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BC Free Trial Version


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There can't be many of you out there, that are playing WoW and have not snapped up a copy of the BC, but just in case there are. Blizzard is now offering a free 10 day trial of the BC, if you already have WoW installed. The trial includes jewelcrafting, as well as the Blood Elf and Draenai races to tinker with. If you do decide to go the whole hog and upgrade to the full version, then the good news is you can keep the same characters from the trial. The trial version is available http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/burningcrus...rial/index.html

Znaci ostao sam bez komentara kad sam ovo procitao :) Sve ce da urade za vise korisnika i da vrate stare :D

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Poceo sam da skidam Burning Crusade trial na laptopu, stigao je do nekih 90%, ali ja sam morao da prekinem. Prebacio sam sve sto je skinuo zajedno sa Blizz Downloaderom na desktop PC i hteo bih da tamo dovrsim skidanje, ali... U Blizz Downloader F.A.Q pise da moze da se nastavi ako se sacuva na istoj lokaciji sto ovde kod mene ocigledno nije slucaj

Da li ipak postoji neki nacin da se nastavi DL na desktopu ?

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