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Ja mislim da se baš zajebavaju, mislim

"I just did some research on this abomination.

You need to build more pylons.

You need more vespene gas.

I'm 70 and what the heck does that even mean? "

Ceo forum je tom duhu zajebancije, sad ne znam za ostale teme i sam sajt, ali ovde zapravo ima par urnebesnih postova.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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po sistemu kako mu se nakrivi patka:)...a lige su ti rangirane po jacini, od bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond...e sad kad nakupis odredjeni broj poena i krenes da dobijas likove iz vise lige on bi trebalo da te prebaci u nju, al to nije bas uvek precizno odredjeno:)


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btw, izgleda da mora da se saceka da se otvori nova divizija da bi te prebacio, ako su sve ostale pune...evo mene je ubacio u potpuno novu diamond diviziju, a tako je bilo i iz golda u platinum, samo mi je skinuo ono malo bonus poola sto sam imao, jel to tako treba...i koliko poena ti skida kad te prebacuje i kako to odredjuje, mene odalami za 200:)


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Patch 1.1 nam stize sredinom septembra.

Bice nekih prilicno zanimljivih promena, neke su zaista bile ocigledne (IEM reaper ownage).

Izgledace otprilike ovako:

Balance Changes

We have several balance changes in store. One general change we're making is that friendly units will no longer provide vision after being killed. Enemy units previously revealed will no longer be targetable. Now let's break down the additional balance changes we're implementing.


We're going to be adding destructible rocks to the Desert Oasis map to make natural expansions easier to protect. In addition, the center map watchtower area is being narrowed.


We have two key changes in mind for the zealot: the build time is being increased from 33 to 38 seconds, and the warpgate cooldown is being increased from 23 to 28 seconds. Zealot rushes are currently too powerful at various skill levels, particularly those that rely on rapidly assaulting an enemy base from nearby "proxy" gateways. We feel the window players have to scout for and fend off this rush is too small. We also want to address the problem of protoss being able to dump minerals a bit too quickly with the combination of warpgates and Chrono Boost.


There are several changes in the works for terrans. Reapers against zerg are stronger than expected. Due to the zealot build time increase, reapers would be a bit problematic in combination with proxy barracks, bunkers, and/or marauders against protoss. Therefore, we have decided to increase the build time of reapers as well from 40 to 45 seconds. Fast reaper + bunker, or fast marine + bunker rushes are problematic against zerg. Although this rush would never outright destroy the zerg player, we feel zerg suffers too much of a disadvantage from either having to cancel the fast expansion, or getting trapped inside the main base for too long, so we are also increasing the bunker build time from 30 to 35 seconds.

Siege tanks in large numbers are performing too well in all matchups. In the mid- to late-game, siege tanks are too dominant against all ground units. We want a small set of light and unarmored ground units to perform better against siege tanks. With this in mind, we're changing the Siege Mode damage of the siege tank from 50 to 35, +15 vs. armored; to correspond with this, damage upgrades will be changed from +5 to +3, +2 vs. armored. This change reduces the base damage of the siege tank against light and unarmored units, as well as the splash damage.

Battlecruisers currently lack good counters from the ground and still perform very well against a wide array of unit types. We're aware that it is not easy to get battlecruisers out for the cost, but at the same time, it is possible in both 1v1s and team games to create stalemate situations to bring them out. Overall, we feel that battlecruisers are too strong for their cost, and the terran-forced stalemate situations are causing less interesting gameplay. We will be lowering their damage against ground units from 10 to 8.


Ultralisk damage is being decreased from 15, +25 vs. armored to 15, +20 vs. armored. This reduction is comparable to the changes being made to the battlecruiser and siege tank. Like the battlecruiser, ultralisks are simply too powerful for the cost, even though they are difficult to muster. Also, in combination with other units, ultralisks are difficult to counter from the ground. The ultralisk building attack (Ram) is being removed because the damage rate is too similar to its normal attack, which will be used against buildings instead. When ultralisks target tightly packed smaller buildings such as supply depots, the Ram attack is actually outputting considerably less overall damage than its normal attack, as Ram only hits a single target.

And Beyond...

We are reading your posts on the forums and creating lists of features and bugs to address in future patches. We have mid- to long-term plans to further evolve the Custom Game experience, and soon, enhance our social features with the addition of chat channels. We will be sharing more specific information in the coming weeks. As with all of our previous games, we will support StarCraft II for many years to come. Your feedback and participation is critical in making this not only the best game it can be, but also the most engaged gaming community in the world. We look forward to the implementation of patch 1.1, as well as sharing our plans for our future gameplay and Battle.net features.

We'll see you online!


Edited by ScepticuS

I reject your reality and substitute my own

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Due to the zealot build time increase, reapers would be a bit problematic in combination with proxy barracks,

Pa oni su totalno retardirani ... jel oni zapravo znaju sta riper uradi zilotu ... protiv ripera se ide na fast stalkera, zilot moze samo biti meso dok stalker ne izadje mada je po meni bolje ici pravo na stalkera.



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btw, izgleda da mora da se saceka da se otvori nova divizija da bi te prebacio, ako su sve ostale pune...evo mene je ubacio u potpuno novu diamond diviziju, a tako je bilo i iz golda u platinum, samo mi je skinuo ono malo bonus poola sto sam imao, jel to tako treba...i koliko poena ti skida kad te prebacuje i kako to odredjuje, mene odalami za 200:)

mislim da ti da poena toliko da ako dobijes sve partije budes kao 1vi u diviziji :). odokativno

Furthermore, once players can survive for a few seconds, it tends to force everyone to worry about defenses once again. Will resilience make enough of a difference? That is something we are discussing right now

I'd hug you but I can't do that while strangulated.

using a snare breaker and a purple costume doesn't prevent dps btw.

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Ja mislim da se baš zajebavaju, mislim

"I just did some research on this abomination.

You need to build more pylons.

You need more vespene gas.

I'm 70 and what the heck does that even mean? "

Ceo forum je tom duhu zajebancije, sad ne znam za ostale teme i sam sajt, ali ovde zapravo ima par urnebesnih postova.


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meni uglavnom glupo i nepotrebno zvuce ove balans promene, al videcemo kako ce to izgledati


pogledaj sve 4 partije...

terran botuje 5 rack reapers... mada sa povecanjem vremena za 5 sekundi mislim da ce odraditi istu taktiku ali sa 6 baraka... bice za nijansu sporiji... ali ovo nije cool...

ovaj bot mi se gadi... ali zato ovaj monstrum sabija...


Edited by Sarma
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najbolje da je tenk prejak vs imortala recimo...mislim dokle ce da mu smanjuju damage, na kraju ce biti 15 u siege modu...a zelot rush nije tezi za branjenje od proxy baraka ili jebenih ripera ili 6 poola

imortal je armored unit... 50 ili 35+15 armored je isto matori :D

nije isto za linge... posto ce zerglinzi koji su pogodjeni splashom preziveti prvi udarac tenka... to je bila poenta nerfa :)

edit: 6pool nikada nece biti efektivan kao terran rush zato sto zerg ne moze da napravi wall... a i da moze reaper jebeno skace :D

Edited by Sarma
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