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2.0.10 PTR Patch Notes


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World of Warcraft PTR Patch 2.0.10

The latest patch notes can always be found at . http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/patchnotes/...patchnotes.html


Some logic was fixed in the "Natural Remedies" quest so that Pathaleon the Calculator's Image will always spawn during the ritual.

Goliathon and his shardlings can no longer be pulled to nearby areas that have guards.

More fixes implemented in the "It's a Fel Reaver, But With Heart" quest to keep the Scrapped Fel Reaver from breaking.

The Orb of the Blackwhelp and Hallowed Wands can no longer be used in combat, and the transformation will be canceled if the player receives damage.

The Scrap Reaver in Netherstorm repairs reduced from 10,000 health to 8,500 health over 10 seconds.

Battle of the Crimson Watch

Illidari Mind Breaker has been weakened.

Illidari Highlords can now be CC'ed but not Charmed.



The cost of the "Gladiator's Slicer" has been increased to 2625 arena points.

The cost of the "Gladiator's Quickblade" has been decreased to 1125 arena points and changed to offhand only.

The cost of the "Gladiator's Cleaver" has been increased to 2625 arena points.

The cost of the "Gladiator's Hacker" has been decreased to 1125 arena points and changed to offhand only.

The cost of the "Gladiator's Pummeler" has been increased to 2625 arena points.

The cost of the "Gladiator's Bonecracker" has been decreased to 1125 arena points and changed to offhand only.

The cost of the "Gladiator's Right Ripper" has been increased to 2625 arena points.

The cost of the "Gladiator's Left Ripper" has been decreased to 1125 arena points.

The cost of the "Gladiator's Shanker" has been increased to 2625 arena points.

The cost of the "Gladiator's Shiv" has been decreased to 1125 arena points and changed to offhand only.

The cost of the "Gladiator's War Edge" has been decreased to 1000 arena points and the speed changed to 1.9.

The cost of the "Gladiator's Spellblade" has been increased to 3150 arena points.

The cost of the "Touch of Defeat" has been decreased to 1000 arena points.

The cost of the "Gladiator's Endgame" has been decreased to 1125 arena points.

The cost of the "Idol of Tenacity" has been decreased to 1000 arena points.

The cost of the "Libram of Justice" has been decreased to 1000 arena points.

The cost of the "totem of the Third Wind" has been decreased to 1000 arena points.


When the duration of "Cyclone" ends, area buffs such as "Leader of the Pack", "Tree of Life", and "Moonkin" will now be correctly resumed.

"Bear Form" now grants 25% increased stamina instead of 25% increased health.

"Dire Bear Form" now grants 25% increased stamina instead of 25% increased health. In addition, the armor bonus has been reduced from 450% to 400%.

The multiplier on base weapon damage for "Mangle (Bear)" ability has been changed from 130% to 100%. In addition, the bonus damage has been reduced by the same ratio.

"Savage Fury" no longer affects "Mangle (Bear)".

"Savage Fury" no longer applies to "Maul" or "Swipe".

The critical damage bonus on "Predatory Instincts" reduced from 3/6/9/12/15% to 2/4/6/8/10%.

"Improved Leader of the Pack" can no longer get critical heals.

The armor bonus from "Moonkin Form" has been increased from 360% to 400% (to match Dire Bear Form).

The rage normalization equation has been adjusted to grant more rage.


The slowing affect from "Avenger's Shield" is now considered a snare, so snare removal and immunity affects will now work on it.


The base healing percent from "Vampiric Embrace" has been reduced to 15% from 20%. In addition, this ability can no longer get critical heals.

"Silent Resolve" no longer reduces threat generated by Shadow spells.

Prayer of Mending now has a 20 second cooldown.

If a targeted enemy has a magic effect granting immunity to spell or physical damage, “Mass Dispel” will now always pick that effect as its target.


The clearcasting effect from "Elemental Focus" now triggers on all spell critical strikes, rather than a chance on any spell hit.

The shaman will no longer generate additional threat when "Unleashed Rage" triggers.

The free Lightning spell cast from "Lightning Overload" will now cause reduced threat.

"Stoneclaw Totem" now has a 50% chance to stun attackers for 3 sec. when struck.


"Demonic Tactics" now grants increased critical strike chance to you and your demon pet, instead of increased damage.


The rage normalization equation has been adjusted to grant more rage. The typical warrior should see an increase of 15% to 20% in their rage generation.

All warriors had their critical strike chance adjusted upward slightly (about 1%).

"Thunder Clap" is now useable in Defensive Stance. In addition, the tooltip has been adjusted to indicate it causes additional threat.

The cooldown on "Victory Rush" has been removed, and it can now be used up to 20 seconds after killing an enemy.

"Unbridled Wrath" has been modified so that rather than a fixed chance to grant rage, it has an increased chance when using slower weapons.


The threat generated from the spell effect on "Thunderfury" has been substantially reduced.

The bonus to "Swipe" from the "Idol of Brutality" has been reduced from 50 to 10.

"Alchemist's Stone" will no longer increase healing and mana gained from items which are not potions.

The cost of sockets in high end items has been adjusted slightly, the result is that most high end epic items should see an increase in stats.

Corrected many items that had incorrect stat values assigned to them.

The rewards from the "Fel Embers" quest are now superior items as intended.

Reduced the damage dealt by "The Lightning Capacitor".

Corrected the level requirement of the "Fist of Reckoning".

"Necklace of Trophies" has been corrected to increase Hit Rating instead of Hit Avoidance.

"Burnoose of Shifting Ages" can now be disenchanted.

"Nethershrike" now has the proper sell value and can be disenchanted.

Corrected the level of "Marksman's Bow" to be in line with other epic reputation rewards.

The "Marksman's Bow" now has the proper damage range.

"Hourglass of the Unraveller" will now properly increase ranged attack power.

Corrected the socket bonus for "Soul-Collar of the Incarnate".

Corrected a typo in the set bonus of "Warbringer Armor".

"Ruby Slippers" now properly have a cast time.

Corrected the min use level of "Terokk's Shadowstaff".

"Warpscale Leggings" have had their Crit Rating updated to the intended Dodge Rating.

"Warmaul Slayer's Band" no longer has critical strike rating. However, its agility and attack power have been increased.

"Ancient Draenei War Talisman" now shares a cooldown with all trinkets that temporarily increase damage done.

"Ancient Draenei Arcane Relic" shares a cooldown with all trinkets that temporarily increase damage done.

"Aldor Guardian Rifle" now has a range correctly set on it.

The effect on "Void Star Talisman" was incorrectly set to On Use. It is now set to On Equip.

The critical strike rating on "Cilice of Suffering" has been changed to spell critical strike rating.

The cooldown for "Glimmering Mithril Insignia" has been increased from 10 minutes to 20 minutes.

The slowing affect from the "Mug 'O Hurt" is now considered a snare, so snare removal and immunity affects will now work on it.

-Raids and Dungeons

Creatures in Tempest Keep:Botanica, Tempest Keep: Mechanar, and Tempest Keep:Arcatraz no longer respawn as rapidly.

Shadow Labyrinth

Reduced the chance of a Cabal Assassin ambush.

Shattered Halls

Removed a problematic chest.

The "Resist Shadow" spell cast by Shadowmoon Acolyte's in Shattered Halls will now be removed if a player leaves the zone.

Serpentshrine Cavern

Boss creatures have received additional tuning and polish.


Warder and Defender Corpses are now immune to spell effects that could cause the Protean Spawn to not spawn.

Protean Spawn now deal less damage.

Tempest Keep Mechanar

Mechanar Drillers, Wreckers, and Crushers in Tempest Keep: The Mechanar may no longer be enslaved when in Heroic mode.

Caverns of Time

Captain Skarloc in Caverns of Time: Escape from Durnholde is no longer susceptible to disarm, and does not slow down when wounded.

A defeat in the Caverns of Time: Opening of the Dark Portal instance will no longer despawn unlooted bosses with loot.

Occasionally after players are defeated in the Caverns of Time: Opening of the Dark Portal encounter on Heroic difficulty, the placeholder versions of the bosses that appear in future attempts that day would not spawn. The proper placeholders will now spawn instead of Rift Lords and Rift Keepers.

Boss creatures in Caverns of Time: Opening of the Dark Portal will now dispel all nearby Time Keepers instead of one at a time.


Maiden of Virtue's "Holy Wrath" has been slightly retuned to try and allow additional melee attackers to be used against her.

Maiden of Virtue's "Holy Fire" has been adjusted to prevent a possible range exploit.

Maiden of Virtue will no longer "Holy Fire" players under the effect of "Repentance".

Midnight is no longer susceptible to Bleed effects, since he's a skeletal horse.

Nightbane's Restless Skeletons are now immune to non-holy magical damage.

Restless Skeletons no longer have immolation.

Nightbane's Bone Shard Spray can no longer be interrupted by using an immunity effect.

Some minor issues with the Library Tomes have been corrected.

-Bug Fixes

Fixed the credits to display properly.

Warriori konachno buffovani \o/

Jedino smor, izgleda da ce se chekati intercept fix jos jedan patch... :

The published version on the website will be accurate. However, the notes pushed out that will appear on completion of downloading will have an inclusion that did not make it into this patch.

"Charge", "Intercept", and "Intervene" now remove all snaring effects.

The technology for this has not been completed, so we are holding off implementation to a future patch. We are still working to get this functionality into the game, but simply couldn't finish it for this patch's cut off date.

- http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...17913&sid=1 Edited by Shakzor
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Da li je moguce da shaman ima STUN!!!!1111oneoneone

Trebalo im je vremena da provale da je ovako nesto dobrodoslo...

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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Imaju dodatni patch notes , DAKLE ovaj patch notes nije kompletan tj ovaj sto je blizard zvanichno izbacio .

Paladine su i nerfovali i buffovali dodatno.

Forbidance sada smanjuje dmg done za 15 % ( nerfovano bop + mage ) .

A Avenging wraith ( 30 % vishe dmg ) ne pravi vishe forbidance ( ali je na istom cdu kao divine shield ) .

Aka divine shield se pravi vishe pve skilom dok cete videti mnogo vishe paladina koji idu okolo sa avenging wraithom ( krilcima 30 % vishe dmg ) i magovi ce moci da im srecno kradu ta krila ;) .

Inache sta radi pala sa tier2.5 setom i thunderom :


I windfurijem :P

WTB !!111

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Dakle eto CC-a za kojim su samani toliko kukali.

Stoneclaw totem - do sada jedino upotrebljavan u bezaniji od grupe mobova i u sekvenci stoneclaw + fire nova za pravljenje AoE-a.

Pa sad nemoj neko da kaze kako saman nema CC hehe.

Elem do sada nisam primetio hipnoticko dejstvo ovog totema u pvp-u , tako da do daljnjeg saman ostaje najgora pvp klasa u TBC-u.

Druge promene su ok - bag sa shamanistic rage-om je sredjen sto znaci jos vise divljackog lupanja po mobovima, a bogami i novi clearcast je odlican. Pa sada neka raiding elemental saman ne uzme glupi totem koji dodaje 3% crita i hita.

Sto se tice ostalih stvari - ocekivano. Valjda su svi sem druida videli kako im sledi nerfovanje, warrovi dobijaju tanking buff (i indirektni buff za tanking zbog druidskog nerfa).

Edited by salac
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Ti ocigledno nisi igrao arenu vs :

tauren elemental shaman

tauren elemental shaman

blood elf holy paladin


ili ti instant smrt

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Jok protiv takvog comboa nisam igrao, mada iz cuga mogu da kazem da je od njega jaci combo:

2 feral druida i holy paladin ili 2 demo locka i pala ili 2 BM hanta i pala ili sve ovo i umesto pale saman (za bacanje groundinga vs ES+trinket+CL kombinacije) a padaju mu jos mnoge varijante na pamet.

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E pa taj tim je imao 2950 rejting u areni i dobio je moj tim sa feral druidom demo lockom i holy palom .

2x stomp , aoe silance totema i IMBA IMBA IMBA burst dmg ... lighting overload elemental fury i nature swiftness 2x = nesta je mrtvo ... aka nepostoji . 19 k burst dmg na warlocka . Pala sa stunom itd.

Edited by Ayreon

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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E pa taj tim je imao 2950 rejting u areni i dobio je moj tim sa feral druidom demo lockom i holy palom .

2x stomp , aoe silance totema i IMBA IMBA IMBA burst dmg ... lighting overload elemental fury i nature swiftness 2x = nesta je mrtvo ... aka nepostoji . 19 k burst dmg na warlocka . Pala sa stunom itd.

Ne to nije 19k burst dmga, jeste ako je SVE crit i ako procuje LO i ako nema nijednog resist-a.

Btw grounding totem samana protivnickog tima ce da pojede ta 2 elemental mastery-ja+trinket+NS+CL -> u stvari grounding totem apsorbuje vise od jednog spella ako su baceni u razmaku od 0-1.5 sec (poznati bug koji se vuce od vajkada).

Ne vidim kako mozes lightning overload da racunas u validan talenat u areni? To je 5% sanse za dodatni spell, verovatnoca da ce obojica samana da imaju LO proc postoji ali se to u areni desi jednom u 6 meseci.

Realnija kombinacija je - trinketovani CL+EM+NS+LB puta 2 - to je u najgorem slucaju 12k dmga a to moze da prezivi bilo feral druid sa ok opremom a bogami i relativno dobro napucan lock.

Inace ako je sve to procovalo niste imali srece. Garantujem da cete taj tim da odvalite narednih 99 puta.

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Igrali smo jednom vs njih ( kada smo imali dobar skor pa smo ga posle usrali ) ... oni su trenutno no5 sa skorom 212-39 . Slobodan si da se pridruzis na battle ground mircu diskusiji , da ne spamujemo ovde ;)

Edited by Ayreon

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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