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DotA Allstars 6.34


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DotA Allstars v6.34




* Spectre base damage reduced.

* Sanity's Eclipse mana cost reduced from 300/500/700 to 200/250/300.

* Reduced duration of Spectral Dagger's hero trail and initial cast trail durations.

* Buffed Macropyre from 75/100/125 to 75/125/175 damage per second.

* Broodmother now has vision directly underneath her webs.

* Fixed a probability error on multicast when using Scepter.

* Reduced the extremely large cast range on Aphotic Shield.

* Reworked Tango a bit.

* Fixed Spin Web from preventing Neutral Creep spawning.

* Added a few seconds to Aphotic Shield cooldown.

* Reworked the targeting system on Reality to a more natural one.

* Fixed a minor camera issue with Replicate.

* New icons for Witchcraft, Naix's Poison Sting, Rhasta's Forked Lightning, Razor's Chain Lightning, Laser, Grow, Overpower, Shukuchi and Static Field (thx to snork, Grujah.Noob, alfredx_sotn, M3Th0dz and switch).

* Improved the detection area and reduced the freeze delay on IcePath.

* Troll Warlord now has increased movement speed while in Berserker Rage form.

* Hoof Stomp AOE improved from 275 to 315.

* Replaced Vengeance with a new ability (thx eva00r)

* Silencer's movement speed reduced from 300 to 290.

* Waveform manacost increased from 120 to 140/155/160/165

* Primal Roar stun duration buffed a bit.

* Reworked the numbers, angles and some mechanics on the Bristleback ability.

* Chain Frost cast range reduced from 800 to 750. Scepter version increased from 800 to 850.

* Removed Stout Shield from Aegis recipe.

* Nerfed the AOE and damage on Quill Spray.

* Fixed a fatal error when using Fissure on map edges.

* Nether Ward now gives a gold when killed.

* Fixed a bug with Dispersion that caused it to reflect too much damage off Culling Blade.

* Fixed a bug with IcePath that would cause it to sometimes go shorter or longer.

* CK's Blink Strike now works like the one PA and SA have.

* Fixed Blackhole to properly affect the Spirit Bear.

* Increased the maximum number of Watchers.



I apologize for the delay on this release, i was unable to use my editor and tools for over a week.

Svakoga dana u svakom pogledu, sve više napredujem

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covece danas sven nabio skor 20:0 ...


sta je uzimo od itema..

Praziluk , Boots , Satanic , Aegis , Claymore , Radiance

ne znam koji ce mu claymore bez alacrity-a valjda je mislio da nece umirati ...

znaci upali god str... ja i ostali ih drzimo usporene a njegov splash rade posao...

i iz ovoga moze se reci da se nije vracao u bazu i da je sabijao u situacijama 1v5 (nafixao se na 3k healtha i gomilom armora + lifesteal od 400+dmg-a ...)

i iz svega gore navedenog se moze reci


Edited by Sasuke-kun

http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/1829/lol4thlk6.jpg kako pricati sa GM-om

Paladins are gay

Blizzard loves paladins

Therefore, Blizzard is gay

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covece danas sven nabio skor 20:0 ...


sta je uzimo od itema..

Praziluk , Boots , Satanic , Aegis , Claymore , Radiance

ne znam koji ce mu claymore bez alacrity-a valjda je mislio da nece umirati ...

znaci upali god str... ja i ostali ih drzimo usporene a njegov splash rade posao...

i iz ovoga moze se reci da se nije vracao u bazu i da je sabijao u situacijama 1v5 (nafixao se na 3k healtha i gomilom armora + lifesteal od 400+dmg-a ...)

i iz svega gore navedenog se moze reci


gn: dota -ar -sm -norus -pro only -nobanliston?

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@Hellion ... ja na public ne idem vec pola godine...

@f4ts0 u bet ;)

@kole pa to je nadimak koji je dao Santa...

Nego... danas je zeus napravio 5x kill ... mrzim jebenog zeusa (komitet planete Olimp sa Herom na celu oce da tuzi icefroga zbog kradje imena!! xD )

dodje veno baci ulti, sk i lich ih osakate sa ultijima i protivnicka naga baci sleep i svi krenu da beze...

cim se zeus probudio bacio je ulti i sve nas pobio xD

Edited by Sasuke-kun

http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/1829/lol4thlk6.jpg kako pricati sa GM-om

Paladins are gay

Blizzard loves paladins

Therefore, Blizzard is gay

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@Hellion ... ja na public ne idem vec pola godine...

@f4ts0 u bet ;)

@kole pa to je nadimak koji je dao Santa...

Nego... danas je zeus napravio 5x kill ... mrzim jebenog zeusa (komitet planete Olimp sa Herom na celu oce da tuzi icefroga zbog kradje imena!! xD )

dodje veno baci ulti, sk i lich ih osakate sa ultijima i protivnicka naga baci sleep i svi krenu da beze...

cim se zeus probudio bacio je ulti i sve nas pobio xD

cek cek, protivnicka naga je bacila sleep na vasheg zeus-a , i onda se on probudio i pobio ceo svoj party? KOJA IMBA!

Nije bitno da je velik, bitno je da je lep...
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