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BC Delay Confirmed?


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Site visitor LarzJG sends word that he has received information from a reliable source at Vivendi in Denmark that the Burning Crusade will be postponed until next year. Vivendi Denmark has apparently said "no comment, a press release is due for tomorrow". We have no official word direct from Blizzard EU on this just yet but it would mean more time for development by extending the Beta test through the holiday season which is when most people expected the game to be released. We are checking our sources also to see if we can find out more.


Hey all,

I've written the story that Burning Crusade will be postponed tomorrow until 2007:


Like the story says, I've got pretty good sources that say it's about to go down tomorrow - in all likelihood it's not just a Danish delay but a


Uros over at ActionTrip says the delay has been confirmed and the BC date now is January 2007. Info comes from someone who disributes Vivendi titles in their particular region who has revieved a confirmation on this today from Vivendi. We are still to get our hands on a press release and it's not clear if this is EU only although it would seem unlikely.

Bilo bi dobro ako moze podforum za TBC :/ dok ne izadje final da mozemo teme u vezi tbc na posebno mesto spamovanje jedno te istog topica u vezi Nadolazeceg nastavka smrdi :/

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ima official na sajtu, Januar 2007.

Iskreno, to mi odgovara:P Nisam bio spreman da igram opet 12 sati dnevno... u Januaru cu verovatno biti:)

"You may go if you wish. But remember this: walk away now and you walk away from your crafts, your skills, your vocations; leaving the next generation with nothing but recycled, digitally-sampled techno-grooves, quasi-synth rhythms, pseudo-songs of violence-laden gangsta-rap, acid pop, and simpering, saccharine, soulless slush."

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Malo sam listao official forume i stvarno ne cudi sto je WoW delayed, sve klase se zale na talente (osim kao i obicno overpowered lockova), na bagovite i useless spellove i sl. U odnosu na forume pred izlazak WoW-a ovo deluje kao beskonacni whine whine whine, kao da su se u blizzu uprpili zbog tolike kolicine negativne energije koja odjednom prati TBC.

OMG kiligore ZG? Jel to bese instanca gde si doziveo gkick? Ajd sa nama provescemo te par runova da naucis nesto, kako ti se ne bi desilo da te opet na pola raida kickuju iz gilda :D

Mada je tvoja zelja za raidovanjem AQ40/Naxxa vredna pomena, ipak nisi imao prilike da vidis kako izgleda bilo sta posle MC-a :) Evo dodji malo na Haomu ja cu da izmolim GM-a da te ubaci u neki raid pa da kao turista vidis ono sto si do sada gledao samo frapsovano.

A nas pusti da na miru uzmemo jos tih par t 2.5 delova iz AQ (i u mom slucaju neki fin 1h iz naxxa) pa da na miru krenemo u levelovanje kad TBC bude tu.

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Bilo bi dobro ako moze podforum za TBC :/ dok ne izadje final da mozemo teme u vezi tbc na posebno mesto spamovanje jedno te istog topica u vezi Nadolazeceg nastavka smrdi :/

tako nesto verujem da ce postaviti kad izadje igra


ok bravo ownujes ae me samo zaobidji u buducim postovima i ja cu tebe

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