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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/2019 in all areas

  1. Serija je otisla u kurac odavno, jedino sto valja su memei, umirem:D
    3 points
  2. Scorpions got nerfed. Significantly reduced accuracy. And the hero character Euron no longer gives a bonus to Scorpion accuracy. Dragons got buffed. Speed and stealth have both been increased. They can now take the hide action while flying. Dothraki have been added back to the game. Fans were upset about their removal, so they’re back now. Battle Times have been shortened. Complaints that the Battle of Winterfell lasted too long have been heard, so now battles last no longer than 5 minutes. Northerners and Unsullied both have reduced honor and morality meters. It is now possible for them to commit war crimes with little to no provocation. Cersei’s speed has been reduced. She now moves sluggishly, if at all. Euron’s plot armor has been removed. The Mountain’s loyalty has been reduced for the introduction of the Cleganebowl game type. Arya’s conviction has been reduced after complaints that she was too OP. Her plot armor has been significantly increased to compensate
    2 points
  3. desavanja su objektivno jezivo sranje lol, neovisno od toga kako ih neko dozivljava
    1 point
  4. Necu da pricam o tome da li su desavanja u poslednjoj epizodi sranje ili ne. Sve zavisi od osobe kako to dozivljava. Ali zato... kamera, akcija, gluma u poslednjoj je van vremenska. Kapa dole svima, celoj ekipi, trebalo je ovo snimiti. Jako me zanima koliko je trajalo snimanje ove epizode, cenim mesecima.
    1 point
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