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meni je žao što se masa pretvara u novog barikela, ali s obzirom na to kako su se ponašali konkurenti, ferarijevci su se ove godine pokazali kao gospoda.

cela propagandna mašinerija koja je pokrenuta za hamiltona jeste ogavna, ali razumljiva (engleska nacija želi novog bekama, berni i ron denis žele još para)... možda ih ne bih zamrzeo da nije bilo one krađe, a ovako sam u ovoj sezoni prestao da navijam za meklaren.

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jao ivane, ajde ne seri vishe :) shta je hamilton uradio da bi ga mrzeli? chovek fenomenalno vozi, imao fantastichan uspeh za prvu sezonu... to shto tim svira kurcu iz nekog razloga ove sezone ne treba da baca mrlju na njegovu karijeru :)

pa nisam ni napisao da mrzim hamiltona, mada ne vidim da mu nešto smeta što je postao bekam junior. on jeste super vozač, i biće sigurno šampion, ali ove sezone to nije zaslužio pre svega zato što su njegovi ukrali, a zatim i zato što ga je neviđeno sralo :)

takođe se ne slažem da ponašanje tima ne treba da baci mrlju na njegovu karijeru. sigurno on nije prvi krivac, ali svesno se ponašao nesportski, i onda, kada se sve pročulo, odlično sačuvao svoju guzicu.

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Vozač Meklarena Luis Hamilton izjavio je da ne želi da osvoji titulu administrativnim putem, nakon što su predstavnici Meklaren tima uložili žalbu na odluku Svetske automobilske federacije da ne kazni vozače BMW-a i Vilijamsa, ostavljajući mladom Britancu šansu da za "zelenim stolom" preotme titulu šampiona od Kimija Raikonena.

"To ne bi bilo u redu. Želeo sam da osvojim titulu na stazi, pobedom, u velikom stilu, a ne ovako. Kimi je odradio fantastičan posao u poslednje dve trke. Pobedio je i bilo bi surovo kada bi mu sada oduzeli titulu, a verovatno ne bi bilo dobro ni za ceo sport", rekao je vozač Meklarena.

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je l bi ti dao ronu denisu?

zaboravio sam da bacim komentar, genije je rekao da je internet "nuisance", u kontekstu da ga smara što se toliko informacija razmenjuje preko interneta i da mu to kao otežava posao. koji dinosaurus. do sada je i direktor gradske čistoće (zet maserke bogdanovićeve žene, inače) skontao da je internet super i da prisustvo na njemu može samo da ti unapredi poslovanje, a ron jebeni denis priča kako je njusns.


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je l bi ti dao ronu denisu?

zaboravio sam da bacim komentar, genije je rekao da je internet "nuisance", u kontekstu da ga smara što se toliko informacija razmenjuje preko interneta i da mu to kao otežava posao. koji dinosaurus. do sada je i direktor gradske čistoće (zet maserke bogdanovićeve žene, inače) skontao da je internet super i da prisustvo na njemu može samo da ti unapredi poslovanje, a ron jebeni denis priča kako je njusns.


ti si veci fanboi od mene batice ;)

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Vilijams potvrdio: Nakadžima i Rozberg u 2008

Vilijamsov test vozač Kazuki Nakadžima će biti u trkačkoj postavi tima za sledeću sezonu pored Nika Rozberga, saopšteno je u sredu. Nakadžima je svoj debi u Formuli 1 zabeležio prošlog meseca na VN Brazila, dok je Rozberg u Vilijamsu već dve sezone.

'Oduševljen sam što mogu da potvrdim da će Niko voziti za Vilijams treću godinu uzastopno, posle demonstracije svog velikog talenta u 2007.'- rekao je Frenk Vilijams, direktor tima Vilijams.

'Nikov partner će biti Nakadžima, koji je imresionirao sve u timu tokom prošle godine. Ima brzinu i odgovarajuće ponašanje da se razvije u odličnog vozača Formule 1 i tokom sledeće sezone, obezbedićemo mu svu potrebnu podršku da razvije svoj potencijal.'

Tokom prošle sezone, Nakadžima je odvezao 7000 km testirajući za Vilijams i takođe je vozio nekoliko puta petkom na nezvaničnim treninzima. Ovaj 22 godisnjak, koji je takođe uspešno vozio i u GP2 seriji, je zamenio penzionisanog Vurca na VN Brazila, gde je završio kao deseti.

'Ovo je kruna prelepe godine za mene. Bilo je neverovatno izvesti bolid na pistu u Australiji u martu, a sada biti potvrđen kao trkački vozač za sledeću sezonu za Vilijams je, za mene, ostvarenje sna.'- rekao je Kazuki Nakadžima.

'Veoma sam zahvalan Tojoti za podršku koju su mi pružili tokom Tojotinog vozačkog programa i Vilijamsu na poverenju celog tima. Puno je posla kojeg treba obaviti pre nego što sezona počne, ali sam odlučan da uradim šta god je potrebno i da pokažem Vilijamsu i Tojoti da su dobro investirali.'

Potvrda da će Rozberg ostati u Vilijamsu treću godinu zaredom je raspršila priče o tome da je on mogući novi partner Luisu Hamiltonu u Meklarenu. Od debija u 2006, mladi Nemac je osvojio 24 poena od kojih 20 u ovoj sezoni.

Izvor: F1 Serbia

Čandhok će testirati za Red Bul

Indijski GP2 vozač Karun Čandhok će testirati za Red Bul u Barseloni kasnije ovog meseca. Čandhok, 23, iz Madraša, će zameniti regularnog testera Sebastijana Buemija koji se takmiči u Makau Seriji 3.

'Ovo je stvarno ostvarenje mog dugogodišnjeg sna'- rekao je Čandhok.'Još od moje četvrte sanjao sam da vozim bolid Formule 1 i ovaj dan nije samo moj dan, već i cele moje porodice i svih koji su me bodrili tokom svih ovih godina. Želim iskreno da se zahvalim svima u Red Bulu na šansi koju su mi ukazali, zaista se radujem testiranju.'

'Karun je bio podržavan od strane Red Bula poslednjih par godina, i njegov napredak u GP2 seriji je ove godine dostigao svoj vrhunac, kulminirajući na stazi Spa pobedom'- rekao je šef tima Kristijan Horner.'Barselona predstavlja dobru priliku da Karuna ubacimo u jedan od bolida i pružimo mu priliku za njegovu prvu vožnju u F1 bolidu.'

Čandhok je osigurao svoje mesto u GP2 seriji u 2007 sezoni, osvojivši Azijsku Formulu Reno V6 pobedivši u sedam trka i osvojivši devet pol pozicija.

Izvor: F1 Serbia

Prvi Domaci FM Web Site


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Baton odlazi iz Honde u slučaju nove loše sezone

Dženson Baton kaže da će napustiti Hondu na kraju 2008. u slučaju još jedne nekonkurentne sezone.

"Auto je ove sezone bio katastrofalan i ne želim više da se trkam na taj način."

"Voleo bih da osvojim titulu sa Hondom ali da bi se to desilo morao bih da počnem sa pobeđivanjem. Ako se to ne desi, onda ću biti nemilosrdan."

"Ukoliko stvari ne budu funkcionisale, baš to ću da uradim. Ne kažem da očekujem osvajanje titule, ali očekujem dramatičan napredak."

Batonu je ove godine primat u Britaniji preuzeo Luis Hamilton, ali Baton kaže da nije ljubomoran na Meklarenovog vozača.

"Ako ja ne pobeđujem, ne zanima me ko pobeđuje. Nema razlike za mene ukoliko ja nisam u konkurentnom automobilu."

Izvor: F1 Serbia

Gaskojn preti odlaskom ukoliko Ralf Šumaher dođe

Majk Gaskojn je zapretio Fors Indiji da će napustiti tim ukoliko Ralf Šumaher bude vozio u ovoj ekipi sledeće godine.

Gaskojn, koji se obavezao na dalji rad u ovoj ekipi i nakon promene vlasnika, vidi Šumahera kao glavnog podstrekivača njegovog izbacivanja iz Tojote početkom 2006. i ne želi da ponovo, po treći pu, nakon Džordana i Tojote sarađuje sa Šumaherom.

Šumaher je inače blizak prijatelj Indijca Vidžeja Malie, novog vlasnika tima, sa kojim je zasnovao prijateljstvo tokom Indijčevog sponzorisanja Ralfovog bivšeg tima Tojote preko svog brenda Kingfišer. 

Izvor: F1 Serbia

Baton: Hamilton je možda prokockao svoju priliku

Đženson Baton izjavio je kako smatra da je Levis Hamilton možda prokockao svoju najbolju priliku za osvajanje titule prvaka.

"On je odličan vozač, ali u Formuli 1 postoje brojni sjajni vozači koji nisu imali njegov paket," rekao je Baton u razgovoru s novinama Mail on Sunday. "Ono što bi mene zabrinjavalo je propuštena prilika. U ovom sportu, ne možete reći: 'Ah, dobro, propustio sam titulu za jedan bod, stoga ću iduće godine biti bolji.' Stvari jednostavno ne funkcionišu tako."

"Trebao bi biti bolestan kao pas jer se još jedna prilika poput ove možda nikada neće pojaviti," dodao je Hondin vozač.

Izvor: F1 Serbia

Prvi Domaci FM Web Site


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Ali ko je Đženson Baton? :D


Sad videh ovo:

Hamilton May Snatch Raikkonen's Formula 1 Title at Appeal Today

By Dan Baynes

Nov. 15 (Bloomberg) -- Lewis Hamilton may snatch the Formula One driving title from champion Kimi Raikkonen at a hearing in London today.

Hamilton's McLaren team is appealing against a decision by race stewards not to sanction drivers for fuel irregularities at the title-deciding Brazilian Grand Prix on Oct. 21. Williams driver Nico Rosberg and BMW Sauber's Robert Kubica and Nick Heidfeld, who finished fourth to sixth, weren't punished for having fuel outside the permitted temperature range.

The Federation Internationale de l'Automobile will rule on the case and has the power to disqualify the drivers. If the appeals body took that action, Hamilton, who finished seventh, might then be promoted to fourth -- giving him enough points to overtake Raikkonen.

Ferrari's Raikkonen won in Sao Paulo to take the title by a single point from Hamilton and two-time world champion Fernando Alonso.

The title was in doubt for three hours after Raikkonen crossed the line as officials considered whether Rosberg, Kubica and Heidfeld should be disqualified. Checks showed fuel in their cars was more than the permitted 10 degrees Celsius (18 Fahrenheit) below air temperature, which might improve engine performance.

McLaren announced Oct. 23 that it would appeal, a day after Hamilton said in an interview with the BBC he didn't want to win the title through the disqualification of others. His teammate Alonso said he would be ``embarrassed for the sport'' if Hamilton won the championship as a result of the appeal. Alonso has since left McLaren.

Hamilton, who started in Brazil with a seven-point lead over Raikkonen, struggled after a poor start and gearbox trouble, while Alonso was third. The 22-year-old Hamilton, seeking to become the first rookie champion, had led the championship for the previous 10 Grands Prix.

Edited by AlexG
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ta vest je stara :)

McLaren lose Brazilian GP appeal

Raikkonen has been confirmed as world champion

McLaren's Brazilian Grand Prix appeal has been rejected by the International Automobile Federation (FIA).

The decision confirmed Kimi Raikkonen as world champion, dashing Briton Lewis Hamilton's title hopes.

The FIA ruled the appeal - against the decision of the Brazilian GP stewards not to punish the BMW Sauber and Williams teams - was inadmissible.

McLaren had objected to Williams and BMW avoiding punishment for using fuel that was too cool in Brazil.

The decision finally brings to an end a very intense season, both on and off the track

The FIA's independent court of appeal, comprising four judges, met in London for a four-hour hearing on Thursday, but did not announce the decision until late on Friday.

If Williams' Nico Rosberg and BMW Sauber pair Robert Kubica and Nick Heidfeld had been disqualified, Hamilton could have moved up to fourth and gained enough points to overtake Raikkonen, who won the race and therefore the title.

Hamilton was seventh in Brazil behind Rosberg and both BMWs.

"As I have said all along, Kimi deserved to win the 2007 world drivers championship and neither I nor anyone at McLaren had any desire to take it off him in court," said the 22-year-old Hamilton.

McLaren's F1 chief executive officer Martin Whitmarsh added: "In the interests of rule clarification and rule consistency we lodged our appeal.

"We hope this fuel temperature issue does not remain unresolved in Formula One next year.

"But we look forward to working with the FIA and the teams on clarifying matters to avoid a similar situation occurring again."

Lawyers for McLaren had called for a reclassification of the championship, a move that angered Ferrari.

Williams and BMW Sauber argued McLaren's appeal was inadmissible because Hamilton's team had not been an interested party in the stewards' initial inquiry, and had not appealed against the race classification immediately after the event.

Ferrari accused McLaren of being "naked opportunists", after the English team's previous claims that the championship should not be decided in the courtroom.

McLaren barrister Ian Mill had pointed to 26 instances in Formula One history where there had been disqualifications and a championship reclassification.

"We offer no special plea on behalf of the team, but I ask you to do what normally happens," he said.

In September McLaren were fined $100m (£48.9m) and stripped of their constructors' points in a spying controversy involving Ferrari.

The governing body ruled, however, that the McLaren drivers should keep their points because of an amnesty offered to them if they provided evidence, despite strong arguments against them remaining in the championship.

Mill turned that argument against McLaren's rivals.

"The driver may be entirely innocent... but he has the benefit of the infringing car," he said.

"It must be right that if the team is disqualified, the driver loses the points as well."

But Ferrari's Nigel Tozzi countered: "This is not the way a Formula One world championship should be won."

After the FIA's ruling Ferrari's chief executive Jean Todt said: "The decision finally brings to an end a very intense season, both on and off the track."

U medjuvremenu je Eklston najavio da ce podneti ostavku ako Kimiju oduzmu titulu.

u mirin brah?

u mad? come at me bro!

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"As I have said all along, Kimi deserved to win the 2007 world drivers championship and neither I nor anyone at McLaren had any desire to take it off him in court," said the 22-year-old Hamilton.

McLaren's F1 chief executive officer Martin Whitmarsh added: "In the interests of rule clarification and rule consistency we lodged our appeal.

"We hope this fuel temperature issue does not remain unresolved in Formula One next year.

"But we look forward to working with the FIA and the teams on clarifying matters to avoid a similar situation occurring again."


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  • 4 weeks later...

uh uh!bice jebeno.tri vozaca i tri tima konkurenti za titulu:)cini mi se da f1 postaje sve zanimljiviji

samo sto ja nista nisam ispratio sem ovo sto ste vi spomenuli.nesto mi stade mozak ko ce voziti sa hamiltonom?na sajtu kaze de la rosa.jos im je u timu geri pafet.ufff njega bi voleo da vidim kao drugog vozaca.

a ko je gledao poslednji top gear video je kakav je luis vozac.ono je nevidjeno kako je opusteno vozio po kisi,i za malo da bude prvi(0.2 sec bese).

salt wat fish fresh wat fish?

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BERLIN (AFP) - Michael Schumacher may well be the fastest taxi driver in Germany after the seven-times world champion shocked a cab driver by taking over the wheel in order to be on time for a flight.


Schumacher, 38, flew into the aerodrome at the Bavarian town of Coburg on Saturday and took a taxi to the village of Gehuelz, 30 kilometres away, to pick up a new puppy - an Australian Shepherd dog called "Ed".

But when the former Formula One ace, plus his wife and two children, caught a taxi back to the airport they were short on time and, after a polite request, cab driver Tuncer Yilmaz watched in wonder as Schumacher took the wheel.

"I found myself in the passenger seat, which was strange enough, but to have "Schumi" behind the wheel of my cab was incredible," Mr Yilmaz told the Muenchner Abendzeitung.

"He drove at full throttle around the corners and over-took in some unbelievable places."

Mr Yilmaz was well rewarded for the unusual journey - on top of the 60 euros (88 US dollars) fare, he was also given a 100 euros (146 US dollars) tip.

Schumacher's spokesperson Sabine Kehm later confirmed the story.

The German track ace, who now lives in Switzerland, retired from Formula One in 2006 after a glittering career and, despite test drives for his old team Ferarri, has insisted there is no chance of a return to racing.

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