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updejtovan sa 9. 61 na 9.62 ali i dalje koristi svoj font umesto google-ov. nije frka, lako mi je promeniti u verdana 12, samo me interesovalo jeli do mene ili se svima dešava.

photobucket danas radi ok. noćas je zezao koji sat.

Edited by Myst

Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home!

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@Rumunski Google:

koji ti je internet provajder? Moguce da su skoro dobili novi IP subnet koji je iz nekog razloga ranije pripadao .ro, tipa imaju bajat ripe record ili tako nesto...

SBB. Inace kad idem na neki sajt i imaju one reklame tipa, meet some1 from belgrade ili neki grad iz srbije, a nema nikakav rumunski grad.

I don't know who pegi is, but i'm glad she's 18.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cak stavise google sam ne redirektuje na nacionalni domen na osnovu ripe podataka o ip adresi tako da "99% of all problems with computers are between the chair and keyboard".

u ovom slucaju je onih 1% posto nije neuobicajeno da google preusmeri korisnika na neku lokalnu, nesrpsku stranicu

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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Cak stavise google sam ne redirektuje na nacionalni domen na osnovu ripe podataka o ip adresi tako da "99% of all problems with computers are between the chair and keyboard".

Po tvojim podesavanjima u kukijima kolko ja znam posto sam ne redirektuje kao sto rekoh gore.

Moram da se ne slozim.

Stavi da ti http proxy recimo bude (neki random Brazilski proxy sa samair.ru), odi na google.com i, puf, eto te na google.com.br.



We use your computer's IP address, which is frequently the Internet address of your Internet Service Provider (ISP), to determine your location and the corresponding Google domain.


koja ti je IP adresa? idi na neki IP whois servis, recimo http://cqcounter.com/whois/ i vidi koji ce country code da veze za tvoju ip adresu

Edited by trooper
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