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50-7240 - MCM CUSTOM AUDIO - Phono Input Attenuator

Device allows standard line level items to be played through magnetic phono inputs, commonly found on older home audio receivers and mixing consoles. CD/DVD/ MP3 players, tape decks, VCRs, computer sound cards and tuners may now be connected to unused phono inputs. In addition to providing the required signal attenuation, this unit provides passive equalization to compensate for the RIAA curve that is present on magnetic phono inputs. Inputs are RCA female, outputs are male RCA connections on a 7" pigtail. Passive device requires no power.

Znaci ovo mi konkretno treba, vec sam se raspitivao po nekim audio radnjama i gledali su me ko idiota, kao "o cemu ti pricas", cak i ishtampanu sliku kad vide ne znaju sta je...

E sad mozda bash ti radnici nisu znali ili tako nesto, dajte predloge gde bi moglo da ima ?

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Probaj www.radioklub.co.yu u Timockoj, to ti je malo ispod Crvenog Krsta, mate.

Samo probaj tacnije da im opises sta ti treba, prilicno su technical tamo.

Ili probaj u Pakomu, mozes cak preko njihovog sajta da browse-ujes, imaju bas gomilu takvih dzidza-bidza, kablova, adaptera i slicno.

Andjeo smrti spusti buktinju i s' njom ugasi se jadno bice moje.

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