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Spoiler (WOTLK cinematic)


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zar niko ne chita kvestove? =o)

"new plague" kvestovi koji pochinju od malih nivoa za forsakene i idu preko hilsbrada preko ungoa i felvuda sve do badlandsa/blackrocka su uvod

a ono sto ide posle je show

a to je world fight alijanse i horde vs apothecara/mozda i scourgea za undercity =oD

inache ako sad ne ubace nekako u lore da saurfang stariji uchestvuje u arthasovom porazu bitju ljut ;o)

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Inace, juce pre nego sto sam instalirao wow, nasao sa nodom, ad-awerom i spybotom 9 keyloggera u kompu, a samo sam isao na rur , mmo-c, wow/wow-eu wotlk/tbc forumima, bitefight.org, wow-serbia, armory, youtube, (i tbh porneskimo(eskimotube) :( za koje neverujem da salju keyloggere), a od random linkova sam samo kliktao one na rur-u. Tako da plx ne postujte linkove sa random sajtova. :)

I don't know who pegi is, but i'm glad she's 18.

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Evo vam massive spoiler sa tog istog sajta, pošto mnogi nisu ni pročitali komentare ispod filma.

Major spoiler here!!!! you have been warned!!!!




what actually happens is, well it wasn’t lady sylvanas who set this up, it was Varimthras, the demon who resides with her, and the master apothecary dude. Varimthras and the master apothercary have overthrown sylvanas rule in the undercity and any forsaken who do not follow the new rule have been butchered bar a few suvivors, who escape to orgrimmar. The game continues after this point in the video, from the horde side anyway, where you have to retrieve saurfang’s armour and return it to his father in warsong hold, who you explain to about whats happened. A portal is summoned so you can take this urgent news to thrall in orgrimmar. This is where the clever part kicks in. At this point in the game orgrimmar has been instanced so people who arent on the quest dont suffer. When you arive you fins lots of forsaken refugees entering the city. Once you enter orgrimmar you’ll see more refugees and a lot of horde protestors asking why the forsaken are there etc. All services are shut down in the city so there is nothing more to do than go take the message to thrall. You arrive in thralls chamber which has beefed p security. You find sylvanas at the throne alongside thrall while col’jin is missing. You go turn the quest into thrall and a conversation ensues where sylvanas reveals they have been betrayed. Suddenly a portal appears in the middle of the room and that nosey jaina proudmoore appears basically asking “what the %^&* is going on?” thall and co explain and proudmoore mentions ujiba wrynn (big king) getting rather narked at the horde and saying he will declare war over the loss of bolvare. etc etc.

Now the interesting bit, after this conversation thrall talks plans over with you to reclaim the undercity, and you’re aprt of those plans. So through another portal you go this time to undercity where you find it under seige by horde forces, with vol’jin, sylvanas and thrall at the helm. after a few exchanged words and volleys of artillery the attack proceeds as planned and you get to spend the rest of the day kicking ass in undercity alongside the 3 leaders getting all their unique bufs etc as well as getting the chance to watch them in action. after several large bouts with a load of apothecaries and undead constructs you work your way thru the city and after a few obstacles thrall helps you overcome you reach the royal quarter where you get the chance to finally slap that bitch varimthras. yada yada long fite alls good city reclaimed in the end. woop!

or is it?

A short period after the fight you hear a rumbling coming from the corridor leading to the royal quarter room. Alliance! king ujiba wrynn and his elite bodyguard cavalry unit has come to kill the horde leaders (wheres cairne in all of this? lazy bugger) and you start to fight him ans his bodyguards. Yay fun fun, until nosey buggr proudmoore turns up agen freezing everyone and teleportin the alliance back to stormwind to relieve the fighting. She mentions that shell talk with ujiba wrynn and that she is thankful that the issue ahs been resolved. she goes, saurfang senior appears and him and thrall have a chat sat on some steps. antoehr portal and you are returned to the comfort of warsong hold to reclaim your award for your galantry.

With this blizz introduce their “phasing system” i thgink its called where players can see different things depending on what tneyve done. in this case thosewho have done this quest chain will not find varimthras next to sylvanas in the fuftre, whole stood next to them can be another player who can see him…howeva that works…neways yer so all fun fun fun and I cant wait :P

Edited by Santa

Svakoga dana u svakom pogledu, sve više napredujem

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