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Microsoft lists Vista minimum requirements

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Hardware requirements for a Vista Capable PC are a processor with a speed of at least 800 MHz, 512MB of system memory and a graphics processor that is DirectX 9 capable.

A Windows Vista Premium Ready PC has a good deal more requirements. It must have at least a 1-GHz 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor, 1GB of system memory, 128MB of graphics memory, 40GB of hard drive capacity with 15GB of free space, a DVD-ROM drive, audio output capabilities and Internet access capability.

It also needs a graphics processor that runs Windows Aero, which Microsoft defines as a DirectX 9 class graphics processor that supports a Windows Display Driver Model Driver, Pixel Shader 2.0 in hardware and 32 bits per pixel.

The graphics processor for Aero must also meet the following requirements for graphics memory: 64MB of graphics memory to support a single monitor less than 1,310,720 pixels; 128MB of graphics memory to support a single monitor at resolutions from 1,310,720 to 2,304,000 pixels; or 256MB of graphics memory to support a single monitor at resolutions higher than 2,304,000 pixels....

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Microsoft Corp. launched a Web site outlining the minimum hardware requirements for the next version of the Windows operating system, Windows Vista.

The move comes less than a week before the company will host its Windows Hardware Engineering Conference (WinHEC) in Seattle. At the show, which kicks off Tuesday, Microsoft and hardware manufacturers are expected to show how Vista will run on a variety of machines, as well as showcase add-on technology built to enhance the operating system.

On the Microsoft "Get Ready" Web site, the company outlined the requirements for running both low-end versions of Vista and higher-end versions that take advantage of the operating system's new Aero graphical user interface capabilities.

The company differentiates between the two by calling the former a "Windows Vista Capable PC" and the latter a "Windows Vista Premium Ready PC."

Hardware requirements for a Vista Capable PC are a processor with a speed of at least 800 MHz, 512MB of system memory and a graphics processor that is DirectX 9 capable.

A Windows Vista Premium Ready PC has a good deal more requirements. It must have at least a 1-GHz 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor, 1GB of system memory, 128MB of graphics memory, 40GB of hard drive capacity with 15GB of free space, a DVD-ROM drive, audio output capabilities and Internet access capability.

It also needs a graphics processor that runs Windows Aero, which Microsoft defines as a DirectX 9 class graphics processor that supports a Windows Display Driver Model Driver, Pixel Shader 2.0 in hardware and 32 bits per pixel.

The graphics processor for Aero must also meet the following requirements for graphics memory: 64MB of graphics memory to support a single monitor less than 1,310,720 pixels; 128MB of graphics memory to support a single monitor at resolutions from 1,310,720 to 2,304,000 pixels; or 256MB of graphics memory to support a single monitor at resolutions higher than 2,304,000 pixels.

Microsoft began working with hardware partners several months ago to prepare customers for Vista's release. In April, PCs with stickers saying "Windows Vista Capable" became available in stores, letting customers know what hardware can be upgraded to Vista once it is available. Microsoft does not plan to do the same with the Windows Vista Premium Ready designation, recommending customers ask a retailer or manufacturer about PCs that meet those requirements.

On the Get Ready Web site, Microsoft stressed that purchasing a Windows Vista Capable PC does not mean customers will get discount vouchers for Windows Vista. They still must purchase an edition of the operating system for full price when Vista is available.

In March, Microsoft said the consumer release of Vista would be delayed until January 2007, though business customers will have access through Microsoft volume licensing to the operating system before the end of the year. Since Microsoft is missing the busy Christmas holiday shopping season with Vista's general release -- which had been an important target for selling the new operating system -- analysts are predicting that the company may release Vista even later than January

bogami su zakuvali....

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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To sa ramom je proseravanje. Beta 2 je meni sasvim lepo shljakala sa amd64 ~ 1.8ghz, 512 rama. Kapiram da ce grafika zbog shiny efekata tu imati presudan uticaj al' to se da lako iskljuchiti. Tranzicija ce trajati jedno 6-7 meseci dok ne ispeglaju sistem od bagova koji ce se prirodno pojaviti.

Edited by stalja
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mislim da je ovakva vista, realno gledano i najbolja. jeste da je nece moci svi koristiti sada, ali vista se pravi da traje 6,7 godina.. vec 2008 ovi zahtevi koje ima vista nece zvucati strasno... ali graficke i ostale mogucnosti viste koje traze ovakve preformanse zadovoljavace nase zahteve dugo godina...

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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Nije mi jasno zashto se svi bune? Zahtevnost ce u principu biti malo veca u odnosu na XP za one kojima ne trebaju grafichki efekti. Uostalom, sledeci komp koji budem kupovao ce sigurno u sebi imati bar 4 Gb rama.

А в чем сила, брат?

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