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HOMM V 1.02 patch


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3. Changes in patch 1.2


If loading a save from an older version, some fixes will only take effect after map restart.

Features added:

- Extended tool tips for buildings on the adventure map.

- Melee attack performed when holding CTRL.

- A hotkey ® to invoke the creature-hiring interface from any town interface.

- All creatures now have a new status (Range), describing the range at which the creature's attack is halved.

- A new Video Option: Camera Mode.

- A new End of Combat interface.

- Hot-seat duel mode.

- Hall of Fame.

- Two new maps: 'Last Hope' and 'War of The Worlds'.

List of fixes:

- Multiplayer now works correctly (desynchronisation bugs fixed).

- Various textual mistakes (descriptions, missing objectives, and messages) were corrected.

- Balance was tuned on the following maps: 'The Conquest', 'The Attack', 'The Invasion', 'The Cultists', 'The Triumvirate', 'Defiance', 'Island of One's Own'.

- AI can no longer hire Haven heroes on 'The Fall of the King' map.

- On 'The Fall of the King' map, the area where Godric is to be brought to fulfil the 'Send Godric to Nicolai' task has been enlarged.

- On 'The Cultists' map, the 'Capture any town in one week' task no longer disappears from the list immediately upon completion instead of becoming completed.

- On 'The Temptation' map, if the enemy Wizard patrolling the river is killed, the 'Avoid enemy patrols' objective will no longer be automatically completed.

- On 'The Refugees' map, one of the objectives was fixed.

- On the 'Dragon Pass' map, the 'Defeat All' task is now specified.

- On 'The Triumvirate' map, after Zehir's fight with Markal, the message 'You Lost' no longer appears.

- On 'The March' map, the hero Grawl can now visit the red key master tent.

- On the 'Liberation' map, the AI can no longer hire the hero Narxes.

- On 'The Alliance' map, the use of the Instant Travel spell no longer causes the script failure.

- On the 'Diplomat' map, losing to AI with the Quick Combat option now fails the mission.

- On the 'Maahir's Gambit' map, the AI cannot seize any of the artefacts that are key to the task's completion.

- On 'The Refugees' map, a possible problem with non-completion of the main objective was fixed.

- On the 'Raelag's Offer' map, the game no longer hangs if Isabel or Markal lose to neutral creatures.

- 'The Emerald One' map can now be played after loading a saved game.

- On 'The Refugee' map, a possible problem with gaining the Dragon Teeth Necklace artefact was fixed.

- The Black Dragons can now be healed by the First Aid Tents.

- The model of Shadya was corrected.

- When Gating is used, the clone will no longer be a normal creature.

- Incorrect message in the 'Rumours' interface in the Tavern was fixed.

- The game now renews the list of sessions in the lobby after the player has left the session.

- Unreachable Dolmen of Knowledge was fixed on the 'Land of Outcasts' map.

- A non-activated dialogue cutscene was fixed on the 'A Tear for Ossir' map.

- Mages and Archmages now use their shot ability properly.

- Gating works for a lone Horned Overseer now.

- The ATB-bar now shows proper information about the turns queue.

- The problem fixed with the bottom part of buildings models in the Preserve appears through the water.

- When an Archangel dies of 'Harm Touch', he no longer remains hanging over the field.

- In Time Pressing mode, the time is now shown.

- Texts are no longer duplicated in the chat after leaving the combat.

- The puzzle map now works correctly in the Underworld.

- The problem with the incorrectly positioned camera at one of the Grass arenas was fixed.

- The player can no longer gain two levels of the same skill with one Level-Up.

- Summoned creatures are no longer shown in the Combat Results calculations.

- Time overlaps with the icon in Dynamic Battle.

- The 'Resisted' inscription now appears in the right place.

- On 'The Betrayal' map, there is no longer a message when approaching the garrison.

- Vampires and Vampire Lords no longer restore their health when attacking Undead creatures.

- Heroes now move with the correct sound at x3 speed.

- Lethos now uses his Decay ability properly.

- It is now much easier to move the cursor to objects.

- The user can no longer hear the opponents by using Monolith.

- The hero in the Haven town garrison now gains weekly movement bonus from Stables.

- The Sphinx' text box was changed.

- The player starting the game with the Random Hero option can no longer have a hero already selected by another player.

- In the multiplayer game, if one of the players quits while the map is being loaded, the other players can start their session anyway.

- The message which appears when a combat is lost to Possessed creatures was corrected.

- A Hero leaving a town no longer returns there immediately as sometimes occurred.

- The Sparkling Fountain now correctly gives Luck +2.

- Objects on the map now have correct tool tips.

- Description of the Silent Stalker perk was fixed.

- The hero Sinitar now has an accurate description of his 'Catalyst' ability.

- The Deep Hydra now restores its health completely.

- The error in the description of the Idol of Fortune was fixed.

- The spell 'Weakness' is correctly explained in the tool tip.

- The hero is no longer able to take troops from allies.

- With faster hero movement settings, other map animations are no longer accelerated.

- The text was formatted in the 'Ritual Pit' interface.

- The Scouts' and Assassins' 'No Range Penalty' are contrary to fact.

- Problem with creatures overlapping with fragments of ruined fortifications at the siege arena was fixed.

- The Dragon Bone Greaves artefact now gives initiative bonus to melee-fighting creatures.

- Damage prediction was corrected.

- The error in how the 'Frenzy' spell works was fixed.

- The error in how the 'Puppet Master' spell works was fixed.

- Numerous minor defects and bugs were fixed.

Direktan DL link

http://patches.ubi.com/heroes_might_magic_...c_5_1.02_eu.exe (oko 50 mega)

pa javljajte utiske :)

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jel izasho vishe editor i kad ce da daju coop hotseat vishe? i'm getting twitchy =o)

edit - da azdo, morali su, ipak su to ljigavi francuzi koji teraju uboge ruse da sto pre izbace finalni proizvod...nismo ih dovoljno popljuvali po forumima kad su izbacili betu i demo pa su znali da cemo da podnesemo ono sto su izbacili a sad na kashiku zavrshavaju igru...jeste sramota, ali da ubi bash nista nije nauchio od 3dove propasti ne mogu i dalje da pojmim...mada...sta se mi pogadjamo ovu igru nismo platili =o)))

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ivan teo da napravi foru na jednom od topica..i napravio foru...nazhalost to me je smorilo da sam se samo izlogovao i dao si pauzu nedelju dana od foruma...nazhalost nisam video ivana u petak...sad kad ga vidim za nedelju-dve totalno ce da me prodje zhelja da ga bijem...

inache ubi mnogo smara...rekli su na leto da ce patch a editorom a oni josh uvek ni sve bagove da isprave....clock is ticking a sve manje ljudi im igra igru...treba da se zamisle malo...

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