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scryers ili aldor?


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Sve je lepo pojashnjeno ... ja sam scryer ... jer cu biti pvp i pala sam i alchemicar sam . Mada nema puno razlike

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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e ljudi trebam pomoc oko ovoga ... posle smaranja sa onim introduction questom slucajno sam uzeo da budem ok sa aldorim , e sada posto su oni qraz za healere htio bi da promijenim na scryerse ali kako kada su mi hostile ? ajde mora da postoji situacija da promejenim stranu ...

poz svima

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In the Lower City there are 2 special NPC's. They are female draenei/blood elf. Doesnt matter if you are hostile with one faction, that NPC still have a quest repetable until neutral with that faction.

For all hostile with The Scryer, go find "Arcanist Adyri", a scryer blood elf. She require 8x[basilisk Eye]. Go to Terokkar Forest and kill basiliks. The drop is not 100% so you will need to kill a few. When you have 8, deliver and get 250 Scryer rep and -270 Aldor rep.

Scryer NPC - Lower City in front of the towers of the Human-Birds mobs

Aldor NPC - A few yards away, at the entrance to Shattrath Infirmary

Home is where the hearthstone is.

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In the Lower City there are 2 special NPC's. They are female draenei/blood elf. Doesnt matter if you are hostile with one faction, that NPC still have a quest repetable until neutral with that faction.

For all hostile with The Scryer, go find "Arcanist Adyri", a scryer blood elf. She require 8x[basilisk Eye]. Go to Terokkar Forest and kill basiliks. The drop is not 100% so you will need to kill a few. When you have 8, deliver and get 250 Scryer rep and -270 Aldor rep.

Scryer NPC - Lower City in front of the towers of the Human-Birds mobs

Aldor NPC - A few yards away, at the entrance to Shattrath Infirmary

hvala druze :D

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