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Narzok the god warrior! (aka how to do an application form)


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bilo fake ili ne, ako zamislis da nije i zamislis matorog beloruskog rudara kako dolazi iz rudnika i cupa kablove a mali retardirani klinac place i zamislis sve sto je napisao moze da bude smesno :)

"U dresu Redzi Millera idem do svog dilera, vutre puna kesa al' ost'o sam bez dresa"

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lololololol komunizam rudnici itd XD

Nema tu nista vezano za nas mentalitet vec za mentalitet interneta i foruma gde je svako jak i svakome je pisa mnogo velika pa moze da se kurci jer zna da ga nece drmnuti neka pesnica iz monitora i sasuti mu sve zube niz grlo ( mlechne zube naravno ).

ovog dakija ovnuju svuda jebote
by Pesma-Mrtve-Dece
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Which addons have you used for raiding, ever? I was never use bot!

Which addons should you be using in a raid? Nobody!

What are your thoughts about repair bills? If I become better item I no have to repair old items.

HAHA ! jbga ali lepo je lik fakeovo :D

"This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time."

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