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ReactOS® is an advanced free open source operating system providing a ground-up implementation of a Microsoft Windows® XP compatible operating system. ReactOS aims to achieve complete binary compatibility with both applications and device drivers meant for NT and XP operating systems, by using a similar architecture and providing a complete and equivalent public interface.

ReactOS is the most complete working model of a Windows® like operating system available. Consequently, working programmers will learn a great deal by studying ReactOS source code and even participating in ReactOS development.

ReactOS has and will continue to incorporating features from newer versions and sometimes even define the state of the art in operating system technology.

In short, ReactOS is aiming to run your applications and use your hardware, a free operating system for everyone!

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a, poslednji put sam čuo za ovu ekipu kad ih je MS tužio i valjda naterao da promene ime (?), lepo je videti da ovoliko napreduju. mada, verovatno je neka od linux distribucija bolje rešenje kao besplatan OS, osim ako baš ne možeš bez neke windows aplikacije koja nema linux alternativu..

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a, poslednji put sam čuo za ovu ekipu kad ih je MS tužio i valjda naterao da promene ime (?)

To je bio Lindows (sada Linspire), koji je bio Linux ko i svaki drugi, samo sa preinstaliranim Wine-om. Ovi gore razvijaju svoj sistem od nule, koji nema veze s Unixom (mada kažu da tesno sarađuju sa ekipom Winea).

Edited by voodoo_
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