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PTR Patch 2.4.2


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* Talent: Primal Fury (Rank 2) will now be properly unlearned when it is untalented.

* Talent: (Restoration)- Natural Perfection will no longer proc by normal melee attacks.


* Aspect of the Viper: This ability now grants an additional amount of mana each 5 seconds equal to 35% of the hunter’s level.

* Boar Charge: This ability will no longer make Growl cast immediately after it generates excessive threat.

* The pet ability Growl will no longer scale with pet Attack Power.

* Dire Ravens in Blade’s Edge Mountains now tameable.

* Scare Beast: The range on this spell has been increased to 30 yards and it is now instant cast.

* Tamed Drywallow Snappers now will know Bite 5 (instead of Claw 5.)


* Talent: Improved Blink (Arcane) now reduces chance to be hit by 13/25% and the duration of Rank 1 has been increased to 4 seconds.

* Completing the quest “Arcane Refreshment” will now properly teach the spell Conjure Water (Rank 7).

* Polymorph: Mounted creatures will no longer remain mounted while polymorphed.

* Mage Armor no longer reduces the duration of beneficial magic buffs.

* Molten Armor will now do damage while a damage absorption shield is active.


* Flash of Light and Holy Light will now work properly with castsequence macros.

* Seal of the Crusader: This ability now increases the damage dealt by Crusader Strike by 40%.

* Crusader Strike (Retribution) will now properly receive a damage increase from Seal of The Crusader.

* Talent: Precision (Ranks 1-3) will no longer improperly display daggers and staves as a weapon class in the tooltip.

* Paladins that already have Apprentice Riding skill can now properly learn Summon Warhorse from the trainer.


* Fear Ward will no longer be consumed while under the effects of cyclone.

* Mana Burn: This spell can no longer trigger effects that require the target to be struck with a critical hit.

* Power Word:Shield now has the correct sound associated with it and can no longer be heard from large distances.

* Talent: Power Infusion will now consume the correct amount of mana when cast on yourself.


* Ability: Blade Flurry: This ability can no longer hit critters as its secondary targets and will now use a proper range calculation for all secondary targets.

* Talent: Mutilate (Assassination) will no longer incorrectly appear multiple times in the combat log when used.


* Ability: Frostbrand Weapon: Rank 6 damage has been increased very slightly.


* Drain Soul: Channeling of this spell will now always stop when a player target dies.

* Pets: Using a sacrifice effect to kill your own pet will no longer trigger effects that should only occur when killing an enemy.


* Sweeping Strikes: This ability can no longer hit critters as its secondary targets and will now use a proper range calculation for all secondary targets.


* Brann Bronzebeard’s Lost Letter: This item will no lonber display a damage range in its tooltip.

* Crusader’s Scaled Battlegear: Tooltip spelling corrected.

* Elixir of Demonslaying: This elixir now grants ranged attack power against demons as intended.

* Hazza’rah’s Charm of Healing Haste rating reduced.

* Nightfall now has a chance to fail on targets over level 60.

* Ravager: Judgements will no longer auto-refresh and break the effect from this item while its effect is active.

* Renataki’s Charm of Trickery has had its energy reduced.

* Shard of Azzinoth no longer shares any cooldown with Shaman Elemental totems.

* Shattered Sun Pendant of Might: The triggered effect from this item will no longer break Scattershot or other crowd-controlling affects. The visual on the Scryer version has been updated.

* Shifting Naaru Silver: Using this item no longer puts players into combat.

* Silithyst Dust: The bonus from turning this item in no longer works for players above level 63.

* Ten Storms Set: The Chain Heal bonus from this set has been reduced by 5%.

* Wushoolay’s Charm of Nature Haste rating has been reduced.


* If a character’s personal rating is more than 150 points below the team rating, they will earn points based on their personal rating instead of the team rating.

* If the average personal rating of the players queuing for a game is more than 150 points below the team’s rating, the team will be queued against an opponent matching or similar to the average personal rating.

Zakasnili su mnogo :(

Buffuju jebene paladine za PvP kao retri, bem mu mater imam da reroll dps :)

Sto se huntarda tiche :) ja mislim da cu da placam nekog huntera za 3v3 i 5v5 da igra samnom, jedino pametno sredstvo za anti druid wankers.... Ah retri pala i Huntard 2v2 vec zamisljam...

Pocinjem da razmisljam koji je zivnotni vek Blizzard radnika koji ovolko misli :| Garant zavrse u 40-50 godini u ludnici...

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Hunteri su ionako previse buff-ovani sad jos instant scare beast na 30yd. Taman da igram Opusteno i da se izivljavam na druidima u bg-ovima.

Za ostalo i nemam neki komentar. Drago mi je za da su sredili arenicu mada im je trebalo skoro 3 sezone da skontaju sta da rade... Naravno opet ce neko naci nacin da buffuje druge timove ili prodaje iste.

There is nothing either good or bad, thinking make it so.



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* If a character’s personal rating is more than 150 points below the team rating, they will earn points based on their personal rating instead of the team rating.

* If the average personal rating of the players queuing for a game is more than 150 points below the team’s rating, the team will be queued against an opponent matching or similar to the average personal rating.

ispravite me ako gresim ali ovde nedostaje onaj najvazniji deo kada se gube poeni ako neudjes u arenu?! ako ostane samo ovo to neznaci ama bas nista, to ce spreciti samo manji broj noob boostera koji ne umeju da se snadju.

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najmanje zastupljeni u 2v2,3v3 i 5v5

o cemu ti pricash,probaj igraj arene sa hunterom

Ti gledas samo na arenu - ja gledam na celokupnu igru. Dispel (a. shot), silence(mm)i sad instant fear sa 30 yardi. Sta im jos fali? Ne fali nista, imaju viska.

Situaciono kako da se osecas kad te 2-3 huntera sateraju u cosak? Da li si bio u toj situaciji ?

There is nothing either good or bad, thinking make it so.



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mage je tako losha klasa tako me sabijaju /cry /cry /CRY MORE !!!! igram arenu sa holy paladinom ne mogu nikod da pobedim!!!111oneoeneon cry cry cyr .... da igram working KOMBO !? NO WAI!

polako sine,opusti se.ako moj uspeh u areni zahteva da se timujem sa necim toliko gej kao shto je resto druid radije cu blejati na scrub rejtinzima a kada mi zatreba rejting za oruzje uci cu u tim sa druidom i zestoko se nadrogirati kako bi sve zaboravio sutradan.

Ti gledas samo na arenu - ja gledam na celokupnu igru. Dispel (a. shot), silence(mm)i sad instant fear sa 30 yardi. Sta im jos fali? Ne fali nista, imaju viska.

Situaciono kako da se osecas kad te 2-3 huntera sateraju u cosak? Da li si bio u toj situaciji ?

da te sateraju 2-3 69.lvla bilo koje klase nece ti biti dobro.

silence je 41pt talenat u mm stablu koje je toliko sjebano da me mrzi i da objashnjavam.taj instant fear josh nije ni live a pitanje je i da li ce biti,a pri tome nije fear nego scare beast aka mozesh da firujesh samo shejpshiftovane druide i shamane u ghost wolf formi..

imaju vishka cega?hunter je pure dmg dealer klasa a daleko je od najboljeg pve dmg dilera u igri,a u arenama je veoma lako kompletno onemoguciti los/pilar kajtovanjem ili nabijenjem melee klase u dupe huntera da uopshte pravi bilo kakav dmg.sama mehanika hunter klase se apsolutno ne uklapa u mehaniku arene

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Imam hunter i igrao sam pre huntera, kontam sta hoces da kazes u svakom slucaju. Jedan na jedan nemam problema kao moonkin, dok sa priestom ni da pomisljam da idem protiv huntera, easy kite, dispel buff-ove svakih par sek a pet me pojede (BM hunter) pre nego sto i uradim nesto (sranje oprema) i to sve opet zavisi od mog i hunter-ovog spec-a. Ako sam holisha ili disc/holy mogu da se lecim dok mi neko ne pomogne, ako mi uopste pomogne(ili da trazim nesto za LoS). Kao shadow izdotujem i trudim se da nadjem zaklon ako ga ima. Problematican mi hunter na otvorenom od kada su ukinuli deadzone ;]

Diskutabilno protiv 2-3 x 69, ako se niko ne leci i ako su pocetnici zavrsices sa pola hp-a sto znas i sam. Juce sam ubio zajedno war + retardina. Da ga je ret lecio mozda bi i dobili ili da je bar dispelovao root (nije poenta u hvalisanju - nego u tim pleju)

Hunter nije bas pogodan za arenu i sam si naveo razlog. Ako instant scare beast bude mocan, blizz ce ga verovatno nerfovati kao sto to uvek rade.

Dps huntera je sredjen zadnjim patch-evima ali je i dalje daleko iza ostalih pure dps klasa. Dobar je bio pre MC-a pa za vreme MC-a a vec sa izlaskom BWL-a,AQ-a,Naxx-a dps je poceo da im opada.

Ako si igrao tada seti se kakav im je bio dps.

Volim svaku klasu da igram i svaka ima mane i prednosti, neka vise a neka manje.

There is nothing either good or bad, thinking make it so.



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Ja sam igrao huntera i pre i posle tbca, pre tbc je bilo smesno, dmg je bio dobar u zg i mc, a posle smejurija. U TBCu su ispravili pve dps pa sad radi normalno, a u areni moze da se igra mada je blago gimpovan. Dobar je samo za noob 5vs5 jer tad ako ga ne ubiju prvog toliko se ispisha sa dmg da to nije zdravo.

But I doubt there's a journey planned for me - As I own every moment of my life

And the blessed they shall call it blasphemy - But I know what I think is right

Still the sun and the stars will shine for me - For the pure I will fight

For no king I will die - For my thoughts I will live

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Sta pricate vi ljudi?

Najbolje rejtovan lik kad se uzmu sve arene u obzir je hanter po sk tabelama.

MM hunter/Resto druid trenutno najbolji mozda kombo za 2vs2

Beastmaster/oomkin,spriest,ret pala sve ok 2xdps komboi koji igraju na ~2200

+ sve ostale moguce kombinacije sa hilerima

Ima mortal, ima dispell, ima mana drain, ima peta od kog se tesko bezi i pije ako je pravilno spekovan (druid u travel formi je 10% brzi samo).

To sto vi ne umete da igrate sa hanterom je vash problem i sto generalno malo ima hantera koji znaju da igraju jer su mahom ili kinezi ili kao kole all talk and no action.



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* Scare Beast: The range on this spell has been increased to 30 yards and it is now instant cast.


* Seal of the Crusader: This ability now increases the damage dealt by Crusader Strike by 40%.

* Crusader Strike (Retribution) will now properly receive a damage increase from Seal of The Crusader.

Sranje u najavi koliko vidim

Edited by Capma

Interrupts better than Kanye

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ooo mohi zavrshili smo sa psiho terapijom za veceras pa malko na net? neka hehe

nego,necemo o tome.ima hunter sve to shto si napisao.problem huntera u areni je kompletan dizajn klase koji se nikako ne uglapa u "pilar-u-bulju-los-lol-gej" dizajn arene.

ukratko,ti govorish da huntera ima toliko malo(najmanje) u svim bracketima zato shto ljudi koji igraju huntere ne znaju da igraju?a druida ima toliko zato shto su generalno bolji igraci(5-10x)?


ako je to tvoja logika,onda ok.nou hard filings.hint-menjaj shrinka

Edited by psy
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Tvoja logika je ako je nesto dobro za arenu svi ce da ga igraju?

Ok udji u av i izbroj hantere? U kom petchu je hanter dobio sve ovo sto sam nabrojao? Pre par petcheva kolko se ja secam. I niko nije rekao da je hanter lak za igranje, vetj da je po potencijalu klase najbolji izbor za 2vs2 sa druidom.

Pilar nije problem, u zavisnosti od protivnika ili izvlacis hilera tako sto dpsujes njegovog dpsa, a hilera samo viperujes ili counterujes dpsa totalno, a hilera oko pilara juris tako sto posadis trap na pilar.

U slucaju da si sa jos jednim dps-om, metu moras otvoriti daleko od pilara i navuci je na trap odakle nema lakog bezanja a to nije problem posto je u dva dpsa kombou u sustini lakse ubiti protivnickog dpsa ako je u dps/hiler kombou.

I ja ne znam dokle vise ovo jedenje govana sa tobom i tvojim whineovanjem, ako ti ne ide sa hantom brate tvoj problem, nije klasa kriva cak stavise klasa je imba sad. To sto nije lako nabaciti mortal kao sa warriorom, e pa jebiga nauci da igras i igraj working komboe.



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hunter je shit za arenu !!1

-Ukoliko neka devojka sedi negde sama NIKADA joj nemojte prici, sesti pored nje i izvaditi digitron i pitati je jel zna da racuna, ona kaze da zna, i reci "racunaj da cu te jebati" (osoba cija je ovo fora ima 30 godina i NIKADA nije imao devojku koja ima sve zube)


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