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haha, kul. :) UBERPWNAGE! :)

clanbase je trenutno down, apdejtuju sistem logovanja na sajt. kad proradi poslacu skrinove adminima ili kome vec da prijavimo rezultat.

Edited by nt.Faust

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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ako me secanje dobro sluzi, fog je birao gothic u prvoj ut ligi.. :)

a za prijavu mecha na cb-u - onaj prijavljeni admin treba da okachi report, poslacu mu shotove na mail.

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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Btw, ove mape se igraju u TDMu u narednim nedeljama:

Week 2

Mojo][ / Tempest (Liandri)

Week 3

Liandri / Turbine (Nitro)

Week 4

Nitro / Codex (Deck16][)

Week 5

Deck16][ / Ricochet (Gothic)

Dakle Nitro i Ricochet su wtf? :)

Inache, po pomalo nezgodnom rasporedu igramo ctf u petak od 20h a tdm od 21h, s tim shto su 99% shanse da nece ni biti tog tdm-a jer se ovaj klan sa kojima je trebalo da igramo faktichki raspao. Dakle opushteno. :)

Edited by nt.Faust

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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evo zvanichno je - http://www.clanbase.com/news_league.php?lid=2704 sa desne strane imate spisak klanova. dakle third league, gropu B, dva tima su izbachena zbog nepojavljivanja, tako da imamo samo josh 2 tdm mecha. treba da pobedimo fd i proshli smo dalje. ako pobedimo i hc prvi smo u grupi, ali oni su bolji od ovih fd, tako da hajde lepo sledece nedelje da dobijemo fd, pa dalje opushteno :)

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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a ja znam da u drugoj ligi nismo odigrali ni dva mecha jer se prijavilo 30 klanova i pola njih nije moglo da se skupi da dodje da odigra :) tako da se tek tok disordera, ili kako vec ;), ne secam :)

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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pa nzn, ja mogu u nedelju, pretpostavljam da i dante moze.. hopsi znam da radi.. za ostale ne znam :) maha, nof, m...

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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ja sam za.. dal moze da nas se skupi 8 makar?

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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evo i zvanichno prve nashe pobede u ctf-u.. timski smo zaista strava saradjivali, kao shto kazete da ste radili i u tdmu.. tako da je glupo da se sad przim o broju fragova. [:D][;)]


i da, bila je malo frka-panika oko ovog tdm mecha koji je bio zakazan za danas, jer se ispostavilo da crveni karton ne znachi iskljuchenje, nego tek 2 crvena znache iskljuchenje :) tako da, da su se ovi hrvati pojavili, morali bi da igramo. na kraju ctf mecha se i m pojavio, pa bi i to nekako moglo da se odigra, ali ne pojavi se sqteam ochekivano, i sve bi kako bi. :)

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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izgleda da smo prelezali te decije bolesti. ili su ovi isti nubovi kao i mi :)

a fuste zna se da defenzori moraji imati najvise inace su losi :)) tako da je to kompliment :))

djea ima li demosa?

Edited by Azdaja

� by Ivan_

alen je van konkurencije.

� by Ignis Dei

Alen mora da bude van konkurencije, jer je Macan

� by Alen

nije bitna strela nego indijanac.

Baseball Club Beograd96

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demosi su u deusu, snimali smo, mora se po pravilima.

a i da, ovi su nubovi bili :) kao oni u tdmu :P

napomena za sve - nemojte nikad snimati demo preko onog demomanagera, nego lepo iz konzole demorec.. vishe necu ponoviti istu greshku :)

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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te demose smo u obavezi da chuvamo 14 dana nakon mecha, posle toga mogu da odu u zaborav :)

a mogli bi sledeci put da ponesemo nechiju valjanu verziju ut-a, da ne bude svaki put onog batrganja oko cache fajlova.. :) ae gledacu ja da narezem svoj ut i ponesem ga..

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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ma ove hopsijeve su uhakovano-sjebane :) treba nam neka normalna u svakom sluchaju :)

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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evo tdm mapa koje, pretpostavljam, ni ostali nemaju a igraju se na ovom open cupu.. dakle hopsi, maho, nofe, azdo, misho, m i ko josh igra tdm - skinite ove mape chisto da ih pogledate, jer ce se igrati u narednim nedeljama.



i josh neshto - ajde ljudi koji ce igrati tdm ove nedelje neka se malo organizuju medjusobno i vide kad svi mogu da igraju, pa tad zakazu mech (ili cu ja zakazati, samo se dogovorite :D ), da nam ne bi opet nasilno odredili vreme igranja koje nam ne odgovara. jednom kad se tako zakaze, nema pomeranja, ili se pojavljujemo ili ne :)

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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