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Baldurs Gate


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krenuo sam pre 2 dana bg i hteo sam da predjem nastavak koj jos nisam presao i jos malo da bude teze isao sam solo mage :D

sada mi jos ostalo da uradim nastavak i baldurs gate grad da ocistim i gotovo je

sve sam solo uradio naravno na samom pocetku sam pustio nekoliko likova u druzinu samo da im uzmem stvari


bas sam happy prvi put sve da zavrsim :D

Edited by pantasd

prodaja game carda , golda na bilo kom server vise informacija na pm

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nisam siguran ali dragon age nece da ima istu pricu kao bg samo ljudi misle da ce biti spiritualni nastavak bga

ovo sam video pre par godina

Obsidian got the licence, so there will most likely be some games in the Forgotten Realms setting, but if the story has anything to to with BG, nobody knows. At least not I.

On the other hand, Obsidian has made two follow-ups of BioWare products, NWN and KOTOR, so why not BG.

But BG is a well concluded saga. I don`t believe there`s anything more to exploit from the story.

And IF they are making a completely different story, it would be best to set it som different place than Baldur`s Gate.

Anyway, ìt`s only speculation at the moment, in except of this talksman for Obsidian(?) that was provoked by journalists six months ago about future strategy, and responded by dashing out with names like NWN2 and BG3, without furhter explanation.

prodaja game carda , golda na bilo kom server vise informacija na pm

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bioware ljudi bioware

i radi se samo za PC (za sada)... mislim da se na njemu radi nesto oko 4-5 godina razlicitim intezitetom, i zaista obecavaju pravu stvar, pravi pravcati singl player PC naslov

edit q1 2009 je dragon age, sto je mnogo mnogo je... ima da lepo da batalim svaku igru, drndam se na lapu i tako jedno dve godine dok se ne sakupi 5 naslova koje vredi igrati... kako je prsla industrija to je cudo ... koji je njima djavo ljudi, pa 3 individue zarshe kompleksnije igre za godinu dana sa grafichki veoma prihvatljivom prezentacijom... zasto ne naprave manje timove koji ce biti efikasniji, manje ce kostati brze ce praviti igre, pa rpg nikada nije bio o grafici, neka bude sasvim prosechna a ne omgfapfapfapeteshadorzfap , imash 3 tima sa 10 ljudi, potencialna 3 naslova za godinu-dve, manja zarada ali su i troshkovi daleko manji, a popularnost samo skace... jbte... neka ove AAA naslove rade i dalje u istom fazonu kao do sada, veoma loshem i skupom





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solo bih igrao samo kad bi viconia mogla da drka (dvojka)

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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trenutno sam u sred realizacije mog trodelnog plana da odradim sve npc kvestove. predjoh sa paladinkom, sad idem sa neutral bardom pa cu sa evil kensai/magom. naravno za svakog lika ce isti aligment druzina. ocekivo sam da ce se Anomen pretvoriti u paladina a ne samo bedni stat boost.

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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