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DotA Allstars 6.42


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DotA Allstars 6.42 changelog


* Centaur Warchief -> Changed Return from 60/30 melee/range to 50/50

* Obsidian Destroyer -> Improved cast animation a little

* Tormented Soul -> Pulse Nova no longer triggers Essence Aura

* Shadow Fiend -> Reduced Shadowraze AOE

* Axe -> Lowered manacost and cooldown on Battle Hunger

* Spectre -> Reduced area that is used to check if a hero is alone with Desolate

* Sven -> Improved Toughness Aura

* Phantom Assassin -> Improved Blink Strike range per level

* Butcher -> Hook now properly interrupts channeling

* Nerubian Weaver -> Watchers no longer have spell immunity

* Geomancer -> Geomancer clones now gain 40% of any attribute bonuses the primary has

* Crystal Maiden -> Fixed Brilliance Aura to properly stack with Ring of Basilius

* Priestess of the Moon -> Slightly reduced collision area on Elune's Arrow

* Magnataur -> Cooldown on Reverse Polarity no longer increases per level

* Nerubian Assassin -> Slightly improved Mana Burn cast range at higher levels

* Troll Warlord -> Level 4 Berserker Rage gives a little more movement speed

* Bristleback -> Lowered movement speed by 5 and put a cap on how much Quill Spray can stack up to late game

* Venomancer -> Plague Wards now give less gold and cost slightly less mana

* SyllaBear -> When you summon Spirit Bear and it is already summoned, it no longer wastes the cooldown doing nothing, it errors properly

* Crystal Maiden -> Improved Brilliance Aura a bit

* Phantom Lancer -> Changed Spirit Lance projectile model

* Lord of Olympia -> Hero icon changed

* Ursa Warrior -> Enrage icon changed

* Vengeful Spirit -> Added a visual effect to Netherswap

* Lord of Olympia -> Added a new visual effect for Static Field

* Juggernaut -> Added a new visual effect to Omnislash

* Axe -> Added a new visual effect for when Culling Blade's deathblow activates (86864)

* Bane Elemental -> Added a visual effect to Brain Sap

* Spirit Bear -> Entangle doesn't work on roshan anymore

* Keeper of the Light -> Liberated Souls and Ignis Fatuus will now show attack projectile

* Dragon Knight -> Updated Elder Form tooltip to mention that it gives movement speed boost

* Added new icons for Berserker Call, Conversion, Glaives of Wisdom, Detonate, Light Strike Array, Synergy (thx snork, Black_tan, K_Prime, Mihai, L()RK@N_15, Amadi and switch)

* Axe -> Improved hero animation when casting Culling Blade


* Added new item -> Hood of Defiance

* Added new item -> Assault Cuirass

* Added new item -> Bloodstone (can be disassembled, heal inspired by topic (116735)

* Satanic -> Active ability changed

* Helm of Iron Will -> Increased hp regen to +3 (from +2)

* Divine Rapier -> Now it can be manually dropped

* Vladmir's Offering -> Bonus damage is an aura now(only on melee heroes, not creeps)

* Battle Fury -> Cleave AOE from 200 to 225

* Mekansm -> Mekansm heal stack restriction can no longer be overridden by buckler

* Ring of Basilius -> Ring of Basilius can be clicked to switch it back and forth between a version that has armor affecting creeps and one that doesn't

* Eul's Scepter of Divinity -> Nerfed cooldown on Cyclone

* Butterfly -> Butterfly from 25/25/25/25 to 30/30/30/30 and recipe from 1400 to 1800

* Necronomicon -> Lowered mana burn a bit

* Bottle -> When bottle with rune expires due to time, it uses the rune instead of wasting it (122057)

* Ancient Tango of Essifation -> Removed cooldown when buying tangos

* Sentry and Observer wards -> Changed a bit

* Reduced cooldown on buying all other items

* Mjollnir -> Changed icon to the one suggested on the forums (102574)

* Gem & Sentry Wards -> Improved tooltips for new players (118074)

* Ancient Tango of Essifation -> Added buff icon

* Necronomicon -> Improved tooltip on level 3 Necronomicon

* Updated Buriza and Crystalis tooltips to list critical chance

* Removed Lumber from recipes, now it does not list it as a requirement and gives you a proper error

==[Game Modes & Commmands]==

* Adjusted starting gold in -rd to give you the same amount you'd have when the creeps come out in regular pick game (right now it is a little less than normal)

* Enabled POTM/Warlock/Alchemist in -lm and Warlock in -rd

* Added -om(onlymid) due to popular demand to disable creepspawn and tower vulnerability everywhere but middle

* Added -powerup and -neutrals to single player commands

* Added -nd (no death timer) and -lives xx (maximum lives) as optional commands after -dm is activated

* Added a -fleshstr command for Pudge to view how much str you gained from the ability

* Added -deathon/off (-don/off) that toggles on and off a new death timer to show you your respawn without needing to open the scoreboard

* -cson now places the k/d in the multiboard title

* -showdeny is enabled by default for observers

* Siege units are now properly added to your -cs

* Weather commands are now user specific, so you can have rain while your ally has snow and the others have nothing

* Added an extra blank line before -ma output, to help readability when used near other commands

==[Map & Misc Changes/Fixes]==

* Changed the way Aegis and Roshan work. Aegis is now a Roshan drop (a 1-charge ankh basically). You cannot create it manually. Roshan starts out weaker without melee return. He respawns stronger and bigger every 10 minutes

* Added a new secret shop containing limited items (only stout and helm of iron will for now) to the top left and bottom right areas

* Changed Range creep quantity upgrade from 60min to 45min. Siege follows this as well. Melee creeps quantity upgrade frequency changed to a few minutes sooner than usual

* Implemented a sound for when creeps spawn for the first time (75198)

* Chicken/Crow can no longer sell items (has been abused in long games to sell for money to buyback. The sellback price on recipes is only intended to be that high to help against misclicks)

* Removed internal usage of lumber resource

* Notification is sent when an observer leaves the game

* Added a game timer in the top interface

* Fog of War is removed when a team wins (111691)

* Illusion from runes lasts a little longer now (40->60)

* Removed internal usage of food resource

* Added cooldown to neutral creep ability tooltips

* When a player leaves, the leaver hero name is written after the player's name

* Fixed Infernal duration typo on Rain of Chaos

* Fixed a typo in the Overgrowth damage

* Fixed First Blood being displayed in white if sp is on and observers are present

* Fixed Observer Ward buff saying Sentry Ward (123887)

* Fixed a bug in -sp that causes observer board to be removed

* Fixed a typo on the number of targets on level 3 Forked Lightning

* Fixed bugs with Aegis on Meepo

* Fixed Echo Slam damage doing less than advertised (7 less)

* Fixed a typo in level 3 Spirit Bear HP

* Changed all Brilliance Aura values from percentages to numbers since it isn't really a percentage (it always worked like this, just the tooltips were misleading)

* Fixed Treant and Druid sound set (79352)

* Fixed a bug with Shadowraze killing wards

* Fixed some minor control issues with Timewalk

'' Geomancer -> Geomancer clones now gain 40% of any attribute bonuses the primary has''= imba ??

ispred kuce parkirana nova Dacia ,sedista se spustaju na vise nacina:)

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* Changed the way Aegis and Roshan work. Aegis is now a Roshan drop (a 1-charge ankh basically). You cannot create it manually. Roshan starts out weaker without melee return. He respawns stronger and bigger every 10 minutes

ode igra u qrac...

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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Evo upravo odigrah jednu ne mora vise da se kuca -cson na pocetku jer je to integrisano u UI :)

Novi itemi nisu losi ali nisu ni imba mogu lepo da se izkombinuju. niko u partiji nije dobio genomansera tak da ne znam na sta on lici posle ovoga pacha..

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  Junkie said:
da .. definitivno su bafovali meepoa novim itemom

onaj drugi je nesto tipa aganim za int heroje kojima ne dize ulty [:D]

veceras ce da se testira [:D]

kada umresh sa tim ajtemom, dropujesh runu koja restoruje 500hpa i 400 mane valjda

a chargeove za to dobijash sa fragovima, lep ajtem, nema shta ;)

Nije bitno da je velik, bitno je da je lep...
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Assault Cuirass je preterano IMBA. Ubi me ako ne bude zabranjen na turnirima. A onaj Bloodstoone takodje...oba su za turnire smrt - ovako igre preko neta i nije tolka frka - al ta 2 itema ne da buffuju team, ne da su bitni za tim - nego su Over IMBA...onaj hood of defiance je ok...

Smehsno je videti Roshana na pochetku sa 9000HP i 100DMG - lol, taktika brzo na 6ti nivo pa na roshana, jedan do tad shtedeo i sad kupi assault cuirass (a drugi bloodstone) i onda push mid...GG

Ostalo mi josh samo da vidim Geomancera, cenim da je i on sad imba...

poz voz 2011

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evo sinoc sam odigrao dosta partija pa sad znam sta i kako:

onaj prvi item sto se sklapa od ringova hooda i stagod je extra ze recimo str heroje protiv nukera i sl... znaci na pocetku 2 ringa da mozes da smaras ... hood ...itd... 30% spell reduction + 8hp/sec

blood stone... haha... znaci imba.. prvi put sam se istripovao odakle runa i sta je icefrog sad smuckao[:D]

AC je stvarno prebruka... danas partija .. treant .. hyperstone prvi.. smarao kripove .. ostatak skurpio do 10og lvl-a .. meni +15 na armor a njima -5 .. 20 armora razlike.. da ne pricam sto vecina heroja na tim lvl-ima ni nema aromr veci od 5 ...posle skrpio vlads .. gg .. znaci svima +15 na armor.. meni 20+od magije imam 10+ base ... 70% dmg reduction

cika roshke je sad smesan bre... mada nisam izvalio kolko postaje tezi ..

ne znam dal ste smeknuli da sad wardovi dolaze u pakovanju od 2 [:(]

sve u svemu svidja mi se... jos u sledecoj da ubace 2-3 nova heroja i milina

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  Nix said:
Nova dota je extra samo kad bi malo cesce izlazila bilo bi super [:D][:D][:D]

6.42b izlazi sledece nedelje zbog 1000 bagova u 6.42 ...


1) ondaj novi hood item daje mnogo vise od 30% resistance kao sto pise.

2) mozes da biras koliko hoces heroja samo treba da kliknes nekoliko tastera od jednom i da imas dovoljno para

3) pise da ima josh 2 nova secret shopa sa ogranicenim itemima .... nigde ni traga od njih xD

4) ovo ne smem da spomenem jer moze da unisti igru ... previse je glupo i nova dota ce izaci zbog ovoga prvenstveno.

Mora neko i da fiduje

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  Junkie said:
mozda misli na to sto terror ima bug da mu iluzije imaju skadi efekat?

Lol to nije bag ... to je normalno ... kad ima skadi da imaju i iluzije.

Ne smem dao sam zakletvu!

Reci cu vam kad poprave.

Edited by FrostTouch

Mora neko i da fiduje

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  cf.LaZLoO said:
3) pise da ima josh 2 nova secret shopa sa ogranicenim itemima .... nigde ni traga od njih xD

imaju dva nova shopa gde se mogu kupiti stout shield i helm of iron will valjda ...kod sentinela je gore levo u shumi...kod scourge kontam da je dole desno:) ...

Edited by aj-manaj

ispred kuce parkirana nova Dacia ,sedista se spustaju na vise nacina:)

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znachi onaj AC je lood.. bash juche kao da vidim, sa omniknightom,bzvz. Kasnije sam se izivljavao, vladmira, satanic i buckler;D nisam stigao da napravim meq:D znachiii, nisu mogli kripove da ubiju... a inache, mozda je 4) to da se AC stackuje.. nisam proverio, drugar mi rek'o... kao moze heroj sam da napravi 6 komada, krug oko njega postaje sve veci... o armoru ne smem ni da pomislim;) Davion kao pojedinac, a Sven (pojachan mu je devotion koliko sam razumeo) kao mass armorer:D do jaja je ovo za aegis, ali itemi.. brooka!

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  Zr.ninja said:
roshan treba malo da se ojacha...

venomancer lvl 7 sa wardowima ga soluje...

i malo nerf ovih novih itema...

To se samo tako cini kad izadje neki novi item/heroj da je imba i sve to, a u stvari nije. Jedino ako ima bagova, inace se ljudi naviknu i bude sve ok .... npr. spectre ... bio je imba .. svi pwnovali sa njim i sad kad su svi skontali sta radi i sve to ... sranje heroj xD

Mora neko i da fiduje

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