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PLAY! 12 izasao

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Play 12 je pred vama, a godinu dana iza nas. U tom periodu prošli smo mnogo toga, a očekuje nas još mnogo više. U ovom broju obavezno proverite Starcraft 2, God of War 2, novu Radeon Direct X 10 karticu a spremite se i za srećni trinaesti broj.


5 Uvodnik

6 - 7 Sadržaj

8 - 10 TechWare

11 Flash

13 13th page

14-16 Flash

17-19 Event: 1c Company prezentacija

20-22 Preview: Starcraft 2

24-25 Preview: Team Fortress 2

26-27 Preview: Colin McRae DiRT

28-29 Preview: Jericho

30 Preview: Lost Planet

33 Reviews

35-37 Review: Tomb Rider: Anniversary

38-39 Review: Spider-Man 3

40-41 Review: Dawn of Magic

43-44 Rev: Pirates of The Carribean at Worlds End

45-46 Review: City of Heroes - Issue 9

48-49 Review: God of War 2 (PS2)

50-51 Review: Motorstorm (PS3)

52 Modding - Resident Evil 4 Texture pack

52 Modding - UEFA Champions Legue 06/07

54-56 Hardware: RADEON HD2900XT

58-59 Hardware: Sitek X52PRO i Pro Flight pedale

60-61 Hardware: MX620 i G5 Logitech miševi

62-63 Hardware: Saitek miševi za svakoga

65 Intervju: Ron Teylor, nVidia

66 DVD: Final Destination 3

Download je kao i uvek na http://www.play-zine.com, odnosno na

http://www.play-zine.com/download/PLAY!%2012%20mali.pdf - mali PDF

http://www.play-zine.com/download/PLAY!...12%20veliki.pdf - veliki PDF


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