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leaked patch notes


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The Following is a direct translation of the actual patch notes from the official Chinese World of Warcraft website; if you do not believe me, get someone who can read Chinese and get them to translate it. The link is below:


Here we go, (I am not going to translate all of it, only the parts of it that I deem important. I will also include my own opinions and comments. Keep in mind that sometimes I will translate the meaning but not literally)

1.11 patch (Not responsible leaked version, as in if it's fake, then too bad.)

All new 40-men instance

    * In EPL

Edited by Immortalis

This video contains content from Jimmy Kimmel Live, who has decided to block it in your country.

[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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1 - ovo je staro

2 - nema ceka lazo - ish sa subforuma sa ovakvim porukama, podstichesh mi odgovore tipa ovog horzhovog "nisam chitao ali slova izgledaju ozbiljno..."

3 - takodje, ovo je fake, o chemu je vetj prichano kada se prvi put negde pojavio ovaj text...

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Ne bi bilo lose da stvarno ubace onu foru da ne dobijas honour kada nema dovoljno igraca u BGu, mislim treba smisliti nesto da se u ABu izbegnu situacije tipa 5 na 15

But I doubt there's a journey planned for me - As I own every moment of my life

And the blessed they shall call it blasphemy - But I know what I think is right

Still the sun and the stars will shine for me - For the pure I will fight

For no king I will die - For my thoughts I will live

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Shto se tiche ovoga da ce hunteri imati scattered da uce kod trenera a umesto toga imati na talente skil koji skida sve cooldownove na aimed / multy / shta vec .... hmmm.... to bi onda onaj trinket iz Zg-a skroz izbacilo iz upotrebe....

Mada kada bi to ubacili buffovali bi huntere NEVIDJENO.....

Svidja mi se ideja da Nex ide posle Barona...to je kao BWL u UBRS-u .... simpatichno...

Takodje mi se svidja to shto ce imati questovi da se rade za Nex a ne kao Bwl samo farm, farm, farm i farm jebeni !!!


    * Summoning- if your target is too close, you may not summon.

Chek, chek...jel to znachi da nece mocu da me summonuju u instanci kad su malo poodmakli a ja tek doshao oO

Ne znam...nekako mi svi ovi buffovi zvuche orelepo da bi bili istiniti

eh da, zaboravio sam da kazem da ce sada arcane explosion biti instant bez talenata....znaci xtra ako je tako.....

Arbeit macht Frei.

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a sto su to kinezi bolji od nas pa blizzard njima objavi na sajtu a nama i amerima ne? i meni se cini da je fake

* Blood Craze- redesign, now after a crit, you get 2/4/6% of your health back. (I do not know if its instantly gain those points back, but if it is, then OMFGWTFBBQ, because if you have 5k health, which is easy to do, every time you get crit, you instantly get 300hp back.)

sad dali je ono kad udari crit ili kad primi .....ako je kad primi onda su rogovi zavrsili svoje ...svaki put kad rog crituje warrior se izleci 6% ..to je imba .....a ako je kad udari crit ....ma nema sanse ....fake

"U dresu Redzi Millera idem do svog dilera, vutre puna kesa al' ost'o sam bez dresa"

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