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The X
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Everything posted by sinister

  1. re...re...re...reflektor
  2. koja je fora sa onim generalima sto se stvaraju u gradu, sa kojim mozes da otvoris golden age? jel ima on jos neku svrhu? u borbi npr?
  3. Reports are that the Arsenal team were using their mobile phones as lighting in the dressing room as there was no power and one floodlight is not working as they warm-up. The match will not start unless the stadium has its' full allocation of lights.
  4. nema vas ni 30k peki strajnic je pobednik, realno sva sreca pa je chamakh bio prvi pick. malog wilshera su pokidali :))
  5. kako ste mrtvi svi, strasno :))
  6. cek.. sad nema arene na sbb-u, tako? jel moguce p.s. +1 za sranje event, zali boze dloada, a tek vas koji ste cekali :)
  7. pejo, jel moguce da si ga banovao zbog onoga? :)
  8. pa kakvo je to otvaranje studia bez dakija :/
  9. a najbolji mi je bio komentator u jednom trenutku "wenger odmara igraca pred put u beograd"
  10. ^thats new. kakav je to next sok, 100 % ovo ono, mamu im jebem... 200 i kusur dinara? nisam mogao da verujem jedino ako je 2l u pitanju
  11. nadam se da tores place nocu kad je sam, samo to..
  12. jebote, jos cekam da matori zapeva, a on svira li svira :))) dakle, noga
  13. koji car :) na momenat sam pomislio da stvarno to repuje :)
  14. jaoooo, tu bi novak haos napravio :))) NEGO, braca hrvati, i korupcija
  15. hot weekend boys SUBOTA 18.9.2010. 13:45 Premier League: Stoke – West Ham (DIREKTNO) SK+ 16:00 Premier League: Aston Villa – Bolton (DIREKTNO) SK+ 18:30 Premier League: Sunderland – Arsenal (DIREKTNO) SK+ NEDELJA 19.9.2010. 14:30 Premier League:Manchester United – Liverpool (DIREKTNO) SK 16:00 Premier League: Wigan – Manchester City (DIREKTNO) SK+ 17:00 Premier League:Chelsea – Blackpool (DIREKTNO) SK
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