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Quake 4 1.1 Beta

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YEAH! :)

"voice chat in multiplayer, a forcemodel option, a one-minute warning for tournament matches, fixed pure server autodownloading, Hyper-Threading Technology support, smooth stairjumping and a ton of multiplayer specific fixes which have been requested by the community and discovered during our own gameplay. In short, multiplayer is fixed."

bla,.. treba nam krek za pech..

mizantrop iz Singidunuma


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ako neko nadje krek za 1.1b nek' mi se javi ako nije prob... pa i 1.05 javljajte jer bih prebacivao servere na ove verzije (1.05 odmah a 1.1b kada izadju xbm i q4max za tu verziju..)..

mislim naravno na public server, ne na nocd...

Edited by Niko

mizantrop iz Singidunuma


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