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The X
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Everything posted by Eternall

  1. Uzeli smo Kingslayer juce, mucili se 3 dana na extended lockout, jebao nas phase 3 transition. Sad sam baja, pisam u oci pve noobovima , hah.
  2. Gledao Salt juce u uscu. Dobar je. Bice drugi deo sigurno.
  3. Jos jedna za slepe, za svaki slucaj.
  4. Mora manja slika da bude da bi se videlo.
  5. Best story ever Koga ne mrzi da cita that is.
  6. Kapiram da je prikladno podsetiti se na ovu sliku, koja je barem meni drasticno promenila pogled na velicine planeta i zvezda. Ide u spoiler jer je predugacka.
  7. Pretpostavicu da me pitas ozbiljno a da ne hejtujes. Spot je video klip koji je zanimljiv, tako da ima veze sa temom itekako.
  8. Jel bio Ajs? Juce tek izvalio i ne mogu da prestanem da slusam. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFirmHOSSu4&feature=autofb
  9. Aplikacija za guild se uvek pise u notepadu bas zbog ovih stvari. Posle lako kopiras tekst na forum i lupis da okacis nov topik.
  10. Zasto se koj kurac plasite da kazete nesto ovom Sarmi sto umislja da je neko i nesto? Tako da se ponasa arogantno u rl-u, pa slomio bih mu svaku kosku da ga nadjem na ulici. Jos ima ljudi koji mu ulaze u dupe. Neverovatno da dopustate takvo glupiranje, niko ni rec da mu kaze jebote, ko da je neki kurac.
  11. PCI verzija. Ako ima neko na prodaju, ili zna nekoga ko bi mogao da proda nek mi posalje PM.
  12. Kako sam roflovao kad mi je ortak pustio ovo na fonu jos odavno
  13. Prokleti galeb... Skroz neocekivano haha.
  14. Amazing things about everything. Znam da je bilo.
  15. Ludi vozac autobusa u Beogradu. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hdaDfenFCM&feature=related Zasto ovo njesra ima skoro 5 miliona views?
  16. "Learned the hard way i'm not a thief" [roflmao] Ne moze jebeno staklo da razbije iz x puta i na kraju se posece, kralj.
  17. Evo citaj jos malo, epic scena. Jules: What does Marsellus Wallace look like? Brett: What? Jules: [overturns the small table in the room] What country are you from? Brett: What? Jules: "What" ain't no country I ever heard of! They speak English in "What"?! Brett: What? Jules: English, motherfucker! Do you speak it?! Brett: Yes! Jules: Then you know what I'm saying. Brett: [gasping] Yes... Jules:Describe what Marsellus Wallace looks like! Brett: What? Jules: [points gun directly in Brett's face] Say "what" again. Say "what" again! I dare you! I double-dare you, motherfucker! Say "what" one more goddamn time! Brett: He-he's black. Jules: Go on! Brett: He's bald. Jules: Does he look like a bitch? Brett: What?! Jules: [shoots Brett in the shoulder, Brett screams] Does he look … like … a bitch?! Brett: [in pain] No-o! Jules: Then why'd you try to fuck him like a bitch, Brett? Brett: [faintly] I didn't! Jules: Yes, you did! Yes, you did, Brett! You tried to fuck him. And Marsellus Wallace don't like to be fucked by anybody except Mrs. Wallace. You read the Bible, Brett? Brett: [gasping for breath] Yes. Jules: Well, there's this passage I've got memorized, sort'a fits the occasion. Ezekiel 25:17? "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. [begins pacing about the room] And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers! And you will know my name is the Lord [pulls out his gun and aims it at Brett] when I lay my vengeance upon thee!" [brett shrieks in horror as Jules and Vincent shoot him repeatedly]
  18. the fuck? Sta je ovo, kako, zasto? Na koju foru funkcionise?
  19. Au koliko ljudi zna za kafanu kod Radeta, sto me cudi jer je prilicno zabaceno mesto. To mora da je kretalo od male grupice ljudi koji je prenosila utiske drugim ortacima i tako Rade postao hit mesto. Nego da, pravo mesto da napijes i najedes za malo para a i atmosfera je dobra. Kafana Paun je klasicna kafana, nema neke cari kao kod Radeta, bas bio u subotu sa ortacima, deru sa cenama. Jeste ima ziva muzika ali ona debela plava pevacica, ja bi neku vr` pevaljku da mi peva na uvce a ne onu stoku.
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