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Patch 2.4.0 Information


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Pa dobro, uzmite i u obzir kakvi su encounteri pre tbca bili, 90% je bilo tank and zerg, uz mali dodatak bezanja od repa, bezanja iz blizzarda, poison clouda itd =P

A i pre tbca je bilo mlogo teshko imati gear koji valja, sad sve sa neba pada :D

zakljuchak - sjebana je itemizacija te epike svaka budala ima, sto olakshava PVE mnogo, i pve izgleda lako u tim uslovima!

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fora je naci semu pre nego sto se taktike nadju na netu.

aha slazem se sa tobom... bilo bi 100 puta teze kada bi morao sam da pravis taktiku...

ali to se nikada nece desiti... fora posle prvog , drugog , treceg ... world kill-a (tog ili bilo kog bossa) odma ce izacic neka taktika na forumu ... jbg xD

inace mogu da vam potvrdim da ce moci da se radi 25 daily q-a.... ovi sa www.wowwiki.com su to vec ubacili u opis daily-a

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Taktika ne znaci mnogo. Mi smo citali taktiku za svakog bossa, realno nije nam nista pomoglo, osim sto smo ocekivali neke stvari ali bez vajpovanja nema nista. I na kraju smo uvek napravili nasu sopstvenu taktiku koja odgovara nama. Mnogo placete. Pre tbc se nece vratit, tako daaaaa, mogli bi polako u staracki dom a? :)

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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Taktika ne znaci mnogo. Mi smo citali taktiku za svakog bossa, realno nije nam nista pomoglo, osim sto smo ocekivali neke stvari ali bez vajpovanja nema nista. I na kraju smo uvek napravili nasu sopstvenu taktiku koja odgovara nama. Mnogo placete. Pre tbc se nece vratit, tako daaaaa, mogli bi polako u staracki dom a? :)

da ali ste taktiku pravili na osnovu one sto ste procitali... znali ste dovoljno da znate sta kada treba da radite... samo da li ste vi to uradili na nacin kako te taktike kazu ili ne to nije vazno...

a reci da niste imali te taktike i niste znali neke najbitnije stvari... fora kada castuje spell na koga castuje , sta posle radi.... mnogo teze bi vam bilo

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Patch notes koji je bio u prvom postu je false. Zvanicno je potvrdila Nethaera i pozvala igrace da se strpe oko zvanicnih informacija.

We have information in the works, but I'd caution people that it's not going to be today or even Monday, but we have plans and are working to put things together that will hopefully make the wait worthwhile.

I'd also caution people about getting their expectations up in regard to "sweeping class changes". Again, we have many things in the works and a definite plan of action that we will share with you all more as we progress.

As always, I'll remind people that if we don't post patch notes, they aren't the real deal. We create them, we post them, we make them reality. Don't supplant someone's fantasy patch notes for the real ones in your heads. It will only end in tears on so many fronts...

...We know things... things that will make some squeal in delight...

Ok, maybe not actually squeal in delight, but there is definitely more than meets the eye and we feel there are some great new bits coming your way.

I don't want to raise any expectations beyond what they should be at, but there is more than one thing that I'm looking forward to. Take it for what it's worth.

*No, I'm not pinning myself down to any specific date for an information release. Sorry!

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Warlord se zovu. Samo mi to jos treba. da ubacuju nove iteme.

Edited by StormScion

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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