ob1*y2|<* Posted March 10, 2007 Report Share Posted March 10, 2007 http://y2kwor.org : multimedial portal - z0ne of Cyber revolution. komentari..? Quote poz ob1*y2k* http://y2kwor.org Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
exile Posted March 10, 2007 Report Share Posted March 10, 2007 hehe super je sajt, bash mi se djasvi :) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spo(ghost) Posted March 10, 2007 Report Share Posted March 10, 2007 lepo osmishljen sajt, samo se nadam da nije jedan od onih 50$ sajtova, vetj da si se potrudio ;) Quote Nije bitno da je velik, bitno je da je lep... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
misaking[X] Posted March 10, 2007 Report Share Posted March 10, 2007 Sajt je kul, ali ima dosta gresaka u pravopisu. Ako treba pomoc javi... Quote Dr.Mr. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LESkOpoz Posted March 10, 2007 Report Share Posted March 10, 2007 UUuu...lepo,lepo !!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ob1*y2|<* Posted March 11, 2007 Author Report Share Posted March 11, 2007 ' date='Mar 10 2007, 17:35' post='954842'] Sajt je kul, ali ima dosta gresaka u pravopisu. Ako treba pomoc javi... malo sam zurio dok sam pisao.. dobrodosao si da ispravish (: samo reci sta da promenim.. poz Quote poz ob1*y2k* http://y2kwor.org Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pilauda Posted March 11, 2007 Report Share Posted March 11, 2007 lepo odradjeno nema sta........gj Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlexG Posted March 11, 2007 Report Share Posted March 11, 2007 Lepo lepo.......samo onaj zupcanik je ukraden :D Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ne0 [RUR] Posted March 13, 2007 Report Share Posted March 13, 2007 vrlo simpaticno....... flash?sta si koristio za ovo listanje stranica? Quote *** *** Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Force Posted March 14, 2007 Report Share Posted March 14, 2007 Ovo je lepo bash je lep site :) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cartman_ Posted March 15, 2007 Report Share Posted March 15, 2007 Vidi se da si se potrudio...extra izgleda stvarno... Quote ONE LOVE, TJM! www.last.fm/user/uNkindTJM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AyS^ Posted March 15, 2007 Report Share Posted March 15, 2007 (edited) komentari : zasto je ceo kod (prikazan dole) na engleskom ako ga je radio srbin? vidi se da si radio nesto,ali jako malo. swift ? function init() { globalStyleFormat.background = 0; globalStyleFormat.backgroundDisabled = 10027008; globalStyleFormat.arrow = 16711680; globalStyleFormat.scrollTrack = 0; globalStyleFormat.face = 0; globalStyleFormat.highlight3D = 16711680; globalStyleFormat.darkshadow = 10027008; globalStyleFormat.embedFonts = true; globalStyleFormat.textFont = "_AliasCondensed"; globalStyleFormat.textSize = 8; globalStyleFormat.textBold = false; globalStyleFormat.selection = 10027008; globalStyleFormat.applyChanges(); dataLoader = new LoadVars(); settings_mc._visible = false; login_mc._visible = false; register_mc._visible = false; message_mc._visible = false; postNew_mc._visible = false; postReply_mc._visible = false; postEdit_mc._visible = false; profileEdit_mc._visible = false; search_mc._visible = false; postNewBtn.disable(); postReplyBtn.disable(); breadcrumb_arr = new Array(); nextDepth = 1; _root.focusEnabled = false; loadUserSettings(); if (directLink == 1 && threadID != undefined) { getPosts(threadID); delete directLink; delete threadID; } else if (directLink == 1 && forumID != undefined) { getThreads(forumID); delete directLink; delete forumID; } else { getForums(); } // end else if } // End of the function function getForums() { dataLoader.clear(); dataLoader.username = userData.username; dataLoader.password = userData.password; dataLoader.onLoad = buildCategoryList; dataLoader.sendAndLoad("viewboard.php", dataLoader, "POST"); showLoading("Forums Categories"); breadcrumb_arr = new Array(); } // End of the function function buildCategoryList(success) { var _loc2 = this; loading_mc.hide(); if (!success) { getForums(); return; } // end if var depth = 0; var _loc3 = 0; var _loc1; board_mc = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("categories_mc", 0); board_mc.focusEnabled = false; for (var _loc1 = 0; _loc1 < _loc2.catagoryCount; ++_loc1) { category_mc = board_mc.attachMovie("categoryHeader", "category" + _loc1 + "_mc", depth++, {_y: _loc3}); category_mc.id = _loc2["catagory" + _loc1 + "ID"]; category_mc.title = _loc2["catagory" + _loc1 + "Title"]; buildForumList(category_mc, _loc2); _loc3 = _loc3 + (category_mc._height - 1); } // end of for spDisplay.setScrollContent(board_mc); spDisplay.setScrollPosition(0, 0); doBreadcrumb(); postNewBtn.disable(); postReplyBtn.disable(); } // End of the function function buildForumList(category_mc, data) { var _loc1 = data; var _loc3 = category_mc; var depth = 0; var totalHeight = 0; var _loc2 = _loc3._height - 1; for (count = 0; count < _loc1.forumCount; count++) { if (_loc1["forum" + count + "CatagoryID"] == _loc3.id) { forum_mc = _loc3.attachMovie("forum", "forum" + count + "_mc", depth++, {_y: _loc2}); forum_mc.id = _loc1["forum" + count + "ID"]; forum_mc.title = _loc1["forum" + count + "Title"]; forum_mc.desc = _loc1["forum" + count + "Description"]; forum_mc.threads = _loc1["forum" + count + "ThreadCount"]; forum_mc.date = _loc1["forum" + count + "LastPost"]; forum_mc.by = _loc1["forum" + count + "LastUser"]; if (_loc1["forum" + count + "New"] == 1) { forum_mc.icon_mc.attachMovie("iconFolderOpen", "icon", 1); } // end if _loc2 = _loc2 + (forum_mc._height - 1); } // end if } // end of for } // End of the function function getThreads(forumID, forumTitle) { var _loc2 = forumID; var _loc3 = 1; if (_loc2.indexOf("|") > 0) { var _loc1 = _loc2.split("|", 3); _loc2 = _loc1[0]; _loc3 = _loc1[1]; forumTitle = _loc1[2]; } // end if dataLoader.clear(); dataLoader.username = userData.username; dataLoader.password = userData.password; dataLoader.forumID = _loc2; dataLoader.page = _loc3; dataLoader.onLoad = buildThreadList; dataLoader.sendAndLoad("viewforum.php", dataLoader, "POST"); showLoading("Forum Threads"); if (forumTitle != undefined) { _global.forumTitle = forumTitle; } // end if _global.forumID = _loc2; } // End of the function function buildThreadList(success) { var _loc1 = this; loading_mc.hide(); if (!success) { message_mc.show(null, "Unable to fetch threads."); return; } // end if if (_loc1.mode == "search" && _loc1.threadCount <= 0) { message_mc.show(search_mc, "No results found for your query"); return; } // end if var _loc2; var depth = 0; var nextY = 0; forum_mc = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("forum_mc", 0); forum_mc.focusEnabled = false; forum_mc.attachMovie("threadHeader", "header_mc", depth++); nextY = forum_mc.header_mc._height - 1; for (var _loc2 = 0; _loc2 < _loc1.threadCount; ++_loc2) { thread_mc = forum_mc.attachMovie("thread", "thread" + _loc2 + "_mc", depth++, {_y: nextY}); thread_mc.id = _loc1["thread" + _loc2 + "ID"]; thread_mc.title = _loc1["thread" + _loc2 + "Topic"]; thread_mc.author = _loc1["thread" + _loc2 + "TopicStarter"]; thread_mc.replies = _loc1["thread" + _loc2 + "Replies"]; thread_mc.lastPost = _loc1["thread" + _loc2 + "LastPost"]; if (_loc1["thread" + _loc2 + "Sticky"] == 1) { thread_mc.icon_mc.attachMovie("iconThreadLocked", "icon", 1); } else if (_loc1["thread" + _loc2 + "New"] == 1) { thread_mc.icon_mc.attachMovie("iconThreadNew", "icon", 1); } // end else if nextY = nextY + (thread_mc._height - 1); } // end of for var footer_mc = forum_mc.attachMovie("threadFooter", "footer_mc", depth++, {_y: nextY}); var _loc3 = "(" + _loc1.totalPages + ") "; var startPage = Math.max(1, _loc1.currentPage - 2); var endPage = Math.min(_loc1.totalPages, int(_loc1.currentPage) + 2); if (startPage > 1) { if (_loc1.mode == "search") { _loc3 = _loc3 + ("<a href=\"asfunction:_root.search," + _loc1.searchQuery + "|" + _loc1.match + "|" + _loc1.columns + "|1\">[<u><< First</u>]</a> ..."); } else { _loc3 = _loc3 + ("<a href=\"asfunction:_root.getThreads," + _loc1.forumID + "|1|" + _loc1.forumTitle + "\">[<u><< First</u>]</a> ..."); } // end if } // end else if if (_loc1.currentPage > 1) { if (_loc1.mode == "search") { _loc3 = _loc3 + ("<a href=\"asfunction:_root.search," + _loc1.searchQuery + "|" + _loc1.match + "|" + _loc1.columns + "|" + (int(_loc1.currentPage) - 1) + "\"> [<u><<</u>]</a>"); } else { _loc3 = _loc3 + ("<a href=\"asfunction:_root.getThreads," + _loc1.forumID + "|" + (int(_loc1.currentPage) - 1) + "|" + _loc1.forumTitle + "\"> [<u><<</u>]</a>"); } // end if } // end else if for (var _loc2 = startPage; _loc2 <= endPage; ++_loc2) { if (_loc1.currentPage == _loc2) { _loc3 = _loc3 + ("<font color=\"#FFFFFF\"> [" + _loc2 + "]</font>"); continue; } // end if if (_loc1.mode == "search") { _loc3 = _loc3 + ("<a href=\"asfunction:_root.search," + _loc1.searchQuery + "|" + _loc1.match + "|" + _loc1.columns + "|" + _loc2 + "\"> [<u>" + _loc2 + "</u>]</a>"); continue; } // end if _loc3 = _loc3 + ("<a href=\"asfunction:_root.getThreads," + _loc1.forumID + "|" + _loc2 + "|" + _loc1.forumTitle + "\"> [<u>" + _loc2 + "</u>]</a>"); } // end of for if (int(_loc1.currentPage) < int(_loc1.totalPages)) { if (_loc1.mode == "search") { _loc3 = _loc3 + ("<a href=\"asfunction:_root.search," + _loc1.searchQuery + "|" + _loc1.match + "|" + _loc1.columns + "|" + (int(_loc1.currentPage) + 1) + "\"> [<u>>></u>]</a>"); } else { _loc3 = _loc3 + ("<a href=\"asfunction:_root.getThreads," + _loc1.forumID + "|" + (int(_loc1.currentPage) + 1) + "|" + _loc1.forumTitle + "\"> [<u>>></u>]</a>"); } // end if } // end else if if (endPage < int(_loc1.totalPages)) { if (_loc1.mode == "search") { _loc3 = _loc3 + (" ...<a href=\"asfunction:_root.search," + _loc1.searchQuery + "|" + _loc1.match + "|" + _loc1.columns + "|" + _loc1.totalPages + "\"> [<u>Last >></u>]</a>"); } else { _loc3 = _loc3 + (" ...<a href=\"asfunction:_root.getThreads," + _loc1.forumID + "|" + _loc1.totalPages + "|" + _loc1.forumTitle + "\"> [<u>Last >></u>]</a>"); } // end if } // end else if footer_mc.pages_txt.htmlText = "<p><font face=\"_AliasConsensed\">"; footer_mc.pages_txt.htmlText = footer_mc.pages_txt.htmlText + _loc3; footer_mc.pages_txt.htmlText = footer_mc.pages_txt.htmlText + "</font></p>"; spDisplay.setScrollContent(forum_mc); spDisplay.setScrollPosition(0, 0); breadcrumb_arr = new Array(); breadcrumb_arr.push({text: _loc1.forumTitle}); doBreadcrumb(); if (_loc1.mode != "search") { postNewBtn.enable(); postReplyBtn.disable(); return; } // end if postNewBtn.disable(); postReplyBtn.disable(); } // End of the function function getPosts(threadID, scrollToPostID) { dataLoader.clear(); dataLoader.username = userData.username; dataLoader.password = userData.password; dataLoader.threadID = threadID; dataLoader.onLoad = buildPostList; dataLoader.sendAndLoad("viewthread.php", dataLoader, "POST"); dataLoader.scrollToPostID = scrollToPostID; showLoading("Thread Posts"); _global.threadID = threadID; } // End of the function function buildPostList(success) { var _loc2 = this; loading_mc.hide(); if (!success) { return; } // end if var _loc1; var depth = 0; var nextY = 0; var scrollY = 0; _global.forumID = _loc2.forumID; thread_mc = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("thread_mc", 0); thread_mc.focusEnabled = false; thread_mc.attachMovie("postHeader", "header_mc", depth++); nextY = thread_mc.header_mc._height - 1; tfAuthor = new TextFormat(); tfAuthor.font = "_AliasBoldCondensed"; tfAuthor.size = 8; tfAuthor.color = 1048575; for (var _loc1 = 0; _loc1 < _loc2.postCount; ++_loc1) { post_mc = thread_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("post" + _loc1 + "_mc", depth++); post_mc._y = nextY; post_mc.postID = _loc2["post" + _loc1 + "ID"]; post_mc.userID = _loc2["post" + _loc1 + "UserID"]; post_mc.createTextField("author_txt", 20, 2, 2, 196, 14); author_txt = post_mc.author_txt; author_txt.embedFonts = true; author_txt.multiline = true; author_txt.autoSize = true; author_txt.wordWrap = true; author_txt.html = true; author_txt.htmlText = "<font face=\"_AliasCondensed\" size=\"8\" color=\"#FFFFFF\">" + _loc2["post" + _loc1 + "Author"] + "</font><br />"; author_txt.htmlText = author_txt.htmlText + ("<font face=\"_AliasCondensed\" size=\"8\" color=\"#FFFFFF\">" + _loc2["post" + _loc1 + "UserTitle"] + "<br />Posts: " + _loc2["post" + _loc1 + "UserPostCount"] + "</font><br />"); post_mc.createTextField("message_txt", 21, 200, 2, 473, 100); message_txt = post_mc.message_txt; message_txt.multiline = true; message_txt.autoSize = true; message_txt.wordWrap = true; message_txt.html = true; message_txt.embedFonts = true; message_txt.htmlText = "<font face=\"_AliasCondensed\" size=\"8\" color=\"#FFFFFF\">" + _loc2["post" + _loc1 + "Message"] + "</font>"; var _loc3 = Math.ceil(Math.max(message_txt.textHeight + 10, message_txt._height + 10)); _loc3 = Math.max(_loc3, 50); bgTop_mc = post_mc.attachMovie("postBackgroundTop", "bgTop_mc", 0); bgMid_mc = post_mc.attachMovie("postBackgroundMiddle", "bgMid_mc", 1); bgBot_mc = post_mc.attachMovie("postBackgroundBottom", "bgBot_mc", 2); bar_mc = post_mc.attachMovie("postBar", "bar_mc", 3); bgMid_mc._y = bgTop_mc._height - 1; bgMid_mc._height = _loc3 - bgTop_mc._height - bgBot_mc._height + 2; bgBot_mc._y = _loc3 - bgBot_mc._height; bar_mc._y = _loc3 - 1; bar_mc.date_txt.text = bar_mc.date_txt.text + _loc2["post" + _loc1 + "Date"]; if (_loc2.scrollToPostID == _loc2["post" + _loc1 + "ID"]) { scrollY = nextY; } // end if nextY = nextY + (_loc3 + bar_mc._height - 2); } // end of for var footer_mc = thread_mc.attachMovie("postFooter", "footer_mc", depth++, {_y: nextY}); footer_mc.directLink_txt.text = "http://y2kwor.org/forum/go.php?threadID=" + _loc2.threadID; spDisplay.setScrollContent(thread_mc); spDisplay.setScrollPosition(0, scrollY); breadcrumb_arr = new Array(); breadcrumb_arr.push({action: "getThreads", param: _loc2.forumID, text: _loc2.forumTitle}); breadcrumb_arr.push({text: _loc2.topic}); doBreadcrumb(); _global.topic = _loc2.topic; postNewBtn.enable(); postReplyBtn.enable(); } // End of the function function search(searchQuery, match, columns) { var _loc2 = searchQuery; var _loc3 = 1; if (_loc2.indexOf("|") > 0) { var _loc1 = _loc2.split("|", 4); _loc2 = _loc1[0]; match = _loc1[1]; columns = _loc1[2]; _loc3 = _loc1[3]; } // end if dataLoader.clear(); dataLoader.searchQuery = _loc2; dataLoader.match = match; dataLoader.columns = columns; dataLoader.page = _loc3; dataLoader.onLoad = buildThreadList; dataLoader.sendAndLoad("search.php", dataLoader, "POST"); showLoading("Searching Board"); var dispText = "Search results for \'" + _loc2 + "\'"; breadcrumb_arr = new Array(); breadcrumb_arr.push({action: "search", param: _loc2, text: dispText}); } // End of the function function loadPost(postID) { dataLoader.clear(); dataLoader.username = userData.username; dataLoader.password = userData.password; dataLoader.postID = postID; dataLoader.onLoad = checkLoadPost; dataLoader.sendAndLoad("viewpost.php", dataLoader, "POST"); showLoading("Post Data"); } // End of the function function checkLoadPost(success) { var _loc1 = this; loading_mc.hide(); if (!success) { message_mc.show(null, "Failed to load viewpost.php"); return; } // end if if (_loc1.result != "Okay") { message_mc.show(null, _loc1.errorMsg); return; } // end if postEdit_mc.show(_loc1.postID, _loc1.topic, _loc1.postMessage, _loc1.postNotify, _loc1.postAddSig); } // End of the function function loadProfile(userID) { dataLoader.clear(); dataLoader.username = userData.username; dataLoader.password = userData.password; dataLoader.userID = userID; dataLoader.onLoad = checkLoadProfile; dataLoader.sendAndLoad("viewprofile.php", dataLoader, "POST"); showLoading("User Profile Data"); } // End of the function function checkLoadProfile(success) { var _loc1 = this; loading_mc.hide(); if (!success) { message_mc.show(null, "Failed to load viewprofile.php"); return; } // end if if (_loc1.result != "Okay") { message_mc.show(null, _loc1.errorMsg); return; } // end if profileEdit_mc.show(_loc1.userID, _loc1.username, _loc1.email, _loc1.signature); } // End of the function function doBreadcrumb() { var _loc1; var _loc2; _loc2 = _loc2 + "<a href=\"asfunction:getForums\"><u>Board</u></a>"; for (var _loc1 = 0; _loc1 < breadcrumb_arr.length; ++_loc1) { if (_loc1 == breadcrumb_arr.length - 1) { _loc2 = _loc2 + (" >> " + breadcrumb_arr[_loc1].text); continue; } // end if _loc2 = _loc2 + (" >> <a href=\"asfunction:" + breadcrumb_arr[_loc1].action + "," + breadcrumb_arr[_loc1].param + "\"><u>" + breadcrumb_arr[_loc1].text + "</u></a>"); } // end of for breadcrumb_txt.htmlText = "<p><font face=\"_AliasConsensed\">"; breadcrumb_txt.htmlText = breadcrumb_txt.htmlText + _loc2; breadcrumb_txt.htmlText = breadcrumb_txt.htmlText + "</font></p>"; } // End of the function function postNew(forumID, topic, message, notify, addsig) { dataLoader.clear(); dataLoader.username = userData.username; dataLoader.password = userData.password; dataLoader.forumID = forumID; dataLoader.topic = topic; dataLoader.message = message; dataLoader.notify = notify ? (1) : (0); dataLoader.addsig = addsig ? (1) : (0); dataLoader.onLoad = checkPostNew; dataLoader.sendAndLoad("postnew.php", dataLoader, "POST"); showLoading("Submitting Thread Data"); } // End of the function function checkPostNew(success) { var _loc1 = this; loading_mc.hide(); if (!success) { message_mc.show(postNew_mc, "Unable to load postnew.php"); return; } // end if if (_loc1.result != "Okay") { message_mc.show(postNew_mc, _loc1.errorMsg); return; } // end if var _loc2 = _loc1.threadID; getPosts(_loc2); } // End of the function function postReply(threadID, message, notify, addsig) { dataLoader.clear(); dataLoader.username = userData.username; dataLoader.password = userData.password; dataLoader.forumID = _global.forumID; dataLoader.threadID = threadID; dataLoader.message = message; dataLoader.notify = notify ? (1) : (0); dataLoader.addsig = addsig ? (1) : (0); dataLoader.onLoad = checkPostReply; dataLoader.sendAndLoad("postreply.php", dataLoader, "POST"); showLoading("Submitting Post Data"); } // End of the function function checkPostReply(success) { var _loc1 = this; loading_mc.hide(); if (!success) { message_mc.show(postReply_mc, "Unable to load postreply.php"); return; } // end if if (_loc1.result != "Okay") { message_mc.show(postReply_mc, _loc1.errorMsg); return; } // end if var _loc3 = _loc1.threadID; var _loc2 = _loc1.postID; getPosts(_loc3, _loc2); } // End of the function function postEdit(postID, message, notify, addsig, deletePost) { dataLoader.clear(); dataLoader.username = userData.username; dataLoader.password = userData.password; dataLoader.postID = postID; dataLoader.message = message; dataLoader.notify = notify ? (1) : (0); dataLoader.addsig = addsig ? (1) : (0); dataLoader.deletePost = deletePost ? (1) : (0); dataLoader.onLoad = checkPostEdit; dataLoader.sendAndLoad("postedit.php", dataLoader, "POST"); showLoading("Submitting Post Data"); } // End of the function function checkPostEdit(success) { var _loc1 = this; loading_mc.hide(); if (!success) { message_mc.show(postEdit_mc, "Couldn\'t load postedit.php"); return; } // end if if (_loc1.result != "Okay") { message_mc.show(postEdit_mc, _loc1.errorMsg); return; } // end if if (_loc1.deleted == "Thread") { getThreads(_global.forumID); return; } // end if getPosts(_loc1.threadID); } // End of the function function profileEdit(userID, email, signature) { dataLoader.clear(); dataLoader.username = userData.username; dataLoader.password = userData.password; dataLoader.userID = userID; dataLoader.email = email; dataLoader.signature = signature; dataLoader.onLoad = checkProfileEdit; dataLoader.sendAndLoad("profileedit.php", dataLoader, "POST"); showLoading("Saving Profile Data"); } // End of the function function checkProfileEdit(success) { var _loc1 = this; loading_mc.hide(); if (!success) { message_mc.show(null, "Couldn\'t load profileedit.php"); return; } // end if if (_loc1.result != "Okay") { message_mc.show(null, _loc1.errorMsg); } // end if message_mc.show(null, "Profile successfully updated"); } // End of the function function login(username, password, nextAction) { dataLoader.clear(); dataLoader.username = username; dataLoader.password = password; dataLoader.nextAction = nextAction; dataLoader.onLoad = checkLogin; dataLoader.sendAndLoad("login.php", dataLoader, "POST"); showLoading("Logging In"); } // End of the function function checkLogin(success) { var _loc1 = this; var _loc2 = _global; loading_mc.hide(); if (!success) { message_mc.show(login_mc, "Could not load login.php"); return; } // end if if (_loc1.result == "Okay") { _loc2.userData.username = _loc1.username; _loc2.userData.password = _loc1.password; if (_loc2.userData.store) { storeUserSettings(); } // end if loginBtn.disable(); } else { _loc2.userData.autoLogin = false; message_mc.show(login_mc, _loc1.errorMsg); } // end else if if (_loc1.nextAction != undefined) { _root[_loc1.nextAction](); } // end if } // End of the function function register(username, email, password) { dataLoader.clear(); dataLoader.username = username; dataLoader.password = password; dataLoader.email = email; dataLoader.onLoad = checkRegister; dataLoader.sendAndLoad("register.php", dataLoader, "POST"); showLoading("Registering"); } // End of the function function checkRegister(success) { var _loc1 = this; loading_mc.hide(); if (!success) { message_mc.show(register_mc, "Couldn\'t load register.php"); return; } // end if if (_loc1.result == "Okay") { _global.userData.username = _loc1.username; _global.userData.password = _loc1.password; message_mc.show(null, "User Account for \'" + _loc1.username + "\' created!"); return; } // end if message_mc.show(register_mc, _loc1.errorMsg); } // End of the function function storeUserSettings() { var _loc1 = _global; var _loc2 = sharedobject.getLocal("board"); _loc2.data.userData = _loc1.userData; _loc2.flush(); } // End of the function function loadUserSettings() { var _loc1 = _global; var _loc2 = sharedobject.getLocal("board"); if (_loc2.data.userData == undefined) { _loc1.userData = new Object(); return; } // end if _loc1.userData = _loc2.data.userData; } // End of the function function doPostNew() { postNew_mc.forumID = _global.forumID; postNew_mc.show(true); } // End of the function function doPostReply() { postReply_mc.threadID = _global.threadID; postReply_mc.show(_global.topic, true); } // End of the function function doRegister() { register_mc.show(); } // End of the function function doLogin() { login_mc.show(); } // End of the function function doSearch() { search_mc.show(); } // End of the function function showLoading(loadingText) { loading_mc.show(loadingText); } // End of the function LoadVars.prototype.clear = function () { var _loc1 = this; for (element in _loc1) { if (typeof(_loc1[element]) != "function") { delete _loc1[element]; } // end if } // end of for...in }; init(); stop (); Edited March 15, 2007 by AyS^ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Corey Posted March 16, 2007 Report Share Posted March 16, 2007 sajt je vrh, ali brate, šta prestavljate vi uopšte :)) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Troublemaker Posted March 16, 2007 Report Share Posted March 16, 2007 Predstavljaju bivshe igrache kvejka, klan:Y2K :) Quote Mama, mama šta je to jebanje???Pa vidiš sine to je ruzna reč za nešto lepo:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ob1*y2|<* Posted March 21, 2007 Author Report Share Posted March 21, 2007 sta ti kenjas, upalio si AsV, i kao rebuildovao code... nemas pojma ni sta pishe izmedju linija... nemojte se truditi da ponovo izumete tochak, to je osnovno pravilo svih informaticara.. koristi ono sto je napisano... a ne da pored silne kupljene literature, jos prekucavam code na Srpskom ? i sta je bilo sine..nisi uspeo ostalo da rebuildujesh a (: ? potrudi se..mozda uspes da izvucesh neku grafiku pa je postavi za wallpaper.. budalo.. ostali, cenim podrsku (: jako... Quote poz ob1*y2k* http://y2kwor.org Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Invader Posted March 21, 2007 Report Share Posted March 21, 2007 Lepo odradjeno nema sta :) Quote It's kinda hard when you don't know the meaning, but everything happens for a reason Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fatboy Posted March 22, 2007 Report Share Posted March 22, 2007 Opusti se matori, nema lozhenja :) Odlican rad kao sto sam i ranije rekao, i hvala jos jednom za flash header za MOJ LICHNI WEB SITE za koji sam te iscimao a koji startuje uskoro! ;) Quote Унутра је сигурно читава експлозија радости и магије! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ob1*y2|<* Posted March 23, 2007 Author Report Share Posted March 23, 2007 Opusti se matori, nema lozhenja :) Odlican rad kao sto sam i ranije rekao, i hvala jos jednom za flash header za MOJ LICHNI WEB SITE za koji sam te iscimao a koji startuje uskoro! ;) valjda smo ga nabudzili (: vidim morace da padne jedan quake gathering uskoro.. Quote poz ob1*y2k* http://y2kwor.org Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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