mohican Posted February 4, 2008 Report Share Posted February 4, 2008 Zavisi od komboa ... druid locka recimo kara priest rogue ... Novi ultimejt kombo ako mene neko pita je hunt/drood. Quote OPTIMISED FOR HUMAN OPTICAL NERVEBEST VIEWED WITH A MONITOR Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
marlena Posted February 4, 2008 Report Share Posted February 4, 2008 bas mi danas drug rece da je predrkan taj hunt/drood oni za jedan dan izboostovali rating na 1800 Quote NEMA JAKO I NEMA U GLAVU! [19:12:21] [W From] [80:Primevilka]: ja to zato shto te volim <3 Pa ne znam,pola shljive,njivik i bashtu Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
K0baya Posted February 4, 2008 Report Share Posted February 4, 2008 Tek tu je CC da se useresh. =) Od kada su smanjili deadrange i ubacili dispell na Arcane shot, ne znash shta je gore. =) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
killYg0r Posted February 4, 2008 Report Share Posted February 4, 2008 ja sam vec pricao o druid hunter setupu kad igram sa druidom 2x2 nema teorije da dobijemo roots 9 sec, roots 5 sec, roots 3 sec, cyclone 4 sec, cyclone 2 sec, scatter shot 3 sec, trap 9 sec i tako u krug ali onda npr igram sa shamanom koji ne moze da ode oom ni od poisona ni nicega a ne moze ni da umre kao sto hunter moze druida da savije i jednostavno kad hunter ode bez mane i druid ja ih zavrsim i gg to samo govori koliko je 2x2 prilicno ne zavisan od skilla vec samo od setupa i naravno bolji gear- > bolji rating npr u 3x3 isto je strasan setup lock druid i hunter mana drain healera i gg ali onda uzmem jos pickarskiji setup 2 healera i warr i jednostavno prezivljaju 2 healera dok druid ne ode oom jedno 5-10min i onda ih zavrsim opet izgleda da nikad nece ni arena biti balansirana da sve bude u skillu ne kazem da ne mora da se ima skill najbolji pvperi na svetu mogu da igraju i lupam sad huntera i da imaju 2500 rating ali ce setup biti u prednosti u vecini slucajeva i druidom cc samo mrvicu treba nerfovati i bice dovoljan roots koji traje 9 sec je potpuno idioutluk i slicno Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mohican Posted February 4, 2008 Report Share Posted February 4, 2008 Taj root je vec nerfovan kad su skresali trajanja svih tih sranja na 10s polymorph 10s trap 10s fear 10s root 10s i sledeci nije 5s vec 8 zato sto ovi skilovi zapravo traju duze ali su nerfovani na 10s max trajanja. I ciklon nije 4s vetj 6 pa 3 pa 1.5 Quote OPTIMISED FOR HUMAN OPTICAL NERVEBEST VIEWED WITH A MONITOR Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
K0baya Posted February 4, 2008 Report Share Posted February 4, 2008 2 healera i warr To sam hteo da probam, ali nikako nisam mogao da nadjem dobrog resto shamzora. =) A inache peglao sam se 3v3 vs warrior + 2 disc priest-a.Moj setup je bio Lock, Pala, Warr (Me), dovoljno je reci da mi je healer ostao oom posle 20 sekundi. =) A warrior je uzhivao u pain supression-u. =) I to x2. =) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StormScion Posted February 4, 2008 Report Share Posted February 4, 2008 (edited) Wow sto ti je underpowered setup /sarcasm off. Ne znam samo sta je taj paladin tu zalutao ... baci to u kantu i zovi druida da uzmes 2500+rating. Edited February 4, 2008 by StormScion Quote Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
K0baya Posted February 4, 2008 Report Share Posted February 4, 2008 Zato shto je moj nekadashnji realm (Auchindoun - EU) bio realm warlocka i feral druida. =) 50-60% servera su warloci i druidi, i to pun kurac zhenskih tauren druida lol, 20% mushki blood elf hunteri sa dugom kosom i shishkama, 10% undead rogue-ovi, a ono shto je ostalo, meshavina. A i u susretima protiv timova koji imaju jednog healer-a, druida, popiju veoma jake batine, imao sam pro warlock-a, pecao je druida na DC i ph33r kad je bio u caster formi.Tako da mi se ideja o dr00du u 3v3 nije ni malo svidela. =) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StormScion Posted February 4, 2008 Report Share Posted February 4, 2008 (edited) Da stim da je najveca imba u 3x3 i 2x2 ... fear + cyclone + roots , svi mogu samo da izadju. A druida ne mozes nikada da 'upecas' osim ako on nije retardirani degenerik i ima zelenu opremu. Dok je u fearu / dcu on se i dalje healuje i idalje njegovi hotovi healuju grupu + ne vredi ih dispelovati iz ociglednih razloga + sto dobrog druida je jako tesko burnovati. Dakle imas klasu koja ima instant healove nista ne kastuje od healova ima najbolji cc u igri i ne moze da se manaburnuje kada se nahotuje udje u mechku sa interceptom i upali frenzied rejuvination to je kao da je usao u bubble na 30 sekundi. Nemoj da se zavaravas i imas neke sumnje to je najjachi 3x3 tim. Edited February 4, 2008 by StormScion Quote Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mohican Posted February 4, 2008 Report Share Posted February 4, 2008 Nije ... Na primer od njega je bolji rogue/lock/druid za pocetak a mogu jos mnogo da smislim ... mag/rog/druid isto bi verovatno sabio taj kombo ... Quote OPTIMISED FOR HUMAN OPTICAL NERVEBEST VIEWED WITH A MONITOR Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
K0baya Posted February 4, 2008 Report Share Posted February 4, 2008 (edited) Znam da je to imbah cc, ali rekao sam gore iz kojih razloga ja nisam mogao da nadjem resto dr00da.Ja sam bio na serveru koji je podignut dolaskom BC-a, hebiga, nije bilo mnogo ljudi, a tek resto druida, mada ti si rekao dr00d, wlock, warrior...Ja bih tu umesto warriora stavio rogue-a. =P Dok 5v5 tim mi je bio mnogoooo drugachiji od standardnijih. Warrior - Ja Enhancement Shaman Balance drood Feral Drood Healadin Ovde sam voleo da druide. =) Ali shtagod prichao, MRP i WRP su trenutno najpopularnije kombinacije za 3v3. =) 'upecas' osim ako on nije retardirani degenerik Jebiga, tako to ide, power lvl do 70, uzimash season1 gear medju prvima na serveru, pri-tom si scrub od igracha, dodje season2 gde vishe nisi najjachi, nego imash slichno gearovane ljude, pa se pokazhesh u pravom izdanju. =) Kao shto rekoh, moj realm (i battlegroup-a) su dignuti dolaskom BC-a, tako da nije bilo mnogo izazova, jedino na 2200+ ratinzima, ali tu su bili ljudi koji su cheat-ovali chitave 2 sezone, tako da je uglavnom to bilo cheater vs cheater ekipa. =) Dok smo se mi smrtnici maltretirali na 1900-2k ratingu. =) Edit: Nekadashnji realm. * Edited February 6, 2008 by k0baya Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HitCrit Posted February 7, 2008 Report Share Posted February 7, 2008 The following info have been posted (from memory, so its not an exact copy/paste of the real thing) by a trusted source on ElitistJerks. (Its from the benefactors board) Keep in mind, nothing has been confirmed by an official source. WARLOCK - Improved Shadow Bolt now only works for the warlock who casted the bolt. - ISB reduced to 15% at max rank - Incinerate coeff increased by $ - Demonic Knowledge reduced to 10% from 15% - Lifetap coeff reduced by $ - Lifetap health cost increase by 10% MAGE - Icy Veins and Bloodlust no longer stack - Icy Veins no longer increase chance to freeze, but provide full pushback immunity for all spells while active. - Mana cost of Blink and Slow reduced by 40% - Improved blink changed to increase blink distance by 30% - Prismatic Cloak buffed to 6% damage redux - Arcane Fortitude buffed to 100% of intellect as armor - Ice Floes now provides 30% pushback resist for ice spells - Improved Fire Ward changed to 50% chance to reflect, and 4% less damage taken while active - Improved Ice Armory type talent changed to 50% chance to reflect PRIEST - Mana burn cast time reduced to 2s base, amount of mana burned reduced 50%. - Improved Mana burn increases burn amount by 20%. It is unclear whether or not it still provides cast time reduction - Lightwell charges increased to 15. - Focused will down to 4%. ROGUE - Envenom no longer consumes poison charges WARRIOR - Improved hamstring has a 10 second internal cooldown on the proc - Endless rage fixed SHAMAN - 30% dispel resist on that threat redux nature talent - Earth shield mana cost reduced by 50% - Tremor totem and poison cleanse totem reduced from 5s pulses to 3s pulses (!!!!) PALADIN - Turn Undead works on demons now and will be renamed, so apparently you can fear-lock warlock pets, 10s duration with DR DRUID - Cyclone range reduced to 20 yards - Lifebloom coeff reduced by $ - Treants now have a 15% chance to proc entangling roots - Natural Perfection was nerfed slightly (don't remember numbers) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Invader Posted February 7, 2008 Report Share Posted February 7, 2008 (edited) Isti ti patch notes i malo vise Takodje kazu da je verovatno fake :P Edited February 7, 2008 by Invader Quote It's kinda hard when you don't know the meaning, but everything happens for a reason Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
K0baya Posted February 7, 2008 Report Share Posted February 7, 2008 lol, fake. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pajoslav Posted February 7, 2008 Report Share Posted February 7, 2008 fak >< e ! :D hehe al recimo za warr bi bash bilo ql i za priesta ,skroz ok ideja Quote MMORPG - Many Men Online RolePlaying Girls Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
K0baya Posted February 7, 2008 Report Share Posted February 7, 2008 Ma shto lepo ne ubace, Hamstring (ne improved :) ) is under the effect of Diminishing Returns.A ovo za priesta je /rofl, 50% manje mane burn-uje. xD Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pajoslav Posted February 7, 2008 Report Share Posted February 7, 2008 doduse casting time da se redukuje je ok,mada opet moze da bude imba Quote MMORPG - Many Men Online RolePlaying Girls Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
killYg0r Posted February 7, 2008 Report Share Posted February 7, 2008 ako nerfuju hamstring jebo sam im kevu... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
moyo Posted February 9, 2008 Report Share Posted February 9, 2008 # Players will no longer require an attunement quest to enter Hyjal. # Players will no longer require an attunement quest to enter the Black Temple. # Players who have completed the attunement quests for Black Temple and Hyjal will be granted the title of “Hand of A’dalâ€. # You may now fight Prince Kael’thas and Lady Vashj without first killing all the other bosses in their respective dungeons. quote sa MMO-Championa neka mi neko potvrdi da je fake plx Quote "U dresu Redzi Millera idem do svog dilera, vutre puna kesa al' ost'o sam bez dresa" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silencer Posted February 9, 2008 Author Report Share Posted February 9, 2008 I za koj kurac ja attunujem 10 ljudi sad u guildu ? :) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kole Posted February 9, 2008 Report Share Posted February 9, 2008 zato sto zhelish da oni budu deo tvog raida pre nego sto 2.4 izadje? ;o) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coll Posted February 11, 2008 Report Share Posted February 11, 2008 ako nerfuju hamstring jebo sam im kevu... Pa to ... plus, endless rage kao boostuju (u stvari popravljaju konacno) mada i dalje kapiram da niko nece ici tako duboko arms :/ Quote sex, drugs and bio food! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StormScion Posted February 11, 2008 Report Share Posted February 11, 2008 Endless rage bi kao trebao da bude pve talent ili eventualno 5x5 talent... svejedno glup je Quote Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
killYg0r Posted February 11, 2008 Report Share Posted February 11, 2008 ja ocu jer sam vec probao endles rage pre jedno par nedelja i mogu reci da sam imao tipa 100 ragea svaki put kad zabadam nekog tako da kapiram da ce sada biti pravi endless rage naravno sa pravim oruzijem i maximum attack power-om a ovo za hamstring jbg to je bio warrom jedini cc pored feara -.- mada je stvarno imba sa 3 poena procuje non stop mada opet nije bilo potrebe niko se nije zalio da je imba niti je imba ... i da lol za to sto oni posle 2 godine popravljaju ovaj talenat da radi mislim lol... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silencer Posted February 12, 2008 Author Report Share Posted February 12, 2008 There is indeed a change in 2.4 intended to offset some of the mana regen from drinking away from the very beginning of the duration. However, we specifically made sure the water would not change the amount of mana regenerated by players who drink between pulls or during gauntlet runs. You should see little to no difference in the amount of mana yielded if you sit to drink for at least 4 seconds, which most players do. So right now you get a tick roughly every two seconds. After the change the first tick will give you nothing, second tick will give you normal tick+66% extra, the third tick normal+33% extra, and then it levels back off after that. So, at the ~6 second mark (or after three ticks) you've made as much as you would have before. The change has to be consistent across all water as this fix applies to Arenas, battlegrounds, and world PvP, which will have specific emphasis in the upcoming expansion. It's being made to have as little impact to PvE players as possible Jebeno :| Ovo imam da osetim u PvP samo :( Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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