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Everything posted by AyS^

  1. Apple G4,1.67 powerpc,1.5GB Ram,ATI Radeon 9700,tvout,dvi,bluetooth,baterija 4sata drzi,WIFI,Firewire,mikrofon,senzori za svetlo i senzori za zakljucavanje harda pri padu. ponude na pm ili ovde.
  2. meni bi dobro doshla hari_kiri_masazha ;P
  3. AyS^


    gde ga nema ? :) WEB HOUSE Durmitorska 3 011/3618917 31.Mar 26.07
  4. AyS^

    USB Kabl

    BG Elektronik,preko puta crkve Sv.Marko.
  5. AyS^


    nudis 20e? doplatis 700din (~9e) i kupis nov u radnji sa garancijom...
  6. zar je bitno,meni je on extra :)
  7. link1 link2 link3 link4 link5 link 6 aston martin i andjeo su uzeti odnegde...rur elementi uzeti takodje odnegde.
  8. provesti se na_necemu i strejt je ...nebo i zemlja...
  9. AyS^


    windows media player,predpostavljam da si skinuo film neki ? dir /MPEGAV/film.dat ? samo otvori media player i prevuci fajl :) sto se tice "torrent" fajlova skini ovo -> DOWNLOAD <- ,instaliraj,resetuj komp,u taskbaru (pored sata;P) ce ti se pojaviti crvena kockica,desni klik i idi "mount image" i nadji fajl koji oces da otvoris....inace program ti radi kao "virtual disc",dobices u My Computer jos jedan virtuelni_drajv sa sadrzajem fajla koji si ubacio prethodno :) ako nisi shvatio cimni me na msn : ))))
  10. jedva sam namestio da u visti imam dual view (horizontal span) ali nije to to,da li neko zna kako da izaberem horizontal span u visti ? na xp-u ga imam u drajverima za graficku,ovde jok.... :( i kako da postavim wall koji je npr 2560x1280 na oba ekrana,tj da razvuce sliku na oba proporcijonalno ? posto mi opcije stretch itd... samo razvlace sliku na svakom monitoru posebno ? P R I M E R ( taskbar inace treba da se razvuce do kraja drugog ekrana (winxp) ali vista odbija.... ) help ?
  11. procesor 30-35 ploca 25 graficka - 15e?!!? 20-25 mis,tastatura i kam 5e?!!? 20
  12. komentari : zasto je ceo kod (prikazan dole) na engleskom ako ga je radio srbin? vidi se da si radio nesto,ali jako malo. swift ? function init() { globalStyleFormat.background = 0; globalStyleFormat.backgroundDisabled = 10027008; globalStyleFormat.arrow = 16711680; globalStyleFormat.scrollTrack = 0; globalStyleFormat.face = 0; globalStyleFormat.highlight3D = 16711680; globalStyleFormat.darkshadow = 10027008; globalStyleFormat.embedFonts = true; globalStyleFormat.textFont = "_AliasCondensed"; globalStyleFormat.textSize = 8; globalStyleFormat.textBold = false; globalStyleFormat.selection = 10027008; globalStyleFormat.applyChanges(); dataLoader = new LoadVars(); settings_mc._visible = false; login_mc._visible = false; register_mc._visible = false; message_mc._visible = false; postNew_mc._visible = false; postReply_mc._visible = false; postEdit_mc._visible = false; profileEdit_mc._visible = false; search_mc._visible = false; postNewBtn.disable(); postReplyBtn.disable(); breadcrumb_arr = new Array(); nextDepth = 1; _root.focusEnabled = false; loadUserSettings(); if (directLink == 1 && threadID != undefined) { getPosts(threadID); delete directLink; delete threadID; } else if (directLink == 1 && forumID != undefined) { getThreads(forumID); delete directLink; delete forumID; } else { getForums(); } // end else if } // End of the function function getForums() { dataLoader.clear(); dataLoader.username = userData.username; dataLoader.password = userData.password; dataLoader.onLoad = buildCategoryList; dataLoader.sendAndLoad("viewboard.php", dataLoader, "POST"); showLoading("Forums Categories"); breadcrumb_arr = new Array(); } // End of the function function buildCategoryList(success) { var _loc2 = this; loading_mc.hide(); if (!success) { getForums(); return; } // end if var depth = 0; var _loc3 = 0; var _loc1; board_mc = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("categories_mc", 0); board_mc.focusEnabled = false; for (var _loc1 = 0; _loc1 < _loc2.catagoryCount; ++_loc1) { category_mc = board_mc.attachMovie("categoryHeader", "category" + _loc1 + "_mc", depth++, {_y: _loc3}); category_mc.id = _loc2["catagory" + _loc1 + "ID"]; category_mc.title = _loc2["catagory" + _loc1 + "Title"]; buildForumList(category_mc, _loc2); _loc3 = _loc3 + (category_mc._height - 1); } // end of for spDisplay.setScrollContent(board_mc); spDisplay.setScrollPosition(0, 0); doBreadcrumb(); postNewBtn.disable(); postReplyBtn.disable(); } // End of the function function buildForumList(category_mc, data) { var _loc1 = data; var _loc3 = category_mc; var depth = 0; var totalHeight = 0; var _loc2 = _loc3._height - 1; for (count = 0; count < _loc1.forumCount; count++) { if (_loc1["forum" + count + "CatagoryID"] == _loc3.id) { forum_mc = _loc3.attachMovie("forum", "forum" + count + "_mc", depth++, {_y: _loc2}); forum_mc.id = _loc1["forum" + count + "ID"]; forum_mc.title = _loc1["forum" + count + "Title"]; forum_mc.desc = _loc1["forum" + count + "Description"]; forum_mc.threads = _loc1["forum" + count + "ThreadCount"]; forum_mc.date = _loc1["forum" + count + "LastPost"]; forum_mc.by = _loc1["forum" + count + "LastUser"]; if (_loc1["forum" + count + "New"] == 1) { forum_mc.icon_mc.attachMovie("iconFolderOpen", "icon", 1); } // end if _loc2 = _loc2 + (forum_mc._height - 1); } // end if } // end of for } // End of the function function getThreads(forumID, forumTitle) { var _loc2 = forumID; var _loc3 = 1; if (_loc2.indexOf("|") > 0) { var _loc1 = _loc2.split("|", 3); _loc2 = _loc1[0]; _loc3 = _loc1[1]; forumTitle = _loc1[2]; } // end if dataLoader.clear(); dataLoader.username = userData.username; dataLoader.password = userData.password; dataLoader.forumID = _loc2; dataLoader.page = _loc3; dataLoader.onLoad = buildThreadList; dataLoader.sendAndLoad("viewforum.php", dataLoader, "POST"); showLoading("Forum Threads"); if (forumTitle != undefined) { _global.forumTitle = forumTitle; } // end if _global.forumID = _loc2; } // End of the function function buildThreadList(success) { var _loc1 = this; loading_mc.hide(); if (!success) { message_mc.show(null, "Unable to fetch threads."); return; } // end if if (_loc1.mode == "search" && _loc1.threadCount <= 0) { message_mc.show(search_mc, "No results found for your query"); return; } // end if var _loc2; var depth = 0; var nextY = 0; forum_mc = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("forum_mc", 0); forum_mc.focusEnabled = false; forum_mc.attachMovie("threadHeader", "header_mc", depth++); nextY = forum_mc.header_mc._height - 1; for (var _loc2 = 0; _loc2 < _loc1.threadCount; ++_loc2) { thread_mc = forum_mc.attachMovie("thread", "thread" + _loc2 + "_mc", depth++, {_y: nextY}); thread_mc.id = _loc1["thread" + _loc2 + "ID"]; thread_mc.title = _loc1["thread" + _loc2 + "Topic"]; thread_mc.author = _loc1["thread" + _loc2 + "TopicStarter"]; thread_mc.replies = _loc1["thread" + _loc2 + "Replies"]; thread_mc.lastPost = _loc1["thread" + _loc2 + "LastPost"]; if (_loc1["thread" + _loc2 + "Sticky"] == 1) { thread_mc.icon_mc.attachMovie("iconThreadLocked", "icon", 1); } else if (_loc1["thread" + _loc2 + "New"] == 1) { thread_mc.icon_mc.attachMovie("iconThreadNew", "icon", 1); } // end else if nextY = nextY + (thread_mc._height - 1); } // end of for var footer_mc = forum_mc.attachMovie("threadFooter", "footer_mc", depth++, {_y: nextY}); var _loc3 = "(" + _loc1.totalPages + ") "; var startPage = Math.max(1, _loc1.currentPage - 2); var endPage = Math.min(_loc1.totalPages, int(_loc1.currentPage) + 2); if (startPage > 1) { if (_loc1.mode == "search") { _loc3 = _loc3 + ("<a href=\"asfunction:_root.search," + _loc1.searchQuery + "|" + _loc1.match + "|" + _loc1.columns + "|1\">[<u>&lt;&lt; First</u>]</a> ..."); } else { _loc3 = _loc3 + ("<a href=\"asfunction:_root.getThreads," + _loc1.forumID + "|1|" + _loc1.forumTitle + "\">[<u>&lt;&lt; First</u>]</a> ..."); } // end if } // end else if if (_loc1.currentPage > 1) { if (_loc1.mode == "search") { _loc3 = _loc3 + ("<a href=\"asfunction:_root.search," + _loc1.searchQuery + "|" + _loc1.match + "|" + _loc1.columns + "|" + (int(_loc1.currentPage) - 1) + "\"> [<u>&lt;&lt;</u>]</a>"); } else { _loc3 = _loc3 + ("<a href=\"asfunction:_root.getThreads," + _loc1.forumID + "|" + (int(_loc1.currentPage) - 1) + "|" + _loc1.forumTitle + "\"> [<u>&lt;&lt;</u>]</a>"); } // end if } // end else if for (var _loc2 = startPage; _loc2 <= endPage; ++_loc2) { if (_loc1.currentPage == _loc2) { _loc3 = _loc3 + ("<font color=\"#FFFFFF\"> [" + _loc2 + "]</font>"); continue; } // end if if (_loc1.mode == "search") { _loc3 = _loc3 + ("<a href=\"asfunction:_root.search," + _loc1.searchQuery + "|" + _loc1.match + "|" + _loc1.columns + "|" + _loc2 + "\"> [<u>" + _loc2 + "</u>]</a>"); continue; } // end if _loc3 = _loc3 + ("<a href=\"asfunction:_root.getThreads," + _loc1.forumID + "|" + _loc2 + "|" + _loc1.forumTitle + "\"> [<u>" + _loc2 + "</u>]</a>"); } // end of for if (int(_loc1.currentPage) < int(_loc1.totalPages)) { if (_loc1.mode == "search") { _loc3 = _loc3 + ("<a href=\"asfunction:_root.search," + _loc1.searchQuery + "|" + _loc1.match + "|" + _loc1.columns + "|" + (int(_loc1.currentPage) + 1) + "\"> [<u>&gt;&gt;</u>]</a>"); } else { _loc3 = _loc3 + ("<a href=\"asfunction:_root.getThreads," + _loc1.forumID + "|" + (int(_loc1.currentPage) + 1) + "|" + _loc1.forumTitle + "\"> [<u>&gt;&gt;</u>]</a>"); } // end if } // end else if if (endPage < int(_loc1.totalPages)) { if (_loc1.mode == "search") { _loc3 = _loc3 + (" ...<a href=\"asfunction:_root.search," + _loc1.searchQuery + "|" + _loc1.match + "|" + _loc1.columns + "|" + _loc1.totalPages + "\"> [<u>Last &gt;&gt;</u>]</a>"); } else { _loc3 = _loc3 + (" ...<a href=\"asfunction:_root.getThreads," + _loc1.forumID + "|" + _loc1.totalPages + "|" + _loc1.forumTitle + "\"> [<u>Last &gt;&gt;</u>]</a>"); } // end if } // end else if footer_mc.pages_txt.htmlText = "<p><font face=\"_AliasConsensed\">"; footer_mc.pages_txt.htmlText = footer_mc.pages_txt.htmlText + _loc3; footer_mc.pages_txt.htmlText = footer_mc.pages_txt.htmlText + "</font></p>"; spDisplay.setScrollContent(forum_mc); spDisplay.setScrollPosition(0, 0); breadcrumb_arr = new Array(); breadcrumb_arr.push({text: _loc1.forumTitle}); doBreadcrumb(); if (_loc1.mode != "search") { postNewBtn.enable(); postReplyBtn.disable(); return; } // end if postNewBtn.disable(); postReplyBtn.disable(); } // End of the function function getPosts(threadID, scrollToPostID) { dataLoader.clear(); dataLoader.username = userData.username; dataLoader.password = userData.password; dataLoader.threadID = threadID; dataLoader.onLoad = buildPostList; dataLoader.sendAndLoad("viewthread.php", dataLoader, "POST"); dataLoader.scrollToPostID = scrollToPostID; showLoading("Thread Posts"); _global.threadID = threadID; } // End of the function function buildPostList(success) { var _loc2 = this; loading_mc.hide(); if (!success) { return; } // end if var _loc1; var depth = 0; var nextY = 0; var scrollY = 0; _global.forumID = _loc2.forumID; thread_mc = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("thread_mc", 0); thread_mc.focusEnabled = false; thread_mc.attachMovie("postHeader", "header_mc", depth++); nextY = thread_mc.header_mc._height - 1; tfAuthor = new TextFormat(); tfAuthor.font = "_AliasBoldCondensed"; tfAuthor.size = 8; tfAuthor.color = 1048575; for (var _loc1 = 0; _loc1 < _loc2.postCount; ++_loc1) { post_mc = thread_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("post" + _loc1 + "_mc", depth++); post_mc._y = nextY; post_mc.postID = _loc2["post" + _loc1 + "ID"]; post_mc.userID = _loc2["post" + _loc1 + "UserID"]; post_mc.createTextField("author_txt", 20, 2, 2, 196, 14); author_txt = post_mc.author_txt; author_txt.embedFonts = true; author_txt.multiline = true; author_txt.autoSize = true; author_txt.wordWrap = true; author_txt.html = true; author_txt.htmlText = "<font face=\"_AliasCondensed\" size=\"8\" color=\"#FFFFFF\">" + _loc2["post" + _loc1 + "Author"] + "</font><br />"; author_txt.htmlText = author_txt.htmlText + ("<font face=\"_AliasCondensed\" size=\"8\" color=\"#FFFFFF\">" + _loc2["post" + _loc1 + "UserTitle"] + "<br />Posts: " + _loc2["post" + _loc1 + "UserPostCount"] + "</font><br />"); post_mc.createTextField("message_txt", 21, 200, 2, 473, 100); message_txt = post_mc.message_txt; message_txt.multiline = true; message_txt.autoSize = true; message_txt.wordWrap = true; message_txt.html = true; message_txt.embedFonts = true; message_txt.htmlText = "<font face=\"_AliasCondensed\" size=\"8\" color=\"#FFFFFF\">" + _loc2["post" + _loc1 + "Message"] + "</font>"; var _loc3 = Math.ceil(Math.max(message_txt.textHeight + 10, message_txt._height + 10)); _loc3 = Math.max(_loc3, 50); bgTop_mc = post_mc.attachMovie("postBackgroundTop", "bgTop_mc", 0); bgMid_mc = post_mc.attachMovie("postBackgroundMiddle", "bgMid_mc", 1); bgBot_mc = post_mc.attachMovie("postBackgroundBottom", "bgBot_mc", 2); bar_mc = post_mc.attachMovie("postBar", "bar_mc", 3); bgMid_mc._y = bgTop_mc._height - 1; bgMid_mc._height = _loc3 - bgTop_mc._height - bgBot_mc._height + 2; bgBot_mc._y = _loc3 - bgBot_mc._height; bar_mc._y = _loc3 - 1; bar_mc.date_txt.text = bar_mc.date_txt.text + _loc2["post" + _loc1 + "Date"]; if (_loc2.scrollToPostID == _loc2["post" + _loc1 + "ID"]) { scrollY = nextY; } // end if nextY = nextY + (_loc3 + bar_mc._height - 2); } // end of for var footer_mc = thread_mc.attachMovie("postFooter", "footer_mc", depth++, {_y: nextY}); footer_mc.directLink_txt.text = "http://y2kwor.org/forum/go.php?threadID=" + _loc2.threadID; spDisplay.setScrollContent(thread_mc); spDisplay.setScrollPosition(0, scrollY); breadcrumb_arr = new Array(); breadcrumb_arr.push({action: "getThreads", param: _loc2.forumID, text: _loc2.forumTitle}); breadcrumb_arr.push({text: _loc2.topic}); doBreadcrumb(); _global.topic = _loc2.topic; postNewBtn.enable(); postReplyBtn.enable(); } // End of the function function search(searchQuery, match, columns) { var _loc2 = searchQuery; var _loc3 = 1; if (_loc2.indexOf("|") > 0) { var _loc1 = _loc2.split("|", 4); _loc2 = _loc1[0]; match = _loc1[1]; columns = _loc1[2]; _loc3 = _loc1[3]; } // end if dataLoader.clear(); dataLoader.searchQuery = _loc2; dataLoader.match = match; dataLoader.columns = columns; dataLoader.page = _loc3; dataLoader.onLoad = buildThreadList; dataLoader.sendAndLoad("search.php", dataLoader, "POST"); showLoading("Searching Board"); var dispText = "Search results for \'" + _loc2 + "\'"; breadcrumb_arr = new Array(); breadcrumb_arr.push({action: "search", param: _loc2, text: dispText}); } // End of the function function loadPost(postID) { dataLoader.clear(); dataLoader.username = userData.username; dataLoader.password = userData.password; dataLoader.postID = postID; dataLoader.onLoad = checkLoadPost; dataLoader.sendAndLoad("viewpost.php", dataLoader, "POST"); showLoading("Post Data"); } // End of the function function checkLoadPost(success) { var _loc1 = this; loading_mc.hide(); if (!success) { message_mc.show(null, "Failed to load viewpost.php"); return; } // end if if (_loc1.result != "Okay") { message_mc.show(null, _loc1.errorMsg); return; } // end if postEdit_mc.show(_loc1.postID, _loc1.topic, _loc1.postMessage, _loc1.postNotify, _loc1.postAddSig); } // End of the function function loadProfile(userID) { dataLoader.clear(); dataLoader.username = userData.username; dataLoader.password = userData.password; dataLoader.userID = userID; dataLoader.onLoad = checkLoadProfile; dataLoader.sendAndLoad("viewprofile.php", dataLoader, "POST"); showLoading("User Profile Data"); } // End of the function function checkLoadProfile(success) { var _loc1 = this; loading_mc.hide(); if (!success) { message_mc.show(null, "Failed to load viewprofile.php"); return; } // end if if (_loc1.result != "Okay") { message_mc.show(null, _loc1.errorMsg); return; } // end if profileEdit_mc.show(_loc1.userID, _loc1.username, _loc1.email, _loc1.signature); } // End of the function function doBreadcrumb() { var _loc1; var _loc2; _loc2 = _loc2 + "<a href=\"asfunction:getForums\"><u>Board</u></a>"; for (var _loc1 = 0; _loc1 < breadcrumb_arr.length; ++_loc1) { if (_loc1 == breadcrumb_arr.length - 1) { _loc2 = _loc2 + (" &gt;&gt; " + breadcrumb_arr[_loc1].text); continue; } // end if _loc2 = _loc2 + (" &gt;&gt; <a href=\"asfunction:" + breadcrumb_arr[_loc1].action + "," + breadcrumb_arr[_loc1].param + "\"><u>" + breadcrumb_arr[_loc1].text + "</u></a>"); } // end of for breadcrumb_txt.htmlText = "<p><font face=\"_AliasConsensed\">"; breadcrumb_txt.htmlText = breadcrumb_txt.htmlText + _loc2; breadcrumb_txt.htmlText = breadcrumb_txt.htmlText + "</font></p>"; } // End of the function function postNew(forumID, topic, message, notify, addsig) { dataLoader.clear(); dataLoader.username = userData.username; dataLoader.password = userData.password; dataLoader.forumID = forumID; dataLoader.topic = topic; dataLoader.message = message; dataLoader.notify = notify ? (1) : (0); dataLoader.addsig = addsig ? (1) : (0); dataLoader.onLoad = checkPostNew; dataLoader.sendAndLoad("postnew.php", dataLoader, "POST"); showLoading("Submitting Thread Data"); } // End of the function function checkPostNew(success) { var _loc1 = this; loading_mc.hide(); if (!success) { message_mc.show(postNew_mc, "Unable to load postnew.php"); return; } // end if if (_loc1.result != "Okay") { message_mc.show(postNew_mc, _loc1.errorMsg); return; } // end if var _loc2 = _loc1.threadID; getPosts(_loc2); } // End of the function function postReply(threadID, message, notify, addsig) { dataLoader.clear(); dataLoader.username = userData.username; dataLoader.password = userData.password; dataLoader.forumID = _global.forumID; dataLoader.threadID = threadID; dataLoader.message = message; dataLoader.notify = notify ? (1) : (0); dataLoader.addsig = addsig ? (1) : (0); dataLoader.onLoad = checkPostReply; dataLoader.sendAndLoad("postreply.php", dataLoader, "POST"); showLoading("Submitting Post Data"); } // End of the function function checkPostReply(success) { var _loc1 = this; loading_mc.hide(); if (!success) { message_mc.show(postReply_mc, "Unable to load postreply.php"); return; } // end if if (_loc1.result != "Okay") { message_mc.show(postReply_mc, _loc1.errorMsg); return; } // end if var _loc3 = _loc1.threadID; var _loc2 = _loc1.postID; getPosts(_loc3, _loc2); } // End of the function function postEdit(postID, message, notify, addsig, deletePost) { dataLoader.clear(); dataLoader.username = userData.username; dataLoader.password = userData.password; dataLoader.postID = postID; dataLoader.message = message; dataLoader.notify = notify ? (1) : (0); dataLoader.addsig = addsig ? (1) : (0); dataLoader.deletePost = deletePost ? (1) : (0); dataLoader.onLoad = checkPostEdit; dataLoader.sendAndLoad("postedit.php", dataLoader, "POST"); showLoading("Submitting Post Data"); } // End of the function function checkPostEdit(success) { var _loc1 = this; loading_mc.hide(); if (!success) { message_mc.show(postEdit_mc, "Couldn\'t load postedit.php"); return; } // end if if (_loc1.result != "Okay") { message_mc.show(postEdit_mc, _loc1.errorMsg); return; } // end if if (_loc1.deleted == "Thread") { getThreads(_global.forumID); return; } // end if getPosts(_loc1.threadID); } // End of the function function profileEdit(userID, email, signature) { dataLoader.clear(); dataLoader.username = userData.username; dataLoader.password = userData.password; dataLoader.userID = userID; dataLoader.email = email; dataLoader.signature = signature; dataLoader.onLoad = checkProfileEdit; dataLoader.sendAndLoad("profileedit.php", dataLoader, "POST"); showLoading("Saving Profile Data"); } // End of the function function checkProfileEdit(success) { var _loc1 = this; loading_mc.hide(); if (!success) { message_mc.show(null, "Couldn\'t load profileedit.php"); return; } // end if if (_loc1.result != "Okay") { message_mc.show(null, _loc1.errorMsg); } // end if message_mc.show(null, "Profile successfully updated"); } // End of the function function login(username, password, nextAction) { dataLoader.clear(); dataLoader.username = username; dataLoader.password = password; dataLoader.nextAction = nextAction; dataLoader.onLoad = checkLogin; dataLoader.sendAndLoad("login.php", dataLoader, "POST"); showLoading("Logging In"); } // End of the function function checkLogin(success) { var _loc1 = this; var _loc2 = _global; loading_mc.hide(); if (!success) { message_mc.show(login_mc, "Could not load login.php"); return; } // end if if (_loc1.result == "Okay") { _loc2.userData.username = _loc1.username; _loc2.userData.password = _loc1.password; if (_loc2.userData.store) { storeUserSettings(); } // end if loginBtn.disable(); } else { _loc2.userData.autoLogin = false; message_mc.show(login_mc, _loc1.errorMsg); } // end else if if (_loc1.nextAction != undefined) { _root[_loc1.nextAction](); } // end if } // End of the function function register(username, email, password) { dataLoader.clear(); dataLoader.username = username; dataLoader.password = password; dataLoader.email = email; dataLoader.onLoad = checkRegister; dataLoader.sendAndLoad("register.php", dataLoader, "POST"); showLoading("Registering"); } // End of the function function checkRegister(success) { var _loc1 = this; loading_mc.hide(); if (!success) { message_mc.show(register_mc, "Couldn\'t load register.php"); return; } // end if if (_loc1.result == "Okay") { _global.userData.username = _loc1.username; _global.userData.password = _loc1.password; message_mc.show(null, "User Account for \'" + _loc1.username + "\' created!"); return; } // end if message_mc.show(register_mc, _loc1.errorMsg); } // End of the function function storeUserSettings() { var _loc1 = _global; var _loc2 = sharedobject.getLocal("board"); _loc2.data.userData = _loc1.userData; _loc2.flush(); } // End of the function function loadUserSettings() { var _loc1 = _global; var _loc2 = sharedobject.getLocal("board"); if (_loc2.data.userData == undefined) { _loc1.userData = new Object(); return; } // end if _loc1.userData = _loc2.data.userData; } // End of the function function doPostNew() { postNew_mc.forumID = _global.forumID; postNew_mc.show(true); } // End of the function function doPostReply() { postReply_mc.threadID = _global.threadID; postReply_mc.show(_global.topic, true); } // End of the function function doRegister() { register_mc.show(); } // End of the function function doLogin() { login_mc.show(); } // End of the function function doSearch() { search_mc.show(); } // End of the function function showLoading(loadingText) { loading_mc.show(loadingText); } // End of the function LoadVars.prototype.clear = function () { var _loc1 = this; for (element in _loc1) { if (typeof(_loc1[element]) != "function") { delete _loc1[element]; } // end if } // end of for...in }; init(); stop ();
  13. AyS^

    SE k700i

    u kakvom je stanju ? ogrebotine,ispadao,prijem,slusalica/mikrofon,baterija? :)
  14. trazim nacin da prevarim rapidshare ^^
  15. ma ne treba mi daljinski :)
  16. pogledao sam 2 sa mobsveta,oba su izgrebana a jednom fali dugme za paljenje... a inace su "u extra stanju" :P
  17. isto slikano telefon ali se ovde bolje vidi :P
  18. prichash sa darijanom o.O
  19. kupujem tv karticu!!!
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