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Everything posted by Rejz

  1. Rejz


    Uzeo sa zvanicnog Oblivion foruma: So Todd and I were talking last night and decided that we, or I, should post something on the forums to try and bring fans up-to-speed on what's up. So here goes. In short, the game is coming out in early 2006 because it isn't done yet. We still have things that need to be done before the game is released. So we continue to optimize, test, balance, etc. We've already gone way beyond what we did in any game previously in playtesting and balancing this game. Way beyond. But there is work that needs to be done and so development continues to go on pretty much around the clock. We will not put out a more specific date until we are certain we will be ready then. Like system specs, we aren't fans of putting out info that changes later on and only confuses or annoys our fans. We have a number of site updates planned between now and the game's release that we hope to do on a regular basis each week. We'll do the best we can to make it every week, but understand that sometimes PR/marketing stuff gets in the way of game development and so it has to get set aside sometimes for the good of the game (and the people making it). We'll be updating the Codex in stages, adding new concept art, screens, etc. in the coming weeks and months. We're open to doing another fan interview in the coming weeks as well to let you ask what it is you think we aren't telling you. In short, we aren't holding out on you, we just don't want to be done telling you about the game before it comes out. We appreciate your patience and continued support and ensure you that your dedication will be rewarded with what we think is the best RPG you've ever played. Best, Pete (and Todd)
  2. Evo demoja :D TDM-ovi CTF-ovi Tdmovi su oko 12mb, a CTF oko 22mb. Uzivajte ;) Pozz!
  3. Rejz


    Na Amazonu pise da ce je imati tek od 1. Aprila 2006, ne zelim da znam zasto tek tad...
  4. zemo :) kako ne, posle jucerasnjeg ut-a ovo se ne sme propustiti xD
  5. Evo par demoa, ima 4 instagiba i 3 tdma, svi su iz mog lica tako da ako neko hoce da skine here u go :)) instagibovi tdmovi Joj kako je bilo dobro... :))
  6. Evo i Leko mi potvrdio da moze :) pa igrao je ono kada i Calavera :D Smislicemo vec nesto :))) Yay poz vidimo se!
  7. Oce i nas drugar Leko, tako da nas eto vec ima 4-ica, ajmo da odredimo neki termin i da nadjemo jos 4-ro...
  8. Vidim svi nesto cute a meni se igra UT nije mi dobro xD Evo ja sam da igramo opet i to pre vikenda (kako bi mogli i onda :D ), dajte predloge kada vam odgovara i ko sve hoce... Of course Maha je organizator ovog skuuuupa ;) tako da "finiji" detalji zakazivanja ostaju na njemu :)) Pozzzz
  9. Moram i ja priznati da je bilo keva, i da je stvarno bilo neizvesno, iako sam u pocetku mislio da cemo puci samo tako ;)) A da sam v00na jesam, priznajem :) Ajde maho organizuj novu turu :)) i dajte demoe (btw. zamolio bih objasnjene kako se demoi gledaju, znam da je vec bilo ali da ne trazim :D ) Cheers!!!
  10. Nema nazalost mog avatara :) ne postoji vise u bazi :) moracu da nabacim novi nekako :)
  11. Sjajno :)) Ima da raspalimo ut nikad bolje xD
  12. fauste brate kad sam ja igrao u plpu?? :)) SVI, TNT i UJE ;)
  13. Jao jedva cekam :)) Strasno kako mi prija UT posle tolikog vremena... uhhh beg iz realnosti...
  14. uuu kewl moze i nedelja, sta ostali misle?
  15. E s obzirom na okolnosti, ajde da odlozimo ovu subotu za ponedeljak xD I meni je bolje i bice maha tu i tako... sta vi mislite?
  16. Jao Jao kako mi se pika utututututuututut when again? :)
  17. Maho sto se mene tice, sutra od 17-20h mi odgovara :) poz!!
  18. Hehe bilo je mn00go dobro, moram priznati da sam igrao kao tipican n00b ali dobro popravicu se obecavam :DD Jedva cekam ponovo da igramo, ponedeljak it is :))
  19. Dogovoreno :))) yayayayay srecan sam ko malo dete sa novom igrackom ;))
  20. Ebem vas u vreme :) ako ne bude nista u subotu igracu i ja od nedelje moze od 17-20 samo sto cu doci u odelu i kravati :)) nema se druge direkt s posla...
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