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SunAge - 2d rts


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SunAge is a PC realtime strategy game developed by Vertex4, where the player can experience immersive gameplay with 3 different races, each with their own arsenal of units, buildings and upgrades. The game takes place in a futuristic setting across 2 different worlds, ranging from a lush alien planet to desolate wastelands and through industrial cities.

SunAge is upon us - the solar system is dying.

With Earth teetering on the brink of extinction, human Federals and mutant-gene Raak-Zun are battling for control of its dwindling resources. Then, into this savage conflict step the mysterious Sentinel, exploiting superior technology that opens gateways to an alien and resource-rich planet.

An epic clash is set to unfold, and along with it the mystery of a sinister creature that lurks at the very heart of their troubles ...

* Dual combat modes for all units: 3 races featuring dozens of units with dual functionality for greater tactical depth

* Connections lines: Exploit weaknesses in the enemies network while strengthening your own

* Formations: Intuitive formation handling and superior overview in battles

* Campaign: 24 map single player campaign with strong storyline

* Multiplayer: Oldschool multiplayer with focus on gathering 4 kinds of resources and outsmarting the opponent in battle

* Command queuing: Command your units to prone, build or attack where you want them and WHEN you want them to do so.

System specifications Minimum System Requirements For SunAge:

• Windows Me, Windows 2000, or Windows XP

• 500 MHz Intel® Pentium® III or AMD® Athlon™ processor

• 128 MB RAM

• 4x CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive

• 600 MB free hard disk space

• 32 MB 3D accelerated video card

Recommended System Requirements For SunAge:

• Windows Me, Windows 2000, or Windows XP

• 1,2 GHz Intel® Pentium® III or AMD® Athlon™ processor

• 512 MB RAM

• 4x CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive

• 600 MB free hard disk space

• 128 MB 3D accelerated video card







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Izgleda upravo onako kako bi Starcraft 2 trebao da izgleda. Screw that 3D shit.

Edited by Pipboy

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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pa ne znam, ja sam za 3d, ali u funkciji 2d-a:) tj, da imas jedan pogled bez nekih taktickih kerefeka, ali zato da imas 3d animaciju i ta sranja, 2d ne moze da postigne toliku gotivnost ipak...

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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Kad smo kod crtanja, jel neko probao Age of Empires 2 na TFT-u? [:D] Ja jesam pre par nedelja i usrao sam se od smeha, znači pred tom igrom sam proveo bar godinu dana u kontinuitetu nekada davno na katodašu i sve je bilo OK, i sad gledam na TFT-u, sve pršti od pikselizacije, jedinice izgledaju ko da ih je neko crtao drvenim bojicama :)

Tako da ono, možda je i bolje što su 3D jedinice, slabo ima 2D dizajnera ko nekad :)

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nemam pojma meni tek sad 3d pocinje da dobija smisao, posle poijavljivanja krajzisa... ovo sve ostalo je cist marketing....

inace i ja mislim da je bila neka mala najava u sk, negde pred kraj leta ili tako nesto... u glavnom igra ima sjajnu pricu sa sjajnim voice overom sudeci po komentarima, preko 160000 rechi izgovorenih, sto je mislim vishe i od obliviona :P mada to i nije neka referenca





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Brue me zamajavo do sada tako da tek sada krecem u kampanju :))

Za pocetak muzika u glavnom meniju posle par minuta udara po lobanji.. i nigde ne postoji mouse speed i scroling left/right opcija u igri..

Podigao sam rezoluciju na 1280x1024 i bas je sitno, probacu ovako pa ako mi se ne svidi smanjicu.

evo nesto za masu:

manual - http://www.gamersgate.com/manuals/sunage/c...Inner_Final.pdf

jedinice - http://www.gamersgate.com/manuals/sunage/SA_Units_UK.pdf

Probao sam evo par minuta, nedovoljno za bilo kakav komentar sem toga da je igra totalno netipicna i pomalo nedovrsena.

Vise komentara sutra kada cu imati vise vremena nakon posla..

A pache je ovde:


E da jedna napomena:

Igra nije krekovana niti ima potrebe za tim jer su sami developeri hteli da je naprave bez zastite tako da slobodno patchujte :)

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Upravo to, nisam to hteo da pominjem posto mislim da je G to vec naveo u nekom ranijem postu.

Dobra stvar je sto developeri rade non-stop da isprave ove bug-ove i tvrde da ce to uraditi ili su vec uradili bez problema nego se ceka ogroman hot fix patch palac nesto :) pa ce odjednom da grunu ogroman patch.

Samo da dodjem kuci s posla da je malo vise istestiram :)

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evo otpikah jednu partiju, fino mada ni sam ne znam sta vise moze novo da se ubaci u rts zanr :)

iskreno ocekivao sam malo lepse animacije jedinica, al dobro naviknes posle 15 min ;)

e da umreo sam od smeha kad sam video poruku na crnoj pozadini dok se ucitava igra u fazonu "11 godina developmenta a josh nismo nasli vremena za dobar loading splash screen" :)





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