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Ladder reset!

ja opet diamond :(

e koja je fora sa tim ligama, dobijem onaj placemnt mec i ja odemu platinum a ovaj sto sam ga dobio u dimond nema veze sa vezomi onda mi se desilo 2-3 puta da igram sa ljudima kojima je placementmec dobijem ih oni u dimond ja i dalje ne mogu da predjem -.- ae neka mi neko objasni :)

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Ima na tl.netu detaljno o tome kako sistem funckionise.

Reci cu ti na mom primeru. Uzeo dvojku zajebo placement i zavrsio u platinumu. Posle 10 partija me prebacio u diamnod, gde sam dosta dugo pikao sa dobrim win % (tipa preko 70%) igrao uglavnom sa top diamondima i masterima, pa kasnije skoro sve sa masterima. Posle jedno 120 partija me prebacio u mastera. Tako da samo pikaj, liga je nebitna, vazno je da napredujes i igras protiv boljih i boljih igraca.

Edit: evo linka: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=195273

Edited by spery
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iserem se u igricu gde kao zerg drzim sve baze na mapi a protos ima samo 1 i izgubim od kombinacije charglota i mase dark archrona....probao sam sve kombinacije,masa hidri roacheva infestora i iskara me lik,ja napravim 20 ultri max upgrade o5 kita,masa mutasa i zerglinga,o5 kita...jedino nisam broodlordove probao....dobio bi da se nisam kurcio i macrovao dok je lik iza walla pravio ovu tugu [V]

Durid's ken fajr ganz end evriting!

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GomTV Press release few minutes ago

"Yellow’s trailer during GSL July finals awakened viewers curiosity. Gom TV will broadcast every Friday starting august 12 the training of Yellow after the GSTL Venus League, and after the GSL August Finals.

This program will be called Project A. He will be coached by someone and train hard [N : coach not announced yet]

Shin Sung Ho, Program Director :

Yellow took a lot of time to take his decision. Down the line, he decided to answer positively and take the risky bet to prepare day and night. Yellow will challenge the Code A and I think it will be a success, I will cheer for him till the end.


Couldn't catch if he would Code B or get a FreePass to Code A

OMG OMG OMG! [fro]

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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Oh shit...

YellOw joins the SlayerS family

Hong Jinho [YellOw] has signed Kim Ga-Yeon [slayerS_Jessica] as his personal agent, putting his professional life, team relations/establishment, broadcast participation and all other activities under her management.


We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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