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NBA 2006/07 - official topic


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U... Ladno nisam okachio proshlu...

Cleveland Cavaliers 92

at San Antonio Spurs 103

Bilo i 29 razlike, pa su se Spursi opustili. Cavsi stigli na -8 i onda ih je Manu 4 point playem zavrshio.

San Antonio Spurs 75

at Cleveland Cavaliers 72

- Spursi vode sa 3:0 u seriji


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KG na korak od Celticsa, u zamenu za njega u Wolvese idu Jefferson i Green, ali i Telfair i Ratliff, a verovatno tje pasti i razmena pika prve runde.

Kelti dakle imaju petorku Rondo, Allen, Pierce, Garnett, Perkins, uz Tonya Allena i Gomesa na klupi. To bi trebalo da je dovoljno bar za polufinale istoka. Za vishe od toga ipak treba bar josh jedan ozbiljan igrach umesto Perkinsa.

Wolvesi kretju od dobre mlade baze. Imaju Foyea, Greena i Jeffersona, Craig Smith bi mogao da bude dobar, kao i Brewer, a uvek postoji shansa da Telfair postane bar podnoshljiv rezervni play. ;) Jedino shto moraju da chekaju da istekne Ratliffov ugovor, otpuste Hudsona i vide shta da rade sa Davisom pre nego shto krenu da napreduju od toga.

A nakon shto sam napisao ovaj post nailazim na sledetju vest:

Garnett was traded for forwards Al Jefferson, Ryan Gomes and Gerald Green, center Theo Ratliff, guard Sebastian Telfair as well as two future first-round NBA Draft picks, according to the report.

Shto znachi da Keltima trebaju dva igracha za ozbiljnu ekipu ;) a Wolvesi imaju i Gomesa.

Mislim da tjemo u toku dana imati konachnu vest. :)


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izgleda da je ipak gomes zavrshio u paketu...

Kevin Garnett is now a member of the Boston Celtics, according to FoxSports.

Celtics spokesman Jeff Twiss says that Garnett is scheduled to be introduced at a news conference at 5:30 p.m. ET on Tuesday when the deal will become official. Minnesota will reportedly send Garnett to Boston for Al Jefferson, Theo Ratliff and his expiring contract, Gerald Green, Ryan Gomes, Sebastian Telfair and a pair of 2009 first-round picks. The Celtics' draft pick will be top-three protected and the other pick will be the one Minnesota originally dealt to Boston in the trade that sent Ricky Davis to the T'Wolves for Wally Szczerbiak. Garnett will also sign a three-year extension with the Celtics and has two years left on his current deal. The Celtics, with a starting lineup of Rajon Rondo, Ray Allen, Paul Pierce, Garnett and Kendrick Perkins, will now be a favorite to win the East. Garnett is expected in Boston this afternoon for his physical, according to Celticsblog.com, and WEEI radio is reporting that Pierce is on his way to Boston to join the press conference Tuesday.

#3 Candace Parker

#5 Robert Horry

#13 Dejan Milojevic

#23 Mark Teixeira

#66 Mario Lemieux

#87 Sidney Crosby

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Mislish na Boston?

Samo Detroit je imao 5 jakih igracha u petorci. San Antonio i Utah imaju po 4. I josh par timova je tu blizu da ima 4.

Ali niko nema 3 all-stara koji svi mogu da postignu 25 poena bilo kada. Takvu ekipu je jako teshko chuvati.

Rondo nije dobar shto se postizanja poena tiche, niti tje biti uz ovu trojicu, ali izgleda da ume da vodi igru i igra odbranu.

Perkins kazhu vezhba kao nikada do sad i smrshao je 5 kila, a planira josh 10, a on ionako treba da skache i blokira i nishta vishe.

Njima su problem rezerve.

Tony Allen je skroz ok za 6. choveka i to je to. Da im je ostao Gomes imali bi ok rotaciju od 7 ljudi i posle toga nishta...

Ajde, iz Scalabrinea se uz mnogo muke mozhe iscediti neshto vremena na PF/C pozicijama.

Tu je i par rukija koji mogu da odrade garbage time.

E sad, Minnesota je platila Hudsonu koliko je trazhio i sada je slobodan, i vrlo lako bi mogao i on u Kelte da igra 10ak-15ak minuta umesto Rondoa, i da ostane prostora da se dovede josh jedan PF/C i to je vetj ok tim.

Ako otaljaju sezonu tako da se odmorni i nepovredjeni uguraju u PO mogu i vishe od polufinala konferencije. Onda im ostane josh jedan dobar draft ili dobar trejd (chudo sa Aingeom na chelu, istina) da budu favorit za titulu 2009.

A Wolvesi imaju vishak igracha na svim pozicijama i zanima me da vidim shta tje skombinovati kako bi napravili prostor talentovanim mladcima da igraju i napreduju... Isto kao ni Portland netje uraditi nishta ove i sledetje sezone, ali one tretje bi mogli da budu opasni. Mada, uz McHalea na chelu teshko.


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boston popunjava roster...

-The Celtics signed guards Eddie House and Jackie Manuel Wednesday to one-year contracts.

-The Celtics have suddenly become a prime destination for free agents and they are looking at four point guards and five big men as they try to find the right role players to support the "New Big 3."

#3 Candace Parker

#5 Robert Horry

#13 Dejan Milojevic

#23 Mark Teixeira

#66 Mario Lemieux

#87 Sidney Crosby

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