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Elem, drugar ima prilicno brz adsl kod ptt-a pa je nabavio ovaj program da ne bi morao da se cima sa fajlovima i ip adresama na rapidshare-u...al ne moze da provali podesavanja, a ona koja je nasao na netu mu ne rade...pa ako je neko koristio program ili zna neki link nek kaze...btw, ja ne znam o cemu se radi ni kako izgleda program, vec samo prenosim njegovo pitanje tako da ko prvi baci flejm ili gugl search link celava mu keva:)


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This software called Cryptoload, one of excellent features of this software is you dont need entering captcha anymore. Here simple step for downloading file using Cryptoload:

a. You have configures

- IP Address: enter your IP address of your router (type ipconfig in Command Prompt, Default gateway became your router’s IP Address)

- Username & Password: enter username and password your for logging router

- Wait time after reconect in second: it means: time for waiting time to download next file in rapidshare servers. Depends your Internet Service Provider(ISP), try 15 second or 30 second…

After configures Cryptoload, lets start simple way for download:

1. Collect all Rapidshare links and save it to the file.

2. Run Cryptoload

3. Select all the links from text file and copy all to the software that it will decrypt the links .

4. Press Add button and press OK at package setting.

Cryptoload only works well in dynamic IP address and it requires Microsoft .NET Framework v2.0 and above.

sa googla :P

mrzi me da probam, majke mi :)

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