Unless you have arranged for your internet service provider to provide you with a second IP address, chances are your computers are sharing an internet connection, and thus an internet IP address. Neither Diablo, Warcraft II: Battle.net Edition, nor StarCraft support multiple computers with the same internet IP address connecting to the same game on Battle.net. Battle.net is unable to split the game data between the two computers effectively in these cases. You may be able to contact your internet service provider to get an additional IP address to solve this problem.
Ako resisi taj problem odradi ovo: (mada ces ovo jako tesko odraditi jer obicno svi dobijaju samo 1 ip adresu..)
Warcraft III:
* Allow port 6112 TCP out and allow established sessions in
* Allow port 6112 TCP in (hosting custom games)
* Allow port 6113-6119 TCP out and in (hosting custom games if you