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iako na prvi pogled izgleda totalno besmisleno ovo je najbolji izum 2006:


Hurricane winds rip apart nailed-together walls, and earthquakes shake houses so violently that a nailhead can pull straight through a piece of plywood. Since we can’t stop natural disasters, Bostitch engineer Ed Sutt has dedicated his career to designing a better nail. The result is the HurriQuake, and it has the perfect combination of features to withstand nature’s darker moods. The bottom section is circled with angled barbs that resist pulling out in wind gusts up to 170 mph. This “ring shank” stops halfway up to leave the middle of the nail, which endures the most punishment during an earthquake, at its maximum thickness and strength. The blade-like facets of the nail’s twisted top—the spiral shank—keep planks from wobbling, which weakens a joint. And the HurriQuake’s head is 25 percent larger than average to better resist counter-sinking and pulling through. The best part: It costs only about $15 more to build a house using HurriQuakes. $45 per 4,000;

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dobar tropic.

hvala za link

e vidis ovo meni se ne svidja ni malo http://www.popsci.com/popsci/flat/bown/2006/product_50.html

ovaj tzv. paper reader. i dalje cu citati knjige na papiru a ne ovo elektronsko sranje


Edited by Azdaja

� by Ivan_

alen je van konkurencije.

� by Ignis Dei

Alen mora da bude van konkurencije, jer je Macan

� by Alen

nije bitna strela nego indijanac.

Baseball Club Beograd96

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meni je neki book reader već dugo na spisku želja, ali izgleda da ću dočekati sledeću generaciju ipoda s tim... taman mi ovih 20 gb postaje opasno tesno :)

nego, podseti me ovaj topik na dosta često postavljano pitanje: mislite li da je čovečanstvo usporilo sa inovacijama? sad ide deo gde pišem kako je do negde sedamdesetih bilo gomila revolucija, a da se od onda nekako usporilo, no to ste već čuli. dajte mišljenja :)

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Ne, mislim da mnogo ideja jednostavno ne dodje do "consumer market"-a...

Kao chovek koji radi sa ultrahightech proizvodima mogu da vam kazem da postoji mnogo stvari koje skoro necemo videti u kucama, ali koje ce za jedno 5-10 godina biti dostupne svima. Jedna od njih:


А в чем сила, брат?

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