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shalim se bre, nemoj da se ljutish! :/ istina jes' da ne znam kad da stanem :)

mogli bi kafu inache, next week?

e btw,..

hocu da ti poshaljem vec par nedelja, ali poshto me upload zeza da ti ne shaljem 3 godine, pa skini iz lokala:

Esbjorn Svennson Trio

stvari Goldwrap, Dolores In A Shoestand, Eighthundred Streets By Feet..

Shwedjani, klavir, kontrabas sa efektima i bubanj.

Zaboravih, dignuti su serveri za turnir na adresama:

Da bi mogli da vezbate do turnira.

Svi serveri su:

CPMA 1.46 / VQ3

timelimit 10

* obratite paznju da ce na turniru biti 15

( cpma neshto zeza u setovanju cfga pa cete morati da votujete )

overtime 0

( sudden death )

1v1 mode only

6-8 slotova ce ostati kao All Modes OSP do turnira, za vreme turnira ce biti GTV.

Quake 4 server ce biti oflajn dok se turnir ne odigra.

Edited by Niko

mizantrop iz Singidunuma


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zeru se konachno ostvaruje san, cpma turnir na SBB serverima, mora da je (a i znam da jeste) van sebe od srece [:D]

gl svima koji uchestvuju, naravno bicu tu da podpomognem oko svega, ako ostavim sve u zerovim rukama bojim se da ce sve otici u .... c[PM]a [:D]

[22:50:28] <@[qcg]rmb> i wan play now :\

[22:51:15] <@sch4^qcg> n-o-w

[22:51:15] <@sch4^qcg> :P

[22:52:13] <@sch4^qcg> n-o-clarke-gabel-w

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Vraticu servere nazad posle turnira. ;)

ajde ostavi servere na cpma sve jedno nedelju dana, da probaju ljudi mod pa ako im je jadan posle nedlju dana, onda vrati na osp

[22:50:28] <@[qcg]rmb> i wan play now :\

[22:51:15] <@sch4^qcg> n-o-w

[22:51:15] <@sch4^qcg> :P

[22:52:13] <@sch4^qcg> n-o-clarke-gabel-w

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e niko ,hvala za ovaj lep gest ;)

smara me cpma ,moram da prepravljam cfg ,a mrzi me :(

First things first,

let's talk about the netsettings

Thx to ninemil for the following info:

So, for servers under 100ms:

cl_timenudge 0 (thx to mass for the tip)

cg_lagHax -1

cg_nudge 0

cg_xerpclients 0

For servers over 100ms:

cl_timenudge 0 (thx to mass for the tip)

cg_lagHax -1

cg_nudge -(your stable ping to the server - 100ms)

cg_xerpclients 0 (suttery but more accurate) or -1 (smooth, but with greater errors)

That's not all though:

1. Remove snaps from your config

2A. Start cpma by a shortcut on your desktop/Quick start bar/whatever, if you don't, it'll

use the OSP netsettings, and that's something we don't like (and you won't either).

To do this (assuming you're using windooz):

- go to your Quake 3 dir

- right click on Quake3.exe

- Send to >> Desktop (create shortcut)

- Go back to your desktop, look for the newly created shortcut

- Right click on it

- Properties: In the target field add: +set fs_game cpma +nologo (and whatever you want to add after that)

2B. If you don't like to do all this, just add the netsettings to the autoexec.cfg in your q3cpma folder.

that should fix netsettings

3. For more explanation about the netsettings read ninemil's article on ESR and/or read the changelog & documentation provided with CPMA.

Smoke on the water!

CPM uses different smoke vars than OSP a simple list:

seta cg_smoke_SG "0"

seta cg_smokeRadius_RL "0"

seta cg_smokeRadius_GL "0"

seta cg_smokeGrowth_RL "0"

seta cg_smokeGrowth_GL "0"

Set this to whatever you like, ofcourse 0 means no smoke.

Shaft settings

Ok I don't know of any way to make your shaft look fat again, you could use a very high picmip

or maybe try this nifty thing (thx to bud)

bind X "weapon 6; cg_drawgun 1; cg_gunoffset -5,2,-3"

Making it thin again isn't too hard though.

use cg_altlightning 1 & cg_nomip x+1 (where x is your normal nomip, see into the cg_nomip explanation, +1 makes LG 'not mipped')

chg: cg_nomip for weapon effects/marks matches OSP

1 - Lightning

2 - Plasma

4 - Rocket explosions

8 - Grenade explosions

16 - Bullets (machinegun and shotgun)

32 - Railgun

64 - BFG

nomip blood (128), nomip smoke (256)

OR use cg_altlightning 2, that's a thin modelled shaft aswell

Skin settings

I think you OSP people use the /pm skins too, though colors might vary a bit

cg_enemycolors "2222" = green

just use it as you would when using '^'

( use cg_forcecolors "1" to force the colors if it's not already set to that)

Powerup img's

You know, those nifty little things telling you how much time you have left with your PU

ch_powerups "x y layout size"

<layout> is:

0 - attach to the weaponlist (weaponlist 1 and 2 only, adjust by x&y)

1 - draw like VQ3: bottom right, up, ignore x&y, exclude flags

Quad and suit glow (no you can't make the flags glow anymore (I think))

r_vertexlight 2

Hud settings:

First notes: I've taken all the variables that were in arQ's sample config, and used them to take some screenshots, hoping those will explain the settings.

Some random stuff on the hud first, drawing the weapon you've selected & drawing the last picked up item:

ch_drawweaponselect "1"

ch_drawpickup "x y"

ch_crosshaircolor "7"

-> You now need to add the number of the color, not the color itself (white, green, ...)

ch_drawspeed "x y layout alpha"

-> this isn't a 0|1 variable anymore, use x & y coordinates, set layout to 1 (for it to work), and use a decimal alpha value to make it semi-transparent

Aight, down to the real hud stuff, I had to break down the HUD settings into 2 parts, one part is with ch_graphs "1" and the other is with ch_graphs "0"

ch_graphs "0" + ch_statusbarstyle "0"

ch_graphs "0" + ch_statusbarstyle "1"

ch_graphs "0" + ch_statusbarstyle "2"

ch_graphs "0" + ch_statusbarstyle "3"

ch_graphs "0" + ch_statusbarstyle "4"

ch_graphs "0" + ch_statusbarstyle "5"

ch_graphs "1" + ch_statusbarstyle "0"

ch_graphs "1" + ch_statusbarstyle "1"

ch_graphs "1" + ch_statusbarstyle "2"

ch_graphs "1" + ch_statusbarstyle "3"

ch_graphs "1" + ch_statusbarstyle "4"

ch_graphs "1" + ch_statusbarstyle "5"

All these screenshots were taken with my HUD settings (including ch_weaponlist "1 65 3 2").

ch_weaponList "x y layout flags"

<layout> is:

1 - draw vertically, left-justified at x

2 - draw vertically, right-justified at x

3 - draw horizontally at y, x is ignored

[flags] is a bitmask:

1 - include weapons that you don't have

primarily for TDM games so you can see ammo counts

2 - draw a background for the current weapon

4 - flash "new" weapons when picked up

8 - draw lines to separate sections of the vertical weaponlist

I'll prolly redo them later on, or cut the img's a bit. atm if you're wondering what that weaponlist is doing on top of my screen, just think it isn't there, kthxbye : D

In-game stuff:

Voting for modes, maps don't work thesame as in OSP

callvote mode 1v1|tdm|ctf|ca|...

you can't add a map after it so you'll need a second vote for a mapchange.

Finally: If you don't think this is enough, I suggest you read through the txt's included in your cpmadocs directory. These txt files have all the info you could possibly require.

Ili evo ti source http://www.esreality.com/?a=post&id=800733

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