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Šta je ovo i o čemu se radi? Izašlo juče, nfo kaže sledeće:

It is 2055. Dark, a mysterious character of unknown past,

emerges in a world war. He's fighting only for hire and for

each side of the conflict. extreme power makes some people

think that he's not human. During the war he has never lost

any battle.

Now after the war is officially finished he still fights.

No-one knows his reasons. Joint governments set up a reward

for the one who will kill Dark. Since recruits around the

world don't want to split that money that have created a

competition - League. Only the one who wins will have a

possibility to beat Dark.

Features Include:

Fast Unreal Tournament style multiplayer fragging action

13 Arenas, 5 Characters, Single and Multi Player mode

3D Sound system

Multiplayer up to 8 players by LAN and internet

Physics system supporting destructable objects, ragdoll and


Advance rendering engine including HDR,Soft Particles,

Displacement Mapping, Projective Lights, Realtime Lighting,

Alpha Shadows

Sa druge strane, izdaje ga 1C Games, igra zauzima 1 CD i nema nikakvu zaštitu, pa mi se čini da je ovo još jedan low-budget UT klon kao što je bio onaj War-nešto što je izašao prošle godine...

edit: Evo ih screenshotovi ovde:


edit2: Našao sam neke utiske, kažu da je igra teški krš. Zaobiđite.

Edited by voodoo_
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