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Mislim da font ne moze.

Imam problem, u igri mi skache ping... Znachi bude normalan, i na svakih 6 min, skochi na 240... Do neta nije, sa starim kompom mi nikad nije to radilo...

Probao sam windows reinstall, i ne pomaze... A ne znm ako je neki proces u pitanju, koji bi mogao da bude... Nisam pametan...

Probao sam i priority hl.exe na low, i TS na low, ne pomaze... [:(]

edit: E da, a kad koristim TeamSpeak, chim ja neshto kazem, odma ping skache na 200...

Ako neko zna kako da reshim ovo nek pomaze... Hvala.

Edited by zex0n

Kad se rodimo, tad placemo, jer smo na veliku pozornicu budala stupili. - W. Shakespeare

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e sad ne znam dal je bilo ovo pitanje (jer me iskreno mrzi da citam 50 strana)

Imam problem sa csom kada otvorim konzolu i upisem npr. c ugasi mi se konzola i onda opet moram par puta da je otvaram...zna neko sta je u pitanju?

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Mislim da font ne moze.

Imam problem, u igri mi skache ping... Znachi bude normalan, i na svakih 6 min, skochi na 240... Do neta nije, sa starim kompom mi nikad nije to radilo...

Probao sam windows reinstall, i ne pomaze... A ne znm ako je neki proces u pitanju, koji bi mogao da bude... Nisam pametan...

Probao sam i priority hl.exe na low, i TS na low, ne pomaze... [:(]

edit: E da, a kad koristim TeamSpeak, chim ja neshto kazem, odma ping skache na 200...

Ako neko zna kako da reshim ovo nek pomaze... Hvala.

Koji windows koristis? Ako je 7 ili vista imaju neka sranja da se izmene u registriju i radi, meni je bio slican problem

There are no miracles, there is no such thing as fate. Nothing is meant to be.

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Nije win 7, XP sp2 je u pitanju... Hvala pila za sliku, probacu ovo sa ts-om... Ali i dalje ne znam shta se deshava sa ping-om, btw. formatirao sam Particiju pre nego shto sam install windows... Znam samo da me to mnogo nervira shto ne znam shta je u pitanju... Verovatno neki procesi gushe, al ne mogu da izvalim koji su. I da, predpostavljao sam da nisu neki update-i u pitanju, i sve sam ih bio pogasio (win, AV, etc.) ne pomaze, i dalje nemam reshenje...

Kad se rodimo, tad placemo, jer smo na veliku pozornicu budala stupili. - W. Shakespeare

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Hvala pil za ovaj programchic, ali nije mi pomogao, a i onaj protok na TS sam ogranichio i nije ni to pomoglo... Videcu ovih dana, da formatiram komplet sve particije i install win 7... Mozda mi je neki izbagovan ovaj XP, a i da predjem na ovaj 7.

Kad se rodimo, tad placemo, jer smo na veliku pozornicu budala stupili. - W. Shakespeare

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danas mi se pojavio jako cudan problem,imam konekciju 400/200,tacnije 384/192 i kako na koji server udjem bio public ili cw izbacuje mi cl_flashentity pocket...i ping skace nenormalno na 200-400-1000 itd...ne razumem u cemu je problem,a kad sam sam na nekom serveru sve je ok...prvo sam pomislio da imam viruse ali posle skeniranja sa nod32 sve je cisto,ima li iko bilo kakvu ideju...ista je situacija i na steam-u i na non steam-u...rate-ove sam spustao i do 8000,cl_updaterate na 30 i o5 isto,znaci nikakvih promena nije bilo...hvala unapred

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pa ili ti umire net ili imash virus, s'obzirom da ovo drugo nije ostaje prvo. zovi isp-a pa se zhali.

inache 100% mozhe da se promeni font u kanteru ali zaista ne znam kako jer nikad nisam imao potrebu da to radim. guglajte u ostalom, sigurno ce te naci.

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yep, ali mozes da napravis taj folder i smestis trackerscheme.res fajl unutra, i CS ce vuci podatke iz njega ;)




	//////////////////////// COLORS ///////////////////////////



		// base colors

		"BaseText"		"255 255 255 255"	// used in text windows, lists

		"BrightBaseText"	"180 180 180 255"	// brightest text

		"SelectedText"		"255 255 255 255"	// selected text

		"DimBaseText"		"180 180 180 255"	// dim base text

		"LabelDimText"		"100 100 100 255"	// used for info text

		"ControlText"		"180 180 180 255"	// used in all text controls

		"BrightControlText"	"11 154 253 255"	// used for selected controls

		"DisabledText1"		"50 50 50 255"		// disabled text

		"DisabledText2"		"0 0 0 255"		// overlay color for disabled text (to give that inset look)

		"DimListText"		"25 25 25 255"		// offline friends, unsubscribed games, etc.

		// background colors

		"ControlBG"		"25 25 25 255"		// background color of controls

		"ControlDarkBG"		"37 37 37 255"		// darker background color; used for background of scrollbars

		"WindowBG"		"10 10 10 255"		// background color of text edit panes (chat, text entries, etc.)

		"SelectionBG"		"50 50 50 255"		// background color of any selected text or menu item

		"SelectionBG2"		"25 25 25 255"		// selection background in window w/o focus

		"ListBG"		"10 10 10 255"		// background of server browser, buddy list, etc.

		// titlebar colors

		"TitleText"		"11 154 253 255"

		"TitleDimText"		"200 200 200 255"

		"TitleBG"		"0 0 0 0"

		"TitleDimBG"		"0 0 0 0"

		// slider tick colors

		"SliderTickColor"	"75 75 75 255"

		"SliderTrackColor"	"102 102 102 255"

		// border colors

		"BorderBright"		"50 50 50 175"		// the lit side of a control

		"BorderDark"		"30 30 30 175"		// the dark/unlit side of a control

		"BorderSelection"	"0 0 0 255"		// the additional border color for displaying the default/selected button


	///////////////////// BASE SETTINGS ////////////////////////

	// default settings for all panels

	// controls use these to determine their settings



		"FgColor"				"ControlText"

		"BgColor"				"ControlBG"

		"LabelBgColor"				"ControlBG"

		"SubPanelBgColor"			"ControlBG"

		"DisabledFgColor1"			"DisabledText1" 

		"DisabledFgColor2"			"DisabledText2"			// set this to the BgColor if you don't want it to draw

		"TitleBarFgColor"			"TitleText"

		"TitleBarDisabledFgColor"		"TitleDimText"

		"TitleBarBgColor"			"TitleBG"

		"TitleBarDisabledBgColor"		"TitleDimBG"

		"TitleBarIcon"				"resource/icon_window_focuson"

		"TitleBarDisabledIcon"			"resource/icon_window_focusoff"

		"TitleButtonFgColor"			"TitleDimText"

		"TitleButtonBgColor"			"TitleDimBG"

		"TitleButtonDisabledFgColor"		"TitleDimText"

		"TitleButtonDisabledBgColor"		"TitleDimBG"

		"TextCursorColor"			"BaseText"		// color of the blinking text cursor in text entries

		"URLTextColor"				"BrightBaseText"	// color that URL's show up in chat window



			"FgColor"			"DimBaseText"

			"BgColor"			"ControlBG"

			"ArmedFgColor"			"BrightBaseText"

			"ArmedBgColor"			"SelectionBG"

			"DividerColor"			"BorderDark"

			"TextInset"			"6"


		MenuButton	  // the little arrow on the side of boxes that triggers drop down menus


			"ButtonArrowColor"		"DimBaseText"		// color of arrows

		   	"ButtonBgColor"			"WindowBG"		// bg color of button. same as background color of text edit panes 

			"ArmedArrowColor"		"BrightBaseText"	// color of arrow when mouse is over button

			"ArmedBgColor"			"DimBaseText"		// bg color of button when mouse is over button




			"SliderFgColor"			"ControlBG"		// handle with which the slider is grabbed

			"SliderBgColor"			"ControlDarkBG"		// area behind handle




			"BgColor"			"ControlBG"	// this isn't really used

			"ScrollBarSliderFgColor"	"ControlBG"	// handle with which the slider is grabbed

			"ScrollBarSliderBgColor"	"ControlDarkBG"	// area behind handle

			"ButtonFgColor"			"DimBaseText"	// color of arrows


		// text edit windows

		"WindowFgColor"				"BaseText"	// off-white

		"WindowBgColor"				"WindowBG"	// redundant. can we get rid of WindowBgColor and just use WindowBG?

		"WindowDisabledFgColor"			"DimBaseText"

		"WindowDisabledBgColor"			"ListBG"	// background of chat conversation

		"SelectionFgColor"			"SelectedText"	// fg color of selected text

		"SelectionBgColor"			"SelectionBG"

		"ListSelectionFgColor"			"SelectedText"

		"ListBgColor"				"ListBG"	// background of server browser control, etc

		"BuddyListBgColor"			"ListBG"	// background of buddy list pane

		// App-specific stuff

		"ChatBgColor"				"WindowBG"

		// status selection

		"StatusSelectFgColor"			"BrightBaseText"

		"StatusSelectFgColor2"			"BrightControlText"	// this is the color of the friends status

		// checkboxes

		"CheckButtonBorder1"   			"BorderDark"		// the left checkbutton border

		"CheckButtonBorder2"   			"BorderBright"		// the right checkbutton border

		"CheckButtonCheck"			"BrightControlText"	// color of the check itself

		"CheckBgColor"				"ListBG"

		// buttons (default fg/bg colors are used if these are not set)

//		"ButtonArmedFgColor"

//		"ButtonArmedBgColor"

//		"ButtonDepressedFgColor"		"BrightControlText"

//		"ButtonDepressedBgColor"

		// buddy buttons



			"FgColor1"			"ControlText"

			"FgColor2"			"DimListText"

			"ArmedFgColor1"			"BrightBaseText"

			"ArmedFgColor2"			"BrightBaseText"

			"ArmedBgColor"			"SelectionBG"




			"TextColor"			"BrightControlText"

			"SelfTextColor"			"BaseText"

			"SeperatorTextColor"		"DimBaseText"




			"MenuColor"			"255 255 255 255"

			"ArmedMenuColor"		"11 154 253 255"

			"DepressedMenuColor" 		"150 150 150 255"

			"WidescreenBarColor" 		"0 0 0 0"

			"MenuItemVisibilityRate" 	"0.01"  // time it takes for one menu item to appear

			"MenuItemHeight"		"28"

			"GameMenuInset"			"32"


		"SectionTextColor"			"BrightControlText"	// text color for IN-GAME, ONLINE, OFFLINE sections of buddy list

		"SectionDividerColor"			"BorderDark"		// color of line that runs under section name in buddy list



	//////////////////////// FONTS /////////////////////////////


	// describes all the fonts



		// fonts are used in order that they are listed

		// fonts listed later in the order will only be used if they fulfill a range not already filled

		// if a font fails to load then the subsequent fonts will replace





				"name"		"Tahoma"

				"tall"		"16"

				"weight"	"0"







				"name"		"Tahoma"

				"tall"		"16"

				"weight"	"500"







				"name"		"Tahoma"

				"tall"		"16"

				"weight"	"0"

				"underline" "1"







				"name"		"Tahoma"

				"tall"		"13"

				"weight"	"0"







				"name"		"Tahoma"

				"tall"		"12"

				"weight"	"600"







				"name"		"Tahoma"

				"tall"		"12"

				"weight"	"0"







				"name"		"Verdana"

				"tall"		"18"

				"weight"	"1000"

				"antialias" "0"







				"name"		"Verdana"

				"tall"		"16"

				"weight"	"1000"

				"antialias" "0"



		// this is the symbol font





				"name"		"Marlett"

				"tall"		"14"

				"weight"	"0"

				"symbol"	"1"







				"name"		"Verdana"

				"tall"		"12"

				"weight"	"600"

				"yres"	"480 599"

				"dropshadow"	"1"




				"name"		"Verdana"

				"tall"		"13"

				"weight"	"600"

				"yres"	"600 767"

				"dropshadow"	"1"




				"name"		"Verdana"

				"tall"		"14"

				"weight"	"600"

				"yres"	"768 1023"

				"dropshadow"	"1"




				"name"		"Verdana"

				"tall"		"20"

				"weight"	"600"

				"yres"	"1024 1199"

				"dropshadow"	"1"




				"name"		"Verdana"

				"tall"		"24"

				"weight"	"600"

				"yres"	"1200 6000"

				"dropshadow"	"1"







				"name"		"Trebuchet MS"

				"tall"		"18"

				"weight"	"600"

				"antialias"	"1"



		"Legacy_CreditsFont" // Added to accomodate 3rd party server plugins, etc. This version should not scale.




				"name"		"Trebuchet MS"

				"tall"		"20"

				"weight"	"700"

				"antialias"	"1"

				"yres"	"1 10000"





	//////////////////// BORDERS //////////////////////////////


	// describes all the border types



		// references to other borders

		BaseBorder		"InsetBorder"

		ComboBoxBorder	"InsetBorder"

		BrowserBorder	"InsetBorder"

		ButtonBorder	"RaisedBorder"

		FrameBorder		"RaisedBorder"

		TabBorder		"RaisedBorder"

		MenuBorder		"RaisedBorder"

		// standard borders



			"inset" "0 0 1 1"





					"color" "BorderDark"

					"offset" "0 1"







					"color" "BorderBright"

					"offset" "1 0"







					"color" "BorderDark"

					"offset" "0 0"







					"color" "BorderBright"

					"offset" "0 0"






			"inset" "0 0 1 1"





					"color" "BorderBright"

					"offset" "0 1"







					"color" "BorderDark"

					"offset" "0 0"







					"color" "BorderBright"

					"offset" "0 1"







					"color" "BorderDark"

					"offset" "0 0"




		// special border types



			"inset" "0 0 1 1"





					"color" "BorderBright"

					"offset" "0 1"







					"color" "BorderDark"

					"offset" "1 0"







					"color" "BorderBright"

					"offset" "0 0"







					"color" "BorderDark"

					"offset" "0 0"






			"inset" "0 0 1 1"





					"color" "BgColor"

					"offset" "0 1"







					"color" "BgColor"

					"offset" "1 0"







					"color" "BgColor"

					"offset" "0 0"







					"color" "BgColor"

					"offset" "0 0"






			"inset" "1 1 1 1"





					"color" "BorderDark"

					"offset" "0 1"







					"color" "BorderBright"

					"offset" "1 0"







					"color" "BorderDark"

					"offset" "0 0"







					"color" "BorderBright"

					"offset" "0 0"






			"inset" "1 0 0 0"





					"color" "BorderBright"

					"offset" "0 1"







					"color" "BorderDark"

					"offset" "1 0"







					"color" "BorderBright"

					"offset" "0 0"







					"color" "BorderDark"

					"offset" "0 0"






			"inset" "2 2 0 0"





					"color" "BorderDark"

					"offset" "0 1"







					"color" "BorderBright"

					"offset" "1 0"







					"color" "BorderDark"

					"offset" "0 0"







					"color" "BorderBright"

					"offset" "0 0"






			"inset" "0 0 1 0"





					"color" "BorderBright"

					"offset" "0 0"







					"color" "BorderDark"

					"offset" "1 0"







					"color" "BorderBright"

					"offset" "0 0"







					"color" "ControlBG"

					"offset" "6 2"






			"inset" "0 0 1 0"





					"color" "BorderDark"

					"offset" "0 0"







					"color" "BorderDark"

					"offset" "1 0"







					"color" "BorderDark"

					"offset" "0 0"







					"color" "BorderDark"

					"offset" "0 0"




		// this is the border used for default buttons (the button that gets pressed when you hit enter)



			"inset" "0 0 1 1"





					"color" "BorderSelection"

					"offset" "0 0"




					"color" "BorderBright"

					"offset" "0 1"







					"color" "BorderSelection"

					"offset" "0 0"




					"color" "BorderBright"

					"offset" "1 0"







					"color" "BorderSelection"

					"offset" "0 0"




					"color" "BorderDark"

					"offset" "1 0"







					"color" "BorderSelection"

					"offset" "0 0"




					"color" "BorderDark"

					"offset" "1 1"






			"inset" "2 1 1 1"





					"color" "BorderDark"

					"offset" "0 1"







					"color" "BorderBright"

					"offset" "1 0"







					"color" "BorderDark"

					"offset" "0 0"







					"color" "BorderBright"

					"offset" "0 0"






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pa ili ti umire net ili imash virus, s'obzirom da ovo drugo nije ostaje prvo. zovi isp-a pa se zhali.

inache 100% mozhe da se promeni font u kanteru ali zaista ne znam kako jer nikad nisam imao potrebu da to radim. guglajte u ostalom, sigurno ce te naci.

retardirani nod 32,kako sam instalirao avast i update-ovo ga,tako mi je nasao 28937238732873 trojanca,vecina u windows-u :S,valdja ce cs raditi normalno sad kad ih sve obrisem :)

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izbacio sve viruse,o5 ista prica,udjem na server i ping krene da skace kao nenormalan,u gornjem desnom uglu izbacuje warning cl_flashentitypacket...

overio sam speedtest.net i 0.50 sa 0.25 je...

igram vec godinama i nikad nisam imao ovakav problem,pomoc...! :)

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drugari help :)

instalirao sam win 7 medjutim fora je sto mi slika igra u cs :/ baguje se jako neki help :)... update sam drajvere sve u fullu .... :S

Fora je u tome shto CS na sedmici necesh moci da igrash u OpenGL formatu, samo u D3D... Mozhda postoji nachin za OpenGL, ali ja ga ne znam... pozz

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