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Joj majko moja, posto mi riknuo komp, imam neko drkavelo od laptopa, i rekoh daj da probam neku malu rpg igricu , igrom slucaja naleteh na Fastcrawl.

Potezni rpg/frp uz kaficu :)buahahhaha. 20-ak mb-a je tezak i probajte, igram je vec nedelju dana , i nema sanse da je predjem na insane... mnogo me nervira, a trebao sam da je predjem za pola sata :)buhahhah.

Probajte da je nadjete , necete zazaliti :)buahahaha.



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t many foes, find powerful items to help you on your quest, avoid fiendish traps, save another champion or two, specialize your characters' abilities as they level, and carefully explore your surroundings... all in as little as thirty minutes.

Every time you play FastCrawl you will have a new game experience as you explore a different dungeon, lead a different party of heroes, face different monsters, and find different treasure. An intelligent game generation system will make sure that no two games are the same.

Play at the level of difficulty and duration of game that you wish; enjoy a leisurely thirty minute break in the game's pleasant environments, or face insurmountable odds in an hour of nail-biting dungeon crawling action. The game is entirely turn based, so it can easily be played in the background and fits perfectly into your day.

probacu je kada dodje na red posle ovog exp za nwn2 i naravno witchera kojeg sam konachno skinuo





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Ma brate ovo malecna igrica 20-ak mb-a :)) hehehe, skines je za 10.min i ukljucish je onako bzvz :))hehehe.

Al je keva majke mi ,navlaka teska. Ladno su mogli i da naprave za dva igraca da bude na foru heroja, al ko zna... mozda u buducnosti :).


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