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dota 6.51


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6.51 Changelog


* Fixed a bug with Kellen's Dagger that caused it to sometimes not get disabled when hit

* Fixed Land Mines tooltip

* Increased cast range of Kelen's Dagger

* Undid previous Bottle changes. Bottle now works as follows: Costs 600 gold, does not require mana to refill, auto-fills it when you are near fountain, rune refills it to full, resells at 50% like normal, purchasable at base only, regenerates less than previously, has no usage cooldown.

* Fixed Medusa's Mana Shield from triggering Essence Aura

* Fixed Searing Arrows' tooltip

* Changed Hyperstone purchase hotkey to fix a conflict

* Fixed a bug with Invoker when creating illusions

* Updated Kelen's Dagger tooltip

* Undid some of Morphling's base damage buff from last version

* Fixed Bloodrage tooltip

* Fixed Pulse Nova and Invoker's Reagents from triggering Last Word

* Smokescreen interrupts teleportation once again

* Color coded Invoker's spell descriptions (203050)

* Improved Sange's percentage and Yasha's percentage, and lowered the recent buff on S&Y a little

* Fixed Vladmir's Offering sell cost

* Increased Counter Helix chance by 2%

* Minor bonus armor in True Form

* Improved the effect timing on Split Earth (187877)

* -swapcancel code is triggered when a swap is successful (to prevent other accidental swaps)

* Improved Shuriken Toss cast range

* Added new Backtrack icon (183079)

* Changed Battlefury recipe slightly

* Lowered Poof casting time from 2 to 1.5 seconds

* Lowered Elder Dragon Form's manacost and cooldown a little

* Added neutrals field to -cs

* Changed Phantom Edge's secondary ability from evasion to magic resistance

* Replaced Phantom Assassin's Shadow Strike with a different similar ability (132694)

* Fixed a minor coding bug with Time Lapse

* Fixed Impale based spells from moving Juggernaut during Omnislash

* Added new icon for Melting Strike

* Reduced some lag with Invoker

* Fixed level 1 March of the Machines doing slightly less damage than intended

* Removed stock cooldown on Ironwood Branch

* Added a new system that tracks when you help an ally kill a hero (no gameplay ramifications at this point)

* -swap is now allowed in -sd

* Fixed some minor neutrals' vision and pathing glitches

* Lowered level 1 and 2 cast range on Replicate

* Lowered Phantom Assassin's cast animation time

* Fixed a bug with Exorcism's cooldown after leveling Witchcraft

* Fixed some issues with -ah

* Refined how some kill related messages and sounds are shown

* Increased mana regeneration on Perseverance by 25%

* Lowered Buriza recipe by 250 gold

* Changed Voodoo Restoration to heal over a smoother interval (same total regen)

* Lowered Manta Style's cooldown a bit

* Fixed a bug with Voodoo Restoration and Impales

* Fixed a bug with invoker in -spreverse

* Fixed some inconsistencies with tower visions (TheLoneWolf14)

* Increased duration of Lycanthrope's wolves a bit and allowed them to attack air

* Temporarily disabled -unstuck command

nisam probao ali novi bottle bi trebao da je ok...

Edited by Mitch

Bjukenon Mitch

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ne razumem sto moraju da cackaju po bootleu.. T_T

dagger nece izbaciti iz upotrebe jos duze vremeeeeee

[0:51:9]dR.No0 Say:

rekao ja dota-angelu

[0:51:16]dR.No0 Say:

brate ja sam icefrog

[0:51:25]dR.No0 Say:

ako mi ne das menagera, gasim sve

[0:51:31]4Sale-_- Say:


[0:51:35]dR.No0 Say:

i jos mi da 1000 eura na ruke

[0:51:55]4Sale-_- Say:

kako bre 1000 eura"?

[0:52:7]4Sale-_- Say:

na karticu?

[0:52:21]dR.No0 Say:

na ruke brate

[0:52:28]4Sale-_- Say:

on prso brate

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ne znam da li jos nekome smeta,ali...

ulti od broodmothera mi tako ide na kurac da je do neverovatno. 1v1 nema sanse,sem ako nemas stun ili neki blink.

znam da ulti nema veze sa ovom verzijom ali bi bilo lepo i to da dorade malo,mislim 30 sec je cd,lifesteal,slow,ma sve.jebeno je imba :)

jeste da se lako counteruje u grupnim peglama ali 1v1 je iritirajuce mnogo...

Bjukenon Mitch

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