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Blizzard's Wrath of the Lich King Presentation


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  Kole said:
i treba artasa da ubija 10 ljudi

ko ga jebe kad je uvek bio pichka ;oP

lichno sam se smorio kad je ilidan otvoren da bude killable (uvek sam mislio da on treba da bude lik koji dozhivljava koliko-toliko iskupljenje, nesto tipa da se samod'ubije da bi spasao nekoga od "good guys" ekipe) ovako kad je ilidan ovakav kakav je onda artas i zasluzhuje da bude tretiran ko vetji looser ;o)

Right! Pichku od polu/coveka treba da bije deset ljudi. Nije zasluzio vise. [b)]

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:O ajde sad me zbog jednog spella :P drndajte :)

Pa ja u igri ne znam nijedan spell bilo koje klase sem paladina :) doduse daj boze i njemu da znam sve...

Uglavnom koj cemi kurac da im znam imena ;)

Sad je bitno da imas Season 3 gear i da si ubio illidana i ti si pro xD

A to sto sam rekao spellbook ? :) sta je tu loshe ja znam da warrior ima Spellbook & Abilities :)

Edited by Silencer
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ne diraj sunce!


u porednjeju sa ilidanom (wc3:roc) artas je uvek bio mali ghay

to kako blizz bash blati protagonista wc3ke u wow-u je bezobrazluk

ali kad pogledash realno artasa su vishe disrespekovali ovim potezom i to tako valja!

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dovoljno je to sto ce ga 10 ljudi ubijati kao da je krip

pao sam sa stolice :)

40 ljudi je potrebno bilo da ubije ragnarosa i Kel'thuzada

25 ljudi da ubije Kael'thasa, Illidana i Kil'Jadena

10 ljudi da ubije Arthasa

Dobro to je neki balans 60 lvl 70 lvl 80 lvl ? :)

Na kraju osecam evo prividjam da cemo 2010 godine u nekom expensionu imati dungeon istance 1-2 man i 5 man raid :)

Bah mozda je ovo samo jedan kraj WoW-a, i pocetak Diablo3 kao naslednika Blizzard MMO-a.

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  Silencer said:
Jebiga kobajo valjda se tako zove spell :P ne ulazim ja u ostale klase sem paladina ;)

Evo ovde cu se ispravim :) Sad sam se log na warriora WhirlWind :) Znam da je bio neki Wind :P a onaj drugi deo ne znam napamet ;)

meni pise da sam ga ja slain sa holy shock !



[19:12:21] [W From] [80:Primevilka]: ja to zato shto te volim <3

Pa ne znam,pola shljive,njivik i bashtu

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  Silencer said:
pao sam sa stolice :)

40 ljudi je potrebno bilo da ubije ragnarosa i Kel'thuzada

25 ljudi da ubije Kael'thasa, Illidana i Kil'Jadena

10 ljudi da ubije Arthasa

Dobro to je neki balans 60 lvl 70 lvl 80 lvl ? :)

Na kraju osecam evo prividjam da cemo 2010 godine u nekom expensionu imati dungeon istance 1-2 man i 5 man raid :)

Bah mozda je ovo samo jedan kraj WoW-a, i pocetak Diablo3 kao naslednika Blizzard MMO-a.

nadam se ... da paladin bude ono sto treba da bude ... gief jebeni zeal i fanaticizam auru ftw !

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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nadam se ... da paladin bude ono sto treba da bude ... gief jebeni zeal i fanaticizam auru ftw !

Dzaba storm :) onda ce da warriori da nose 2x 2h weaponz i ne mogu da se setim kako im se zove spell da se okrecu i lete po celoj mapi :) A zamisli tek da skacu ko kenguri :P

ololol sad razmisljam kako ce koj kurac da se igra naxx. 60 lvl isli smo 40 man tesko bilo samo tako, kako ce sad oni to da naprave da bude 10 man na 80 lvl ja stvarno ne mogu da razumem, al znam da ce dosta njih zbog toga imati tier7 i kad krene 25 man Naxx, samo iz principa posto mislim da Blizzard nece da se cima da menja nihove abillitiez.

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  Kole said:
i treba artasa da ubija 10 ljudi

ko ga jebe kad je uvek bio pichka ;oP

lichno sam se smorio kad je ilidan otvoren da bude killable (uvek sam mislio da on treba da bude lik koji dozhivljava koliko-toliko iskupljenje, nesto tipa da se samod'ubije da bi spasao nekoga od "good guys" ekipe) ovako kad je ilidan ovakav kakav je onda artas i zasluzhuje da bude tretiran ko vetji looser ;o)

  Kole said:
u porednjeju sa ilidanom (wc3:roc) artas je uvek bio mali ghay

to kako blizz bash blati protagonista wc3ke u wow-u je bezobrazluk

ali kad pogledash realno artasa su vishe disrespekovali ovim potezom i to tako valja!

Word, /agree

I don't know who pegi is, but i'm glad she's 18.

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  Silencer said:
Dzaba storm :) onda ce da warriori da nose 2x 2h weaponz i ne mogu da se setim kako im se zove spell da se okrecu i lete po celoj mapi :) A zamisli tek da skacu ko kenguri :P

ololol sad razmisljam kako ce koj kurac da se igra naxx. 60 lvl isli smo 40 man tesko bilo samo tako, kako ce sad oni to da naprave da bude 10 man na 80 lvl ja stvarno ne mogu da razumem, al znam da ce dosta njih zbog toga imati tier7 i kad krene 25 man Naxx, samo iz principa posto mislim da Blizzard nece da se cima da menja nihove abillitiez.

frenzy ako si na to mislio :)


[19:12:21] [W From] [80:Primevilka]: ja to zato shto te volim <3

Pa ne znam,pola shljive,njivik i bashtu

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Text u CoT Stratholme:

Arthas: Glad you could make it Uther

Uther: Watch your tone with me boy, you may be the prince but i'm still your superior as a paladin

Arthas: As if i could forget, listen Uther, there's something about the plague you should know

Arthas: Oh no, we're too late. these people have all been infected.They may look fine now, but it's just a matter of time before they turninto the undead

Uther: WHAT!?

Arthas: This entire city must be purged

Uther: How can you even consider that? There's got to be some other way

Arthas: Dammit Uther, as your future king i order you to purge this city.

Uther: You are not my king yet boy! Nor would i obey that command even if you were!

Arthas: Then i must consider this an act of treason

Uther: Treason! Have you lost your mind arthas?

Arthas: Have i? Lord Uther, by my right of succession and thesovreignty of my crown, i hereby relieve you from your command andsuspend your paladins from service

Jaina: Arthas... You can't just...

Arthas: It's done, those of you who have the will to save this land follow me, the rest of you get out of my sight

Uther: You've just crossed a terrible threshold arthas

Arthas: Jaina...

Jaina: I'm sorry arthas, i cant let you do this

Download Audio Filez: http://rapidshare.com/files/115975104/Arthas.zip

Evo modela weaponz iz WotLK :)


World mapa:


Northrend Mapa:


Frost Lotus:


Novi Model Ghola:


Necropolis i Frost Lotus:


Loading Screen Azjol Nerub


Polar Bear i Nexuss Stuff



enGB (english)


deDE (german)


Ako mi dozvolite vise images na topicu :) metnuci ostatak.

Edited by Silencer
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Dodatan Info :)


* No character creation is available for this portion of testing.

* The level cap has been set to 74.


* Inscription is available for testing for skill levels 1-200.

* Enchanting is available for testing for skill levels 375-450.


* Howling Fjord: Utgarde Keep

* Borean Tundra: The Nexus

- What look to be a few Inscription skills? (Emboss, Embroider Tin, Refill, Inscribe Pet - Moth)

- Goblin and Gnomish binary languages. I don't think they translate to anything real.

- Pirate holiday; there are a bunch of new NPC textures of various races wearing pirate clothes as well.

- It looks like you'll get mail notifications to inform you that you're able to purchase your riding skill and mount.

- Some item suffixes that I think are new (of the Grove, of the Sun, etc.), but I could be mistaken.

- Achievments and a bunch of other random things.






Frostmourne Altar:


Edit: Rename maca :P

Edited by Silencer
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Vaneras je prdno !

Since the new information about the new 10/25 man raiding system in WotLK appeared on the fan sites, we have seen quite a few questions and concerns pop up here and there around the forums. This short Q&A is meant to address the ones that has been most frequently posted:

* Can I do the 10 and 25 man raids of the same dungeon?

You can do both 10 and 25-man raids and neither is required for progression in the other. Though there may be some additional thought put into being able to engage Arthas via 25-player prior to it being available to 10-player, but that is still in debate and just one of the ideas being toyed with.

Each will follow its own progression line. The end game 10 person dungeon will lead to the next 10 person dungeon in difficulty and gear progression and the same goes for the 25 person dungeons.

The lockout for each raid will be separate and we fully expect the larger guilds who can do the 25 person progression to still invest a lot of time in the 10 person versions.

* Why is it ok that we can kill Arthas with a 10-man raid?

Gnomeregan was invaded and is still held by level 28's.

The relativity of level and power isn't intended to be a benchmark for the difficulty of what exists in the world in comparison to each other.

Also, we hope that no one thinks the 10 person versions are going to be easy simply because they don't require the same amount of player coordination. They aren't going to be 'gimme' dungeons, it's going to be a difficult progression. Guilds that aren't really clearing Karazhan, or not really clearing Zul'Aman, are going to REALLY have to step it up if they hope to face Arthas. It's still going to be very challenging. You're not going to be able to be a guild that can flop through Kara and expect to have the skill, communication, and coordination to take him down.

* Noone will want to do 25-man raids that can be 10-manned

The 25 person raids are still going to be difficult, require more planning and coordination simply due to the amount of people required, reward better items, be a greater status symbol, etc.

Gear alone would be reason enough to continue doing them.

If your guild's only purpose is to experience the story, then yes, you'll be able to play the entire raid game in the 10 player size if you want to. Which isn't a bad thing, especially for those guilds that are of smaller size that aren't necessarily looking for the best of the best, but just want to see the story evolve with their group of guildies.

We don't think it's anywhere near the death of large scale raids, but instead an extremely bright future for the smaller guilds that want to stay small but are still dedicated to progressing.

The larger raid guilds are still going to be going after the larger 25 person size, and substituting with the 10 person on the off-days like they do with Zul'Aman or heroic Magisters' Terrace, etc. like they do now.

* What about the itemization differences between 10 and 25 man raids? And the tier looks?

The difference between items will quite likely be something like a full tier for each dungeon between the 10 and 25 man version, but no final decision has yet been made on this.

We're working on creating unique PvP and PvE sets for Wrath in terms of raiding and the arena gear.

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igra je fejlovala .. nista ne donose sveze,dizajn isti ,samo dodate 2 tachkice na dizajn.. likovi se i dalje retardirano krecu.. respect jedino za undeadove,krava trachi ko ogromno dvogodishnje trapavo dete...gnome i dwarf jedno te isto sranje josh kad skoche zabace glavu unazad samo gledam kace je pokida..meni Naxx i T3 kontent ima najlepshi dizajn itema.. no those days are gonee...

MMORPG - Many Men Online RolePlaying Girls


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