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Everything posted by LaG

  1. LaG

    Company of Heroes

    nije dovoljno izbalansirana (niti ce ikad biti) da mozhe profi da se igra mp ali da je fun - jeste
  2. LaG

    Company of Heroes

    rol svi igraju i silovita je konkurencija i ja sam igrao sc dugo kao i war ali sam morao da predjem tutorijal i kampanju da bih skontao sve i onda da odigram josh 5 partija skirmisha da bih skontao na shta to lichi i tako... nemoj "videcemo" nisam ti ja rekao "OMG NOOB GO LEARN SOME SKILLZ" tj nisam rekao da cu te svakako prebiti vec sam rekao da uzmesh i igrash malo sam da skontash stvari, probaj par skirmisha sa kompom (iako se razlikuje od hvh, naravno) da ne bi krenuo da igrash samnom i na kraju partije da kazhesh "a oni tooo mogu"
  3. LaG

    Company of Heroes

    rofl gari aj odigraj jedno nedelju dana pa me onda iscimaj ako hocesh da se igrash
  4. reche kruko koji ide okolo za ljudima i govori im da smaraju/seru btw evo jedna juche sa mark eg-a a evo i jedno umetnichko delo
  5. LaG

    Company of Heroes

    dodaj me na msn reto skupljam sektu
  6. LaG

    Company of Heroes

  7. hvala ti shto si to podelila sa nama svaki tvoj post NIJE nepotreban i molim te da i ubuduce pishesh o svemu shto ti se deshava u zhivotu i ne zaboravi da ubacish i neko svoje zapazhanje tipa "voda nije tvrda" i slichno
  8. inache ja ovo kad sam ostavio na hns-u mara mi je rekla da sam seljak jer se smejem retardima eto, samo da znash shta tvoja bivsha misli o tebi
  9. LaG

    Company of Heroes

    da, vidim za sad nas ima 4 imam josh jednog ortaka u shteku ali on je sad opsednut fifom pa mu se ne igra coh al igrace ga za jedno nedelju dana svi skinite novu verziju dakle odete na multyplayer pa na internet i sam krene da skida mislim da je oko 8mb
  10. malo mi izgleda napaljenichki kao celina ali vizuelno rula
  11. LaG

    Company of Heroes

    pa ae cimajte me na msn bicu_ti_drug@hotmail.com ako svi koji kazhu dodju i stvarno se iscimaju bice nas za 3v3 ili tako neshto samo treba onda da vidimo ko bi bio najbolji host..
  12. LaG

    Company of Heroes

    ma brate... igrao sam juche sa jednim likom obojica smo loshi ko noge
  13. LaG

    Company of Heroes

    ajde josh neko preko hamachija da igra? hajli?
  14. kako su jebeno dobri ne mogu da prestanem da gledam lyrics: Arrr Uhhhh Guhhh Who's there? Ah uh ah (grunt) Now get outta here Huh, you fool get the fuck out Mhmm You ready? You Goddamn better believe it Then take your drawers off And work your legs Open your ass up Like a keg Let me tap it I must have it Furry fool, you are mine I'll drink your ass like wine And when semen pours all over your head You know you must be dead Skeletor, I knew ya groove And shake it so damn good And when you come through my hood I'll give you a piece of wood You furry fool, I know And I will not disagree But there's one thing we don't like And it starts with He- Man, oh no I don't know which way to run or turn Don't worry, Skeletor Your pants on fire my cock will burn My cock's on fire for more dick! You know Skeletor... Yes, my head is so damn thick like yours No brain inside, just a lot of fucking fur And if I ripped it off, you'd find A boy and call him her, right? No, Skeletor, that's not what I'd do I'd bend you over and shoot Hhhaaa, chocolate goo in your asshole Lemme lie Lemme tell the truth Now, who are you? I don't know. Let's break it true now Shake your ass, c'mon Beastman, shake your furry fur off I can't it's made of fur Bitch, well then whack me off Grab your hairy palms Hairy, hairy indeed They're hairy as fuck Rake some leaves Ahh, what ever you need. Now we're drunk, *snarl* we'll be in jail. But, I'll rape you master. It never fails. He's always got my ass on his mind, and it's sure in fact. When he waxes me, he waxes all night long and that is that. Now, Beastman, Beastman what do you know about taking off your clothes? You're just a slut from down below in Castle Greyskull, c'mon. ahh Skeletor I shaved my legs for you tonight, and if you see my cock I hope you go in fright. ahh Skeletor you made me do some coke, ahhh I'm up all night and its no joke. Furry fool, break dance, take off your furry pants, take off your high heels, and put them in your ass. Now somebody is tip toe-ing, and someone just came in. And someone's pretty fat. Beastman's pretty thin! I've got AIDS, Beastman AIDS, and I'll spread it into every good boy and girl today. Watch me give you cum stains in your fucking drawers. Beastman watch your mouth, we don't need that language any more. C'mon Skeletor, don't you wanna see me work it now? Beastman show them how you're going to get my ass and plow. Now stick your cock inside, like Rake Yohn fucking said. That faggot fuckin` douche bag only knows how to give head. Two men, in bed, his face is getting red. Ahh listen to everything i fucking said. *grunts and snarls* ah Beastman, do you, know how to end this song? znachi na ive got aids BEASTMAN AIDS se smejem najvishe
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