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WoW Patch 2.3.2


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Latest Patch Notes for 2.3.2

The latest patch notes can always be found at http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/patchnotes/


* /timetest is a command that can be run to provide information on game performance. /timetest 0 turns the command off. When the command is issued, the next time a player uses a flight master to travel, certain statistics will be measured and displayed at the end of that flight. All weather effects and spawns are shutdown during the test.

* Effects triggered from being critically hit: Many abilities and talents were changed in 2.3.0 to allow them to trigger from critical strikes that occurred while the player benefitting from them was sitting.

* Quest givers with blue question marks no longer show up on the minimap.

* NPC's who you have completed a quest for will display a question mark on mouseover rather than an exclamation point.

* The bank controls for the guildmaster level of a guild is now grayed out. A guildmaster always has full access to a guild bank and this cannot be changed.

* A "Withdraw-Repair Only" button has been added to the guild bank controls. If this is set for a guild rank, then that rank cannot actually withdraw funds from the guild bank, but they can still use that daily amount of money for repairs.

* You will now automatically stand up when attacked, even if the attack doesn’t land.

* Boat and zeppelin vendors and NPCs are are back on duty.

* Reduced network latency by disabling the Nagle algorithm.


* Warmasters/marshals in Alterac Valley now increase each other’s maximum health and damage by 20%. This is a stacking effect.


* Lifebloom: When this ability is refreshed it will take on the strength of the incoming Lifebloom effect, rather than maintain the existing strength.

* Ravage: The damage multiplier on this ability has been increased from 350% to 385%.


* Arcane Shot: Ranks 1-5 will once again deal bonus damage based on attack power.

* Aspect of the Viper effect increased.

* Freezing Trap is no longer limited to one target at a time.

* Pet leveling speed has been increased.


* Cold Snap (Frost) cooldown reduced. It is now in the Ice Block position in the talent tree. This ability will no longer reset the cooldown on Fire Ward.

* Conjure Mana Gem mana restore variance substantially reduced,(Rank 5 – Emerald) now restores 2340 to 2460 mana and has three charges.

* Ice Block (Frost) is now available on the trainer to all mages at level 30.

* Icy Veins (NEW Frost Talent) decreases casting time of all spells by 20% and increases the chance your chilling effects will freeze the target by 10%. Lasts 20 sec. 3 min cooldown. It is now in the Cold Snap position in the talent tree.


* Crusader Strike (Retribution) now causes 110% of weapon damage and no longer gains any bonus from spell damage.

* Righteous Fury: This spell will no longer cost twice the listed mana to cast.

* Sanctified Judgements (Retribution) now returns 80% of the Seal's mana cost, increased from 50%.


* Ambush: The damage multiplier on this ability has been increased from 250% to 275%.

* Cheat Death: When multiple attacks land simultaenously, all those resolved after the attack which triggered Cheat Death will now have their damage reduced by 90% as intended. However, the combat log will still report them doing full damage.

* Hemorrhage: Rank 4 of this ability no longer has its charges consumed by non-physical attacks and spells.

* Hemorrhage weapon damage reduced from 125% to 110%, but the damage debuff has been increased.

* Hemorrhage: This ability now correctly does additional damage when its debuff has already been applied.

* Preparation now resets the cooldown of Shadowstep and no longer resets the cooldown of Adrenaline Rush.

* Shadowstep now adds a 3 second, 70% movement speed increase.

* Sinister Calling now also increases the percentage damage bonus of Hemorrhage and Backstab by 2/4/6/8/10%.


* Lightning Shield mana cost reduced.

* Water Shield now restores mana periodically regardless of how many charges remain. Duration increased to 10 minutes.


* The health cost taken from the Warlock after using Health Funnel will now remain consistent between uses.


* Defiance: The expertise granted by this talent now works properly in all stances.

* Warriors no longer lose rage when using a macro to enter a stance they’re already in.



* Goldthorn Tea was erroneously unlearned by most players who had learned the recipe. The recipe has been re-enabled and can be learned again from Henry Stern in Razorfen Downs at no cost.


* Enchant Shield - Resilience now requires a Runed Fel Iron Rod instead of a Runed Adamantite Rod.


* Increased the range of leatherworking drums to 40 yards. Drums of Panic remains unchanged at 8 yards.


* Amani Charm of the Witch Doctor: Tooltip typo corrected.

* Hearthstone: The cast time on this item is no longer affected by spell haste.

* Hex Shrunken Head: This item now has a 20 second shared cooldown with other similar trinkets.

* Icy Chill Enchant: The triggered effect from this enchantment will now cause a melee slow and movement snare as intended.

* Idol of the Unseen Moon: This item now has a 30 second cooldown on being triggered.

* Idol of Terror: The triggered agility buff from this item no longer overwrites other agility buffs.

* The Netherscale Ammo Pouch is no longer a Unique item.

* The Knothide Quiver is no longer unique.

* The Vengeful Gladiator’s Grimoire is now available on vendors.

Dungeons and Raids

* Heroic Coilfang Resevoir- Steamvaults

* Mekgineer Steamrigger's Main Chambers Access Panel is no longer interactable until Mekgineer Steamrigger has been killed. Tempest Keep- The Eye

+ The number of Blood Elves guarding Prince Kael'Thas' room has been reduced.

* Zul'Aman

+ The Amani'shi Warrior's Charge ability now has a minimum range.

+ The melee haste provided by Halazzi's Frenzy has been reduced to 100%.

+ Dragonhawks in Zul'Aman can now be skinned. This doesn't include dragonhawks that do not have loot.


* Blade's Edge Mountains: Players accepting the bombing run quests in Blade's Edge Plateaus will no longer cause other players in the region to stand up.

User Interface

* There is now an option to turn off the screen edge damage flash when you have a fullscreen UI up.

* You can sell stacks by dropping them on the merchant window again.

* Ready check (/readycheck) will now display a visual display of each party/raid member's status next to their name. This will display in the Party UI, the Raid UI and the Raid pullout UI. A player will get a check mark if they are ready, a question mark if they have not replied and a red X if they are not ready or are afk.

* You can now see raid members on the minimap as dark blue dots in addition to party members which still display as light blue dots.

* You can now shift click names while the petition window is open to paste them into the petition.

* Fixed various problems with /castsequence getting stuck.

* /cast will toggle spells again unless the name is prefixed with an exclamation mark, e.g. /castsequence Steady Shot, !Auto Shot

Bug Fixes

* Characters may now possess up to five Paper Flying Machines in a single stack.

* Fixed “Spell/Ability is not ready yet” message when clicking quickly at the beginning of a cast.

* Fixed a server disconnect when moving the mouse over recipes in the guild bank.

* Gnomish Universal Remote will now work properly with the Fel Cannon.

* Disconnecting a USB HeadSet will no longer cause problems with the Voice Chat dropdown menus.

* Clockwork Rocket Bots will no longer attack each other in Shattrath City.

* Channel changes will now appear properly in the chat log after zoning in or out of instances.

* Unplugging headphones/speakers then plugging them back in while in WoW no longer disables all sound in WoW

* If the original owner of a custom channel gives leadership away their options menu will no longer show that they have moderation privileges.

* The first custom created guild ranking will now properly show up in the Guild Control pane drop down menu.

* Control-clicking on inventory items that teach recipes will now properly display you wearing the item made by the recipe in the dressing room UI.

* Fixed an issue that was not allowing all charges of a Field Repair Bot to be used.

* Creatures with random player targeting crowd control abilities such as fear, charm, or sleep will now properly choose a random eligible target rather than just choosing the nearest eligible target.

* The various Hallow’s End broom mounts now have their proper real-time (rather than game-time) duration of 14 days.

* Tricky Treats now have their proper real-time (rather than game-time) duration of 24 hours.

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jel ja treba da se ponavljam? ;oP bre svaka 2-3 pecha ponavljam iste stvari ;oP

u pitanju je iz warcrafta, starcrafta i diabla preneta tradicija da svaki pech MORA da ostavi nekog nezadovoljnog jer cilj nije da svi budu sretni i igra dospe u stanje "finalnog balansa" nego da se oni sto su owerpowerovani izhive malo, a ovi sto su oslabljeni naprezhu vishe - sve, samo da ljudima ne bude dosadno (sto bi se eventualno desilo da nema nikakve promene ;o))

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sve je bilo do jaja dok blizzard nije otvorio forume gde deca mogu da kenjaju...

sad cu respecujem ortakovog maga na 17/44/0 da vidimo kako pici iceblock blast wave dragon's breath i tako...

ako mene pitate magovi su do sada bili ok u pvp... ovo je sad op...

http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/1829/lol4thlk6.jpg kako pricati sa GM-om

Paladins are gay

Blizzard loves paladins

Therefore, Blizzard is gay

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extra procenat na frostbite i haste... svrsh imo. na svaki frostbolt mozes komotno da chainujes icelance ... i da napomenem da je za rank1 frostbolt kiting ISUVISE dobra stvar... Get out of warrior free card XD

http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/1829/lol4thlk6.jpg kako pricati sa GM-om

Paladins are gay

Blizzard loves paladins

Therefore, Blizzard is gay

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ice block kao spell je uveden da bi masa mogla da experimentishe sa drugim specovima u areni, tj da uchine istu malo raznovrsnijom... a ne kad vidish maga znash da je frost... jer kao sto svi znamo pom pyro spec je izbachen iz upotrebe dolaskom resilienca te je only way to go bio frost, i sad su pokushali to da isprave

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Ocu SL kao trainable.

ti kao igrach najgej i najop klase koja je overpowered od kako wow postoji.. mozesh samo da tjutish i budesh sretjan shto je proshao josh jedan patch a da vas nisu ni najmanje "nerfovali" a.k.a. balansirali.

btw, meni je lepo.. ja igram arenu sa lockom, i sabijamo i pored toga shto se trudimo 50% - ja gledam pornitje - taj warlock ima ping oko 400-500 - etc.. ali mi ide na levo dlakavo jaje kada se LOCK zali za druge klase.

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Xzor ne igra 5v5. period.

@Xzor menjaj ti sig - nije female nego male :S

sto se tice warlock-a ja jedino priznajem destruction warlocke... treba skill da se prezivi. a i imam par buff predloga za taj talent tree. a sl/sl treba nekako nerfovati... da siphon life opet ima casting time??? XD

http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/1829/lol4thlk6.jpg kako pricati sa GM-om

Paladins are gay

Blizzard loves paladins

Therefore, Blizzard is gay

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Kao sto je neko vec napisao:

"Why is harp nerfed and sl/sl didnt? "

Sad je jedina klasa , jedini spec koji je mogao da ubije sl/sl locka mrtav...evo isprobavam shadowstep.....nisam nesto odusevljen jer nema onog godmoda od 15 sekundi, ali ako se partija malo oduzi, ti konstantno radis veliki damage, dok pre bijem tih 15 sekundi a posle toga smrduckam...... a plus sto su mi statsovi sad do jaja.. u pvp gearu sad imam 1724 apa 32 crit :O

-Ukoliko neka devojka sedi negde sama NIKADA joj nemojte prici, sesti pored nje i izvaditi digitron i pitati je jel zna da racuna, ona kaze da zna, i reci "racunaj da cu te jebati" (osoba cija je ovo fora ima 30 godina i NIKADA nije imao devojku koja ima sve zube)


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Known Issues in 2.3.2 :) Patch je live samo par sati i vec ima dosta gresaka.

Udahnite duboko xD

* General

-Dwarven racial Find Treasure is deactivated on death.

-Undead Males main hand weapon is appearing larger than previous builds.

-Equipping a thrown weapon while in the middle of an Auto-Shot will cause animation issues.

- The Gnome racial ability Escape Artist does not remove the Unstable Cloud debuff.

- Deleted characters take up space in an arena team.

* Environment

-Inappropriate tooltip is displaying when a player hovers over Shartuul's Transporter on a flying mount.

-Relogging on the flight path from Southshore, Hillsbrad Foothills to Ironforge, Dun Morogh in the entrance to Ironforge causes players to fly through a wall.

-The flight path from Stormwind to Rebel Camp, Stranglethorn Vale clips through a tree outside of Stormwind.

-Alliance flight path between Booty Bay and Stormwind goes through a tree.

-There is a Feralfen Idol that is sunk into the floor in Feralfen Village, Zangarmarsh.

-There is a tin vein in Hillsbrad Foothills that is unreachable.

-There is a section of water that is clipping oddly into one of the waterfalls in Hatchet Hills outside of Zul'Aman.

-The message "Zul'Aman Exterior InvisMan gains Cosmetic - Flame Patch X.X" appears in the combat log whenever a troll hut is burning in Hatchet Hills.

-There is a leanto in Agama'gor, The Barrens that has no tooltip appearing but will be highlighted when moused over it.

-Players can wall jump a portion of the hallway to Gruul in Gruul's Lair to reach a overhanging log beam where they can evade the mobs.

-Charge, Intercept, Intervene , and Feral Charge are displaying odd behavior when being used at 10 yards vertical range.

* Quests

-There is a typo in the Quest Description Text of the Dustwallow Marsh quest "Thresher Oil".

-There is a punctuation error in the acceptance text for the quest "Inspecting the Ruins" .

-The quest description of "Super Hot Stew" does not state exactly how many ingredients are needed to create a Demon Broiled Surprise .

-Splintertree Raiders do not respawn with Toerk if Duriel Moonfire and her guards are killed while the Raiders are still alive.

-The quest description text for "The Corpulent One" refers to it being a group quest.

-The quest "Bark For Drohn's Distillery" is unattainable if the player has certain quests in his/her quest log.

-Quest Items are not lootable from chest objects when their tap list is issued on creation, and the object is summoned in via a pet.

- After applying the Healing Salve to a Debilitated Mag'har Grunt (16847) for the quest "Administering the Salve" the buff applied to the grunt displays an internal tooltip.

- There is a typo in the emote made by Bladespire Ogres when responding to the /point emote from a player who has become King of the Ogres.

* NPCs

-Hammer of Justice from Gathios the Shatterer is able to be reflected.

-Commander Springvale in Shadowfang Keep does not always drop superior quality loot.

-Nazan will melee players while in the air.

-It is possible for Zul'jin to perform Claw Rage improperly.

-Learning certain spells via a class trainer will cause the yellow spell effect to appear on the trainer rather than the player.

-The buff Phasing Invisibility on the Warp Stalker does not have a tooltip.

-Anchorite Ayuri has a male draenei voiceset.

-Goreclaw the Ravenous cannot be skinned.

-Cursed Lost One has an inappropriate buff for the zone in which it is located.

-There is an error in Sky-Captain Bomblast's dialogue text on the Orgrimmar to Grom'gol zeppelin.

-Shattered Hand Heathen ability Bloodthirst has no tooltip description.

-Ogri'la Peacekeeper's weapons are scaled too small.

-Exarch Orelis and Anchorite Karja can be attacked in Area 52.

-Flying units are sometimes not pathing in formation

- Felspine the Greater will evade after leashing.

- Gutripper will become stuck evading if you engage and leash it while it is in its flight phase.

- "Troll Commoner" gives incorrect directions to Great-father Winter during the Winter Veil holiday.


* Druid

- Shapeshifting does not remove the movement impairing debuff Frost Breath.

* Hunter

-The tooltip for the Hunter Snake Trap spell has inappropriate text in it.

- Snakes from a Hunter's Snake Trap can Daze players.

- The stamina tooltip for hunter pets sometimes reports an incorrect health increase.

* Mage

- Mage's Frost and Ice armors are affected differently from each other by the Frost talent Permafrost.

* Paladin

-Righteous Fury sometimes counts as two spells for purposes of dispel effects.

- Paladins can cast Blessing of Protection on other players while affected by Blind.

* Priest

-Pain Suppression can be cast while silenced.

-Several priest spells and talents are not affected by Silent Resolve.

-Casting Vampiric Embrace does not consume Relentlessness which is the two-piece set bonus of the Avatar.

-Inner focus consumes Starshards even though it costs no mana.

-There is a word missing in the tooltip of priest discipline talent "Focused Will".

- The Priest spell Touch of Weakness is consumed but has no effect if the Priest is hit while silenced.

* Rogue

-When Cheat Death absorbs an attack the combat log does not indicate which attack was absorbed.

-Rogue's Cheat Death buff tooltip has a typo.

* Shaman

-The Shaman Talent Call of Thunder (Rank 5) is giving 2% extra crit, while ranks 1-4 only give 1% crit.

-Rockbiter Weapon's tooltip and Action Bar icon are inconsistent with the other Shaman Weapon Enhancements' tooltips and icons.

* Warlock

-The buff from Warlock talent Demonic Knowledge remains on enslaved demons after the enslavement is broken.

-Imp spell Blood Pact affects certain trinkets upon zoning into a Battleground.

* Warrior

-The stunning effect from Landslide's Summon Shardling spell is not triggering a Warrior's Second Wind ability.

-Warriors can shift into a stance they are already in with macros.

* Items

-Dog Whistle is an uncommon quality.

-The Robe of the Moccasin has a Use effect instead of an Equip effect.

-Batwing Mantle have a Use effect instead of an Equip effect.

-Serpent Gloves have a Use effect instead of an Equip effect.

-Item name of Torquoise Brooch is spelled incorrectly.

-Tooltip of Whipper Root Tuber does not mention its 2-minute cooldown.

-There is no effect when using the Medallion of the Alliance during Landslide's Summon Shardling ability.

-Nimbus Boots have a Use effect instead of an Equip effect.

-Scroll of Strength V does not appear in the proper Auction House subcategory.

-Goblin Jumper Cables and Goblin Jumper Cables XL have no cooldown information in their tooltips.

-The quest item Battered Steam Tonk Controller procs the warrior talent Second Wind when controlled out of range.

-Mobs gain health during the stun effect from the Goblin Rocket Launcher.

-Gift of Arthas only stacks to 5.

-The Druid Gladiator PVP Helmet is not using the right texture for the set

-Baelog's Shortbow is a common quality item.

-Snakeskin Bag is a common quality item.

-Vengeful Gladiator's Mooncloth Hood and Vengeful Gladiator's Satin Hood do not display Troll Tusks.

-Several gems with spell healing modifiers did not receive their additional spell damage modifiers.

- Players who attempt to buy arena items that require ratings above 1850 will receive an incorrect error message if the team rating is below 1850.

* Tradeskills

-The Formula: Large Prismatic Shard has a inconsistent icon.

-Shadow Oil does not fit into Leatherworking Bags.

* UI

-The sound effect heard when mouse-clicking on several options menus and options checkboxes do not always play.

-Cancelling the use of a Steam Tonk Controller will cause the tonk's abilities to momentarily appear as a pet bar.

-Unit names do not appear in Alt-Z view.

-When a unique item drops that a player already has the automatically passing message is incorrectly telling the player he cannot use the item.

-The Guild Log window has several resizing issues.

- If raid permission icons are altered during a ready check, ready check icons will become stuck.

- If a ready check is begun before icons from a previous ready check have faded, some icons are not properly refreshed.

- Ready check in a Party is not properly cleared when leaders are changed during the check.

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ne bash... equaly geared warrior moze da nabije equaly geared maga 1v1 u duelu...ako je te pusti da se chargujes naravno... sto ja uvek radim ... samo treab da fearujes peta kad ga sumonuje i da se bandaziash kad je u ice blocku i to je to chuvas intercept kada mage potroshi blink mozesh da ga reshish...

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