. Feat of str : Horseman reins, green brewfest stein, did somebody order a knuckle sandwich, 500 stone keepers shards, master of arms, spirit of competition, competitors tabard, wow 4th I 6th anniversary Profesije JC I Alchemy 525 Bivsi main - Pve gear 379 Ret spec. Pvp gear nema Titule – Bloodsail admiral, Diplomat, the argent champion + sve titule of the (silvermoon, sen’jin, orgrimmar, undercity, thunder bluff, silvermoon etc.) , crusader, guardian of cenarius. I naravno neke world evenr titule kao elder, matron,brewmaster, noble, love fool. Mountova ima 82 medju kojima su cenarion war hippo, netherwing rep mountovi, svi Nether ray mountovi, Time-lost proto drake,red Qiraj Mount, Swift white hawkstrider,BLUE DRAKE,thallassian charger, VENOMHIDE ravasaur, travelers’ tundra mammoth I mnogi drugi. 61 companion Feat of Str – Horseman reins, 2500 dungeon I raid emblems, green brewfest stein, A tribute to mad skill 10 player, swift white hawkstrider, deadliest catch, avast ye’admiral, venomhide ravasaur, Zul’aman, Zul’gurub, proof of demise, master of arms, why? Because its red, 100 stone keepers shards, knuckle sandwich, timear foresees, crashin’trashin’racer, onyxia lvl 60, wow 4th I 6th anniversary. 6845 achievement poena, skoro nema nijedan iz kataklizme tako da je lako nagurati to ako neko bude zainteresovan, 27 exhalted reputacija (fale iz kataklizme tako da moze da se dodje do 32) Lvl 80 hunter Ima tribute to mad skill 10player, 1000 stonkeepers shards, 1000 dungeon emblem 4325 achievement poena, argent hippo mount, 11 exhalted reputacija, kingslayer. Takodje na account ima lvl 74 warrior. Ozbiljne ponude slati na PM ! Takodje ako vas nesto zanima pustite PM
  23. Pve: Balance 384 ilvl equip ( Sa DMV) Fale 2 itema za potpuni BiS. (shannox ring i wpn) - (rag hc dps trinket ima) Resto gear 383 Equip + Ima dovoljno VP da se kupi ring za resto! 378 umesto 372. Na liku ima 258 Cindera za legendary. PvP : Feral – Ruthless trinkets, 5 delova ruthless gear 2/5 set plus 3 off seta ruthless. Ima 1.8k rating u RBG ove sezone. Sve ostalo je vicious. Oruzije iz s9. Top titule – Firelord, Dragonslayer, Of the four winds, Leggionaire, Avenger of Hyjal, kao I Light of dawn I bane of the fallen king. Ukljucene su titule world eventa kao – the hallowed, brewmaster, merrymaker,flame keaper, love fool. Mountovi – green-proto drake, great brewfest kodo, fossilized raptor, volcanic stone drake, wooly mammoth, travelers tundra mammoth, icc10m bloodbathed vanquisher, Tailroing mountovi, eng mountovi + mechano hog, ukupno 69 mountova na ovom liku. 7690k Achievement poena, sto ukljucuje sve heroic bossove u Kataklizmi sem Nefariana I Ascendant Councila. 102 companiona Profesije su Tailoring I LW sa 5 lw firelands recepta. U inventaru ima jos neki feral pve gear ali oko 365 ilvl gear je. Fali turnir za Salty titulu. Nalazi se u jednom od najboljih 100 guildova na svetu. 45k golda Alt – rogue Pve gear je 379 equip naravno sa 4 setom + hc Legs. Ima combat I muti gear (zamenjeni weapon I jos koji item, ali su dosta slicni) Pvp gear nema Mountovi – Headless horseman, swift brewfest ram Titule ima 3 brewmaster, patient, nightfall Ubijena 4 hc bossa u FL. Feat of str : Horseman reins, green brewfest stein, did somebody order a knuckle sandwich, 500 stone keepers shards, master of arms, spirit of competition, competitors tabard, wow 4th I 6th anniversary Profesije JC I Alchemy 525 Ima OH glaive. 65k golda Bivsi main - Paladin Pve gear 361 Ret spec. Nista specijalno nisam ga previse dirao Pvp gear nema Titule – Bloodsail admiral, Diplomat, the argent champion + sve titule of the (silvermoon, sen’jin, orgrimmar, undercity, thunder bluff, silvermoon etc.) , crusader, guardian of cenarius. I naravno neke world evenr titule kao elder, matron,brewmaster, noble, love fool. Mountova ima 82 medju kojima su cenarion war hippo, netherwing rep mountovi, svi Nether ray mountovi, Time-lost proto drake,red Qiraj Mount, Swift white hawkstriderthallassian charger, VENOMHIDE ravasaur, travelers’ tundra mammoth I mnogi drugi. 61 companion Feat of Str – Horseman reins, 2500 dungeon I raid emblems, green brewfest stein, A tribute to mad skill 10 player, swift white hawkstrider, deadliest catch, avast ye’admiral, venomhide ravasaur, Zul’aman, Zul’gurub, proof of demise, master of arms, why? Because its red, 100 stone keepers shards, knuckle sandwich, timear foresees, crashin’trashin’racer, onyxia lvl 60, wow 4th I 6th anniversary. 6730 achievement poena, skoro nema nijedan iz kataklizme tako da je lako nagurati to ako neko bude zainteresovan, 27 exhalted reputacija (fale iz kataklizme tako da moze da se dodje do 32) Lvl 80 hunter Ima tribute to mad skill 10player, 1000 stonkeepers shards, 1000 dungeon emblem 4325 achievement poena, argent hippo mount, 11 exhalted reputacija, kingslayer. Takodje na account ima lvl 74 warrior. Posaljite PM sa ponudom ako ste zainteresovani
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