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WCG allows silent running


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WCG allows silent running

Written by immo in scene 10 hours ago (67 comments) | Tagged in: wcg silentrun rule


The WCG announced the tournament rules for their 2008 event and one of the most controversial rules in the history of the World Cyber Games Counter-Strike tournaments has been removed. Players are now allowed to silent run.

Everyone still remembers the heavy discussion a year ago at WCG 2007 where the World Cyber Games banned the use of silent-run (otherwise known as Begrip-movement, double duck, duck jumping) and the disaster afterwards during the tournament. Many teams argued that their opponents used silent running and the outcomes of several games were decided outside of the servers.

Now it looks like the WCG have learned from this mistake and opened up the discussion about the rule a few weeks ago with offering three possibilities. The three possibilities offered were either to keep the old rule, remove it completely or to create a WCG mod for their competition. The community was able to send in their suggestions and it now turned out that the second possibility seemed to be the best, the silent-run rule is now removed.

Still, a new rule was added regarding the silent-run. The players are not allowed to bind +duck to their mousewheel since it's simplyfing the move and you won't get slowed down at all.

Also another rule was added which is only a problem for the team coaches since only one of them is allowed per team and is also only allowed to talk to the team during freezetime. The freezetime is 15 seconds (at each round start) which looks like it is much time, but coaches are mostly more talking during a game so maybe it will affect some teams to some extent.


WCG News

Source : http://www.sk-gaming.com/content/16698-WCG..._silent_running

P()Z HW@L4

Edited by toma
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Still, a new rule was added regarding the silent-run. The players are not allowed to bind +duck to their mousewheel since it's simplyfing the move and you won't get slowed down at all.

Radost za sve ? ILI NE ?

Moje mishljenje ? Po meni nikad gore pravilo - unishtava igru. de ne..

Senses working overtime.

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jednostavno lan turniri ce biti organizovani i sudija ce moci da proveri da li imas bind +duck na mousewheel. a za online ? :/ ....

ali realno +duck na mousewheel jeste abuse i to veliki ... i vecina ljudi ovde to i radi na mousewheel , mnogo je teze raditi na tastaturi kad moras 2 puta da stisnes isti taster ili 2 razlicita tastera u odredjenim momentima da bi uradio silent run. takodje na mousewheel mozes da povezes vise silent runova i da uopste ne gubis na brzini kretanja, dok je na tasti mnogo teze da izvedes 3 4 skroz pravilna SR-a.


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To shto masa tripuje da se silent run ne chuje je zato shto 90% ljudi ovde ima bindovan duck na skrol, a kad tako radish niti usporavash niti se chujesh.

Kad se radi na ctrl, kad nije bindovan duck na 2 tastera, sr se i chuje a i usporavash shto ga duzhe radish. A protiv silent runa su samo likovi koji ne umeju da ga koriste (ne ovde, nego svuda).. tuzhno :<


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i ovde i na kgbovom forumu samo h8ujes..mislis da je ceo svet tvoj..oladi bajo...smaras...decko je stavio super temu,ajde sada fuck off...

Cenish a ?

Ovaj hejt nije bio uputjen onom koji je otvorio topic nego samom topiku ondnosno chinjenici da je sajlent ran dozvoljen na wcg-u.

E sad , smatram da tjesh se slozhiti samnom, to tje u mnogome da pokvari igricu.

Da li ti je sada lepshe kad sam ovako objasnio i preformulisao post ?

I ovo shto si napisao shto je boldovano nema nikakve veze ni sa chim, al dobro.

Ako zhelish neshto da mi odgovorish imash moj msn u profilu.

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hmm...pa kad ste krenuli da igrate counter, valjda niste mislili da se za skoro 10 godina gameplay nece promeniti...sta, drzi shift od spona da cujes gde je lik, cucni kad ga vidis jer si precizniji i po cenu zivota ne drzi dugme ? ALOL...pa sasvim je prirodno da je gameplay napredovao...bunny hop, boostovanje (ima tu jos par stvari)...na kraju i silent run...primecujem da igra manje vise slici kvejku :D...naravno abuse je da ga bindujes na skrol jer onda svaki bot moze da ga uradi...na keyboardu se vec smatra skillom...e sad unistava igru...ja licno mislim da nas to odvodi na drugi kraj do nekih profesionalnih ekipa iz inostranstva kojima se sr veoma dopao pa su jednostavno izvrsili pritisak na velike gaming organizacije a ovi su dozvolili sr...sigruno wcg nece slusati peru ziku i lazu iz srbije kojima se sr ne svidja...

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silent run se cuje i kad ga radis na skrol...

a ne znam dal je uopste neko nesto cuje na event-u kao sto je na primer wcg kad tresti muzika...komotno mozes da igras bez slusalica

a ja ga u vecinu slucajeva koristim kad izlecem na lika (kad je protivnik blizu)

pola ljudi ovde komentarise kako ce to da upropasti igru ROFL


smesni ste mi jako ! [}:)]


...i ako jos na guzi

seva tetovaza

ti shvati da si onda

prava gotivaza...

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silent run se cuje i kad ga radis na skrol...

a ne znam dal je uopste neko nesto cuje na event-u kao sto je na primer wcg kad tresti muzika...komotno mozes da igras bez slusalica

a ja ga u vecinu slucajeva koristim kad izlecem na lika (kad je protivnik blizu)

pola ljudi ovde komentarise kako ce to da upropasti igru ROFL


smesni ste mi jako ! [}:)]

Stvarno brate hteo sam ja da odgovrim kako lupetaju gluposti da se ne cuje, cuje se nego imas osecaj da ti nije tako blizu kao sto jeste a cuje se, mislim ako si gluv ne cujes a normalan prosecan igrac cuje to Edited by kobricaaa

Enzo says:

ja poceo se derem ceo bus me slusa

Enzo says:


Enzo says:

imam ga i na stimu bata = mali zen

Enzo says:

igraju GM vs ne znam ni ja ko

Enzo says:

i pita lik pod kojim nickom igra hamla ?

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