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The Human's Story

The Human's Story  

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  1. 1. Da li vam se dopada mala pricica ? :)

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@Savke: ovaj topic mi je eto zanimljiv, da se nasmejem kad vidim kako svi lupate. Prvi se Grinder primio :)

Hahahah sad bi opusteno mogao da primenim onu tvoju o kurvi i postenju... [:)]

koji ste vajneri tt ;)

OMG the chosen one is back. Where's ur brother? Will he be joining us soon? [:D][:D][:D]

Dlakav kao majmun, al' mi obrijana kita

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evo ti aco prica orc>ud :-UD cannot stop tier 2 expansion

-UD's only *direct counter* to mass wyverns is countered by 2 or 3 units (bats)

-Raiders rape fiends faster than anything on the planet.

ensnare means that the fiends cant run away, and at tier 2, the UD cant fight the Orc, so any creepjack or any meet for that matter will be met with the death of all the fiends unless they TP.

Grunts counter fiend armor type as is. The only reason fiends can beat them in t1 is by the UD player microing like a, well, fiend (and hoping the Orc isn't good at speedscroll surrounds). Once the power to micro goes away fiends don't stand a chance against a raider+grunt army. You could try to get gargoyles for AA instead, but since the Orc goes beastiary anyway, he just makes bats instead of raiders, so you're equally screwed. And where is Orc's air unit at? That's right, the beastiary. So Orc gets air and everything he needs to counter UD anti-air at t2 out of one building.

Tuzno je to koliko je ork glupa rasa no micro

A evo za sve koji pricaju ud> orc smeh...

Let's talk about old Lucifer vs old Grubby. Lucifer went Fiends quite often, and that's pretty decent at taking on Grunts, especially with the Rod of Necromancy. However, at tier 2, the Orc has a huge number of options.

The Orc usually gets a TC's War Stomp at t2, and combined with Chain Lightning, Fiend's will take a huge load of damage. Then comes the Grunts, which deal quite a lot of damage to those Fiends. Micro back the Fiends? Impossible. With Raiders, your Fiends can't run, can't burrow. Grunt/Raider/hero focus kills Fiends VERY fast. I mean VERY fast. So you can't fight the Orc once he gets his Raiders and 2nd hero.

Usually, the Orc will go Grunt/Raider, with an eventual switch to mass Wyvern. With a strong enough War Stomp, the Fiends can't Web the Wyvern, and Wyverns do a lot of damage, which allow their focus fire to be deadly. Yes, Wyvern CAN beat Fiends. You just need to use Stomp/Chain Lightning and focus Fiends.

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-Raiders rape fiends faster than anything on the planet.


Grunt/Raider/hero focus kills Fiends VERY fast

[roflmao] #2

Probaj da uzmes frost armor za licha kao prvu magiju, i videces gruntove i ridere koji se ne mogu microvati..

Ja bacim ensnare na fienda, krenem da ga tuchem on baci frost armor (+3 na lvl 1), i taman kad pomislim da cu da ubijem fienda, tu je dk da ga healuje..

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Frost Armor from the Lich, which slows down a Fiend or a focused DK from being killed, and lowers the attack speed of the Orc's melee units. Lucifer, sometimes, has been seen using Abominations late game to somewhat counter the Raiders. They are, to an extent, effective, but in anyway Orc will go mass wyrvens and you can kiss good bye "powerfull frost armor"If you think ud can coil the fiend and stop it from being killed wrong orc's have a hero that can turn you into a frog so you cant coil anything bottom line is orc > ud only orc with mental problems think ud>>orc

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Batalite theorycraft, niko se od toga `leba nije najeo. Igra je balansirana, ljudi su ogranichili sami sebe taktikama. Kraj.

Wazi mr.tower ograniceni smo(not) sta god ja radio druge rase imaju neki limit i kad ga predju to postaje imba

a ti ako si pametan ajde ugazi orka sa nekom "new" strategijom bash me zanima sta bi to novo ti probao ako smo mi ograniceni


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Ne znam, ti si UD pa smisli. Zatornjaj se, zabodi exp, zatornjaj exp, namasuj wyrmove, bansheeje, shadeove, abome, otkud znam. Ali, ne mora svaka partija da ide Fiend/Statue ili shtagod vi UD-ovi radili vs orca. Jebiga, tako ne moze, ochigledno.

Evo, ja sam kazem da ne mogu da dobijem UD-a ako se ne expandujem, jednostavno ni ne pokushavam, ne umem or sth... Izadjem ili shtagod. Zato idem na exp pre ili kasnije, sve ili nishta, ako zatornjam kraj je, ako ga ne dignem, opet je kraj.

Jako me nerviraju ljudi koji kukaju "imba imba retard fucker idiot" kada neko uradi neshto shto nije strogi shablon i dobije. OMG, PA TO NE SME, TO GRUBBY NE RADI! (ne mislim na tebe ovde)

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Ne lupajte UD = Orc, chak i UD = NE dok jedino malo UD > HU (mada i to zavisi od mape), negde je HU > UD.... I to je to.

Ne kazhem da je UD najjachi. Nego je ok izbalansiran.

@topic: Aco jedino je bitno da ti ne uradi push na tier2 sa beastmasterom tj. da ti ne prekine beastary ili da ti ne smori radnike i burrowe. Koliko sam primetio sve ostalo je ok.

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ahaha ud=orc, kako ne, ovo je najveca istina do sad [:D]. Dobar je ovaj vudumen :)

03:34 ( MiGsa ) da budem iskren

03:35 ( MiGsa ) nagledao sam se ovde vishe kurcheva nego pichki


22:05 (Ivan_tm) Ozbiljno, tvoj i Cokin sam upamtio odmah


13:43 ( darko ) ja sam puco iz njegove vazdushare


[16:42:19] Miša says: pojavio mi se patrijarh pavle u ppl u may know


[21:00] <vudu> jebacemo svi

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Hmmm jel moram repove da kachim? gledao si 100% Faculty.CraftY protiv WE.IGE.Lyn-a? [irony]Sigurno je skill preovladao[/irony]. Kada bi vecina UD-ova razmislila i prestala da kopira jednog Lucifera ili FoV-a skapirali bi da na drugi nachin mozhe da se dobije Orc a ne samo shablonski...

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Hmmm jel moram repove da kachim? gledao si 100% Faculty.CraftY protiv WE.IGE.Lyn-a? [irony]Sigurno je skill preovladao[/irony]. Kada bi vecina UD-ova razmislila i prestala da kopira jednog Lucifera ili FoV-a skapirali bi da na drugi nachin mozhe da se dobije Orc a ne samo shablonski...

Ne seri...

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vudu nisi imao problema vs nub orcova. Danas sam gledao kako shad se ubija od micra i igra 2 partije od 40 min vs sein-a, i ne moze da dobije. Pre neki dan, 3 partije vs duck-a, gubi na SV jer nije imao 3 mane da coiluje licha u fajtu, a celu partiju ga je gazio itd. Ako ti lagano dobijash Seina i Ducka, onda je to sasvim druga pricha..

03:34 ( MiGsa ) da budem iskren

03:35 ( MiGsa ) nagledao sam se ovde vishe kurcheva nego pichki


22:05 (Ivan_tm) Ozbiljno, tvoj i Cokin sam upamtio odmah


13:43 ( darko ) ja sam puco iz njegove vazdushare


[16:42:19] Miša says: pojavio mi se patrijarh pavle u ppl u may know


[21:00] <vudu> jebacemo svi

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Seina sam dobio na SV-u kada smo igrali preko GGC-a (i realno namuchio sam se extra).

Zeroxe to shto ja vezhbam micro sa bubama to ne znachi da uvek igram isto...

Highl1 a Govedo ovde plache zato shto ne mozhe da dobije Skyja ili average humana? Ne prichamo na high pro nivou...

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Govedo je druga stvar, chinjenica je da i mnogo bolji ud-ovi od tebe gube bash gadno od orca, a samo se ti pravish pametan [:D]

03:34 ( MiGsa ) da budem iskren

03:35 ( MiGsa ) nagledao sam se ovde vishe kurcheva nego pichki


22:05 (Ivan_tm) Ozbiljno, tvoj i Cokin sam upamtio odmah


13:43 ( darko ) ja sam puco iz njegove vazdushare


[16:42:19] Miša says: pojavio mi se patrijarh pavle u ppl u may know


[21:00] <vudu> jebacemo svi

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Realno jeste tachno da Lucifer/Sweet/FoV izgube par godina zhivota dok dobiju Grubbyja i ostale pro orkove.

Ali zar nije ovo diskusija o tome kako "average skill orc" ne mozhe da dobije "average skill humana"?

P.S. Necu vishe da se pravim pametan [:D] ELF IMAB!!!!!111!!11! GO FU NOOBS STAFF IMBA!!!! :))))

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