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Ljudsko telo u 4D

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Grupa naucnika je uspela da napravi projektovani 4D model ljudskog tela. (3D plus vreme) Ovaj model ce pomoci doktorima, naucnicima da bolje razumeju bolesti i razne posledice DNA manipulacija/gresaka.


CAVEman useful in studying genetic diseases, surgical training

Scientists at the University of Calgary have created the world’s first complete object-oriented computer model of a human body. Unveiled today, the 4D human atlas, dubbed the CAVEman by the team who created it, allows scientists to literally get inside their experiments by translating medical and genomic data into 4D images.

“This project is a major breakthrough in medical informatics and systems biology,” says Dr. Grant Gall, dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary. “My congratulations to Christoph Sensen and his team for building a tool that will be useful not only to researchers studying disease, but also to physicians exploring new pathways in surgical planning.”

CAVEman resides in the CAVE, a cube-shaped virtual reality room, also known as the “research Holodeck”, in which the 4D human model floats in space, projected from three walls and the floor below.

“Six years ago, we gathered a team of computer scientists, biologists, mathematicians, and artists,” says Christoph Sensen, PhD, director of the Sun Center of Excellence for Visual Genomics at the University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine. “Our goal was to build a model of a complete human, at 10 times the resolution of anything else on the market. I am proud to say today, we have reached that goal.”

This project first began....


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pa mislim od kada se pojavio taj 4d ultra zvuk ovo je samo bilo pitanje trenutka.

4d ultra zvuk je bio vest, ovo ne, mada da je trebalo dosta truda i posla, jeste:)

No one can survive becoming a legend.

i ja kazem jebiga! Kao da je jebiga neka magichna rech.

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zamalo:)...jeste da je to jedna od najopremljenijih bolnica ali ne...ako ne racunamo novi sad i vma koji su mislim dobili aparat pre par meseci dosad je jedini 3d 128 multislajsni skener koji kosta 1300000 evra imala privatna bolnica ostrog...ciji je vlasnik pogadjate simpaticni funkcioner jula gospodin bojic...


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nema to veze, tj. ne moze tako da se poredi...magnet jeste novija imaging tehnika i bolja je za neke stvari od skenera, ali je skener bolji od magneta za snimanje nekih drugih stvari...a ovaj multislajs je jebeno cudo, bukvalno ti na kompu odradi 3d bilo kog dela tela, mozes da se "vozis" po crevima i krvnim sudovima...


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