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The X
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Everything posted by LaG

  1. prvi deo je sranje nisam hteo da gledam drugi deo uopshte.....
  2. ahaha chekaj bre, ja sam ovog choveka upoznao na tvom rodjendanu miloshe??
  3. omg volim ga josh vishe sada :) btw, zhao mi shto nije cloud prso na kraju dobije jebeni metak i josh su ga napenalili duplim shotom materie i kao rezurekt :\
  4. pa eto vidish, a ja sam iz prve pokopchao stvari..... btw, shto niko ne pominje vincenta? on je meni ubedljivo najbolji karakter koji sam video u filmu posle njega cloud pa reno
  5. ja sam instalirao i nece da radi i da, prekopirao sam krek....
  6. Phoenix> Dude, wanna hear a fucked up story? Phoenix> So, Im at the usual weekend frat parties and i've been talking to this girl for the majority of the night. Phoenix> Anyway I ended up going back with her to her dorm. About another 8shots later, we end up fooling around on her bed. Phoenix> So about 10min's into her giving me head, I had to drop the fattest shit in my life. Phoenix> All my meals were followed by 3tsp of metamucil so I could get lots of fiber in me to combat the carbs a litte. Anyway im holdin my #2 in and finally it goes away. We both end up passing out on her bed, she's butt naked and im in my boxers. Phoenix> I wake up to piss and I find myself covered in shit. It was all over the bed,sheets,etc.... Im freakin out so I did the most horrible thing in the world. Phoenix> She's sleeping with her back towards me, so I take my boxers off, scoop up some shit and gently smear it on the inside of her butt, her lower back, and a little on the back of her hammies. Phoenix> I get dressed and leave... This poor girl is gonna think she did it. I didnt know what else to do though. I have no clue what im gonna do when I end up running into her.
  7. imash u mileticevoj 3, tamo radi moje keve dobar prijatelj stojshin milan ako ti bude usput overi
  8. DJs ARE EXPERT MIND READERS (courtesy of Q-Burns) When requesting a song from the DJ, just say "play my song", or "it goes something like this" then hum a few bars! We have a chip implanted in our heads with an unlimited database with the favorite tunes of every patron who ever walked into a bar & all songs ever recorded, so feel free to be vague, we love the challenge. If we do not remember exactly what tune you want, we're only kidding. DJs know every song ever recorded, so keep humming. Hum harder if need be ... it helps jog the memory. If a DJ tells you they do not know a song you want to hear, they either forgot that they know the tune or they are just putting you on. Try singing a few words for the DJ. Any words. It also helps to scream your request from across the room several times per set followed by the phrases, "AW COME ON!" and, "YOU SUCK!" Exaggerated hand gestures expressing disapproval from the dance floor are a big help as well, such as the thumbs down or your middle finger. Put-downs are the best way to jog a DJ
  9. x+2 = y...tamo su u osam, znachi oko lapo deset ce se smoriti i otici..... hmmm..... evo nishta, drkam knobove u reasonu, kontam oko lapo deset sam u teretani
  10. ja priveo ribu gajbi, je li i kazhe ona meni "e gari, aj jebi me iako se josh ne znamo" i ja reko ok, idem samo da se sredim (naravno idem da operem kitu, bilo je leto pa se usmrdela) i dok sam prao kitu podignem pogled na ogledalo i vidim chabulju ko sekira velika. neam pojma shto je htela da je ja jebem, mozhda joj je sunce ishlo u ochi ja reko sacu da se doteram, da je zasenim svojom preporodjenom lepotom i udri drzhi da iscedim chabulju ne da se ona, iskusna je matora (napomenucu da je braon bila ali se prelivalo malo i belichasto, kao kad josh niste dobro promeshali mleko u neskafi) i sad proshlo je tu vec vremena, je li. ljuta je borba bila kuc kuc, ja reko ne mozhe al ribi se izgleda zhurilo i otvara ona vrata, ja se okrecem ka njoj, ona otvara usta da mi kazhe kako mi je velika kita (josh je bila izvadjena) i PLJAF PLJAF napucaju obe opne i sad leti chabulja, razgranala se u tri parcheta. riba krece da dizhe ruke u stav zaklona ali kasno - sve upada u kosu i riba kazhe "pa nisi mi po ustima" i kazhe "kad cesh moci opet?" i ja reko "odma bejbe" bilo je to najbolje pushenje u mom zhivotu ali me je uhvatio blam jer kad ju je pustio ketamin shvatila je shta se desilo i onda je zvala moju mamu i rekla joj sve
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