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Starcraft pricajte - slobodna diskusija

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Sinoc opet seo za StarCraft, posle dve godine wowa, i dalje sam odusevljen igrom. Obozavam da igram bilo koju ostrvsku mapu, lepo sam se ogradio sa Terranima, ali mi upao Zerg, ubio boga u meni. Ako nista, bar cu brata u LANu da sabijam :D

to sto te je pustao pod nejake dane , ne znaci da nece da ti isprasi tur

*clan grupe starije brace*

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1.16.0 izasao :)

Starcraft and Brood War Patch Information

Feature Changes

- In-game chat is now saved in replays. Note: whispers are not saved.

- Hitting the Escape key while in the chat room will clear your typed text.

- "/reply" (or just "/r") will send a whisper to person who most recently whispered you.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed localization issues with "from" and "to" in whispers.

- Starcraft now only uses as much CPU as it needs to run smoothly.


- Fixed an exploit which allowed Zerg players to gain minerals through mutations.

- Fixed an exploit which allowed Zerg players to recycle an upgrading building.

- Fixed an exploit which allowed Zerg players to extend their creep with a drone.

- Fixed an exploit which allowed Zerg players to move Drones over impassable terrain.

- Fixed an exploit which allowed Terran players to drop a nuke anywhere on the map.

- Fixed an exploit which allowed players to pause the game while in the pre-game lobby.

sad citam po gosugamersu, zale se ljudi...

-kazu da je pocelo da laguje (cak i vs kompa) :/

-da "/r" baguje

-sjebani su launcheri, pa ko igra iccup ne treba da stavlja ovo (onaj ortak sto drzi to je rekao da nece do kraja sezone da updatuje na 1.16)

Edited by peja_

The thing's hollow — it goes on forever — and — oh my God — it's full of stars!

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