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NBA 2006/07 - official topic


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Chicago 108, Miami 66

(Hinrich 26 / Wade 25)

LA Lakers 114, Phoenix 106

(Odom 34, 13reb, 6as / Barbosa 30)

Miami ubijen. Bartuce uleti sa nekom statistikom, jel su izgubili jos koji put ovoliko? :)

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

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kasnish malo sa tom statistikom :D

ovo je daleko najveci poraz branioca titule na opening night tekmi, do sada su najveci debakl imali lakersi (isto pat rileya:)) 1982-83, 15 razlike.

Edited by Bartuc

#3 Candace Parker

#5 Robert Horry

#13 Dejan Milojevic

#23 Mark Teixeira

#66 Mario Lemieux

#87 Sidney Crosby

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  • 2 weeks later...

MINNEAPOLIS(AP) Peja Stojakovic made a 3-pointer with 0.6 seconds to play to lift the New Orleans Hornets over the Minnesota Timberwolves 99-96 on Saturday night.

Chris Paul added a career-high 35 points - including two crucial shots against Kevin Garnett and a pair of free throws in the closing seconds - and Stojakovic finished with 20 as the Hornets sent the Wolves to their sixth defeat in seven games.

majstor... :)

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

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trica za pobedu-posle greshke jarica u odbrani, kako drugachije :)

a videlo se da to nije bila planirana akcija. :D

fazon ni jaric nije verovao da ce Pedja da sutira, a iako sutne, neka ga :)

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

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Orlando 96 - Indiana 91


11 points, 6 rebounds.

malo o NCAA kosarci.

Florida trenutno zauzima prvo mesto na NCAA listi. interesantno je bilo gledati kako se poigravaju sa x ekipom. (zaista mi je muka da googlam a dva puta sam probao da im zapamtim ime :) ).

inache rezultat je bio 94-33. znachi... ownage. :)

svakom utakmicom sve sam vise impresioniram Arronom Afflalom. Inache, igra Guarda, Junior year je.

neverovatna je njegova brzina, prosto kao da leti po terenu.

takodje, igrac Dukea ( pozicija broj 8 ), Paulus igra prilicno dobro.

ako ga nisam pomesao sa nekim, dok sam pricao sa komentatorom ESPNa, on je trebao da bude Navy Seal, ali je odustao jer nije mogao da izdrzi treninge i prebacio se na kosarku.

ove sezone Gonzaga predstavlja ogromno iznenadjenje.

posto, koliko sam cuo Sport Klub prenosi NCAA zaista bih preporucio svima da gledaju i obrate paznju na gore pomenutog momka iz UCLAa.

inache tu je dosta drugih odlicnih igraca, poput nasih Dragovica (forward, UCLA) i Marka Kolarica (Chaminade, momak igra centra)...

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

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no goso Bartuce, shta mislis o furioznom startu Jute?

Slounu trebaju valjda jos 4 pobede do 1000te pobede u ligi. (ako su vec sad 3 izvinjavam se :) )

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

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Ako si nas urekao i izgubimo od Warriorsa, banovan si sa foruma.

65-49 za GS.

edit: (samo zato shto Kirilenko igra kao baba)

pakujem kUfere :)

edit2: juce je Phx - NJN bio odlican mec. Marrion je pravio haos. Amare blokirao bukvalno sve. (Krstic je jednom prilikom bio bukvalno ubijen blokadom iako je Amare bio 2 metra od njega kada je Krstic krenuo na lay-up).

interesantno je bilo videti napade NJNa, Krstic u ugao, odvuce centra i onda ovi igraju, uglavnom Jefferson i Kidd - 2v2.

i diamond-1 zonom su bukvalno ubili New Jersey.

a komentatori su ugusili sa debatom o tome da li je Carter zvezda ili nije... i na kraju su dosli do zakljucka da jeste. :)

Edited by Formica

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

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marrion? uh, za takvog nisam chuo ;)

elem, celog zivota si gledao kosharku na rts-u, a sada nalazish mane yes!-u, lepo...

haha... tvoja moc zapazanja nikad nece oslabiti... :)

pa dobro, nije to mana... samo su malo udavili. a voleo bih vise nego ista da cujem Dendu kako komentarise NBA. :)

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

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tu i nema mnogo razmishljanja kako bi to zvuchalo-'tako to rade veki majstori, lebron james; x je u duelu sa y bio vishi, jachi, bolji; mladi nenad krstic protiv dosta jacheg visokog shaquille o'neala; michael redd, moze on za dva, moze jako za tri, a bogami, moze on i spolja; x pogadja iz reketa za dva poena; y je ushao prejako u ovaj duel...'

#3 Candace Parker

#5 Robert Horry

#13 Dejan Milojevic

#23 Mark Teixeira

#66 Mario Lemieux

#87 Sidney Crosby

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bartuca ubija u pojam josh dve nedelje pauze za brandona roya :(

unapredjena verzija Douga Christiea. :)

koliko se secam momak je povredio petu, i dve nedelje pauze su u najboljem slucaju. moze da se desi da se nacekas.

inache, promaklo mi je to - od kad si ti uz Blazerse? :)

Edited by Formica

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

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brnadon roy nije toliko offensively-challenged kao sto je to bio doug christie, niti je toliko dobar u odbrani. Ali je odlichan ruki, sa njim i Oldridzem za koju godinu Portland moze svasta da uradi

uzmi u obzir da ima 22 godine.

Edited by Formica

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

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dali smo im dogg mcmillana, kako da ne budem uz njih :)

ma kakvi blazersi, imam ga u obe fantasy lige... :D

ako nisi izabrao Diawa nisi vise nba expert :)

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

kole ce prevesti.u redu je...

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